-- dilemma


When the three arrived at the school, there were many other students also walking in at the time.

"Go to class, GD. We might be a little late." Top ordered. G-Dragon nodded.

"See ya later, Junjun!" He grinned, purposely ignoring Top. Junjun shyly waved to him as Top continued his way forward.

"Let's go to the main office. My mom said they should have all the information you need to know there." Junjun nodded and hurriedly caught up to him.

"Umm...is your friend always like that?" She whispered. Top turned his head to see GD and three other boys who were waving at him from across the other side of the courtyard. He ignored their waves and continued to walk forward.

"Yeah...he's just a little flirty ball of sunshine, isn't he?" Junjun giggled at Top's sarcastic remark.

"I think he's cute." She smiled. Top swallowed hard.


Dammit, Kwon JiYong! Your stupid cute act worked like a charm on Junjun. Now I'm going to have to compete with you, too?

x End POV x

Junjun looked up at Top.

"Mr. Top? Are you okay?" She asked. Top blinked and looked at her. He saw her face was full of worry. And it simply killed him to see her worried.

"I'm fine." He smiled. Junjun nodded and smiled too.

They both reached the front of the school. When they got to the door, Top politely held it open, and gestured for her to go in first like every man should do. She blushed as she whispered a soft 'thank you' and walked in. Once inside, they were instantly separated from one another.

"T-Top?" She politely squeezed and made her way through crowds of other unknown teenagers her age. Unaware of where she should go, she just walked in random places hoping to see Top somewhere. Maybe even GD - he'd be able to get her to the main office. But after about 10 minutes of searching in what seemed to be the same spot she started in, Junjun sighed and sat on an oddly unoccupied bench in the hallway. She sat down on it, smoothed out her skirt, and crossed her legs.

"Hey, are you new?"

The sudden voice startled Junjun and made her jump in her place. She blinked twice and turned her head to her left to see a boy with straight dark, uneven bangs that covered one eye and hardly reached his eyebrow on the other. It looked as if it was some sort of bowl cut style, but not as cheesy. It was more of a 'classy' kind of style. Junjun was too shocked to reply. Nobody had ever been this casual to her right away in her life - except for Top. "Cat got your tongue?" He asked in a deep, husky voice. He chuckled. Junjun noticed how circular his cheeks were when he laughed, and how spaced out his teeth were. Not that he was ugly. He was drop dead handsome. "Park Yoochun." The stranger student stuck out his hand, causing Junjun to flinch again. She looked down at his hand, then back up at his face.

"J-junjun," She weakly shook it. Yoochun smiled.

"You must be an exchange student, right? Junjun doesn't sound Korean."

"Y-yeah. I'm from China," She replied shyly. Yoochun's eyes grew a bit bigger in curiosity.

"Ni hao," He grinned. Junjun adjusted her posture.

"You speak Chinese?" She asked. Yoochun shook his head.

"Naw, I only know how to say hello. But speaking of languages, your Korean is really great." Junjun blushed hard at his kind compliment.


Junjun looked down the hall to see Top running towards her and Yoochun. She stood when he stopped in front of her, panting heavily.

"I'm really sorry I lost you before," Top apologized between breaths. "I should've been much more careful." Junjun giggled.

"It's fine! Mr. Yoochun here kept me company until you came." The boys looked at each other.

"Yo," They both gave each other a knuckle punch.

"I was going to introduce you to Yoochun and everyone else when we got to class," Top paused to give her her schedule. "But I guess you two are already acquainted." Junjun and Yoochun nodded together. Top looked at both of them standing next to one another. A sharp pain of jealousy hit him in the chest. They looked perfect together.

Yoochun glanced over at Junjun's schedule. "Yah, you've got Math and Korean with me!" He lightly nudged Junjun. "You can sit next to me."

"She's in all my classes," Top spat back in a-matter-of-fact tone. Truth is, he had begged the secretary to alter her schedule so she'd be in all his classes. Junjun looked up with a wide, cheeky smile.

"Really?!" She covered her large smile with the paper. "This is going to be so exciting!" She began talking to herself in Chinese as she turned around to put her schedule in her schoolbag. What Junjun hadn't noticed were that the two boys were now glaring at one another. Junjun had been too oblivious to notice that the boys were feuding in between the lines before.

"Why don't you just tell her to bend over?" Yoochun hissed so only Top could hear.

"Where's your boyfriend? Or is he staying home today from all the pain you gave him last night when you had your up his ?" Top fired back. Yoochun's eyes widened in anger. An idea suddenly popped into his head.

"Hey, Junjun,"

"Hmmm?" She turned around. Yoochun, in an instant, grabbed Top's hand and pushed it against the left side of Junjun's chest. With his fingers, he forced Top's knuckles to bend and squeeze. For Top and Junjun, time felt like it had stopped. They both looked at each other directly in the eye.

"Oops!" Yoochun dramatically covered his hands over his mouth. The two were frozen in place, unable to move. Yoochun watched with a smirk, until Top slowly slid his hand back, molding his fingers into a fist and punching Yoochun in the jaw. Junjun gasped in fear as Yoochun slammed to the ground with a grunt. She quickly panicked and looked around the halls to see if anyone was there. What happened to all of those students?! Were they already that late for class?!

Yoochun slid his back up against a wall as Top slowly made his way towards him. "Whoa, chill man! It was only a joke." Yoochun held both his hands up in surrender. Top crouched down on top of him and grabbed him by the front of the uniform shirt.

"You think it's funny?" He growled. "You think it's funny to ually harass a poor girl, who did nothing wrong?!" Top's voice rose. Junjun's body flooded with nervousness when she heard the anger in his voice - yelling just didn't fit his cool and down-to-earth personality.

"Top." junjun quickly stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him, an attempt to pull him off Yoochun. At the slight feeling of her touch, he let go.

"Look it! She's already crawling all over you. Just like Jessica - all sweet and innocent until you IMPREGNATED her. "Yoochun stood up and dusted off his uniform. "You should've just stuck with GD, that way you wouldn't of had to worry." He picked up his schoolbag and began walking down the hall. "And by the way, his was in my mouth!"


"Junjun, I-" Top was cut short as Junjun shoved him away. "What? Now you're mad at me, too?"

"Impregnated a girl?!"

"Junjun, listen-" Junjun picked up her bag and began to walk away, but Top grabbed her arm. Not too hard though, Junjun noticed. The grip on her arm wasn't even that tight. Was he testing her? To see if she would take her chance and run away while he gave her a chance to? "If you promise to not be mad at me for the day, I'll tell you everything at home. Just, please don't believe anything Yoochun said. I'm sure that completely ruined your first day, and I'm sorry." He let go of her arm. She stood there, her back facing him. She sighed.

"We're late to class."

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
Bigbang, top
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
teddiebears #3
love this, thank you
visiting old stories!
Chapter 9: You should really continue this :D It is a really great story ^^
Chapter 9: Agh. I really hope that Jun-Jun can accept him for who he is. I love your writing style.
keep it up author ^^
pignie1 #8
new subbie!

update soon!
supaluvTaemin #9
kagaki #10
You should continue this, I love every second <3