Songs, Dances, Stolen Glances

Smile, Amore

Chapter 2 - Songs, Dances, Stolen Glances

Their primary school had a 'tradition' of sorts: every year group was to learn a song and dance routine to perform at an end-of-year concert, which would be attended by the students' friends and families. It was a big deal not only for the kids, but their parents too as they worked for days on end to create adorable costumes and props. Taeyeon, being in the 5th grade, was required to dress in a colourful outfit for a performance of H.O.T's hit, "Happiness". The cohord would meet up every Wednesday for an hour of practice.

Despite the passing years and the growth they swear should have taken place, Taeyeon and Sunny's small statures always landed them a spot in the first row. The front row kids generally served as a reminder for those behind them of what were the correct dance steps, so the two girls were already used to having eyes on them. This time, however, was different. This time, there was snickering.

Taeyeon turned to her right and blinked. "Hey, Sunkyu... They're not laughing at us, are they?"

The question alone was enough to make Sunny spin around in anger. "Yah! Something funny, you giants? The air up there must be really ticklish--" her words were cut short as she noticed her peers pointing to the side, where a boy only slightly taller than they stood awkwardly, glancing up at Taeyeon quickly before tearing his eyes away and scratching the back of his neck.

"Dude, say something!" urged a boy beside him. "It's your girlfriend!"

Sunny pulled a face and nudged Taeyeon. "What's he on about? You have a boyfriend?"

"I don't!" Taeyeon insisted, rising to her tip toes to try and find the creator of such a stemless rumour. Instead, she caught the eye of a red-faced kid who began blinking furiously at the sight of her looking. After the encouragement of the boys around him, he cleared his throat and stepped forward slightly.

"Y-You're a really good dancer!" he stammered before running back to his place and getting punched lightly on the arm by his friend.

Taeyeon stared blankly. "No I'm not," she said matter-of-factly, and that was it. She didn't turn around again.

Later that day, she sat on her chair and hit the side of her PC monitor impatiently. "How can you be so slow? It's only one page!"

Unable to bear the ridiculous loading period, she switched over to instant messaging and decided to take her frustrations onto her personal status.

kimtaen9~^^ [email protected]
Why does the internet always take so long?? AISH


Almost immediately she signed on appeared a popup.

[email protected] would like to be your friend. If you know [email protected] and would like to have them as a friend on Messenger, click the Accept button below. If you don't know them or would not like to add them as a friend, click the Reject button below.

"Jinkik... Jin Kik... Oh," she realised aloud. "'Jinki kekekeke.' So you're the one everyone keeps talking about." Clicking the accept button, it wasn't long before a new window appeared with his username as the title.

An image loaded and she pulled a face.

"What the... what?"

2jinki says:
annyeongㅋㅋ taeyeonㅋㅋㅋ

kimtaen9~^^ says:

kimtaen9~^^ says:
is that you in your display pic?

2jinki says:
yesㅋㅋㅋ i look kind of weird thoughㅋㅋ

kimtaen9~^^ says:
why are you eating your phone

2jinki says:
i don't knowㅋㅋ it's surprisingly tastyㅋㅋㅋ

2jinki says:
that was a jokeㅋㅋㅋㅋ

kimtaen9~^^ says:

kimtaen9~^^ says:
are you the boy i saw today at school?

2jinki says:
i don't knowㅋㅋㅋ

kimtaen9~^^ says:
during dance practice

2jinki says:
oh yeah i was some rows behind you i thinkㅋㅋ i don't know thoughㅋㅋ

kimtaen9~^^ says:
why were people calling me your girlfriend?

2jinki says:
i don't knowㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Taeyeon scoffed. What a jolly fellow he is for someone who knows nothing. 

kimtaen9~^^ says:
can you please ask them to stop?

2jinki says:
oh yeah i will.. sorry!!ㅠㅠ

kimtaen9~^^ says:

kimtaen9~^^ says:
it's ok!

kimtaen9~^^ says:
i have to go now though

2jinki says:
annyeongㅋㅋㅋsee you at schoolㅋㅋㅋ

kimtaen9~^^ says:

You cannot send messages while appearing offline.

Taeyeon frowned at her computer screen. Although his constant chuckling did somewhat get on her nerves, he seemed like a happy person, and happy people were difficult to hate. She began to wonder whether they'd be able to be friends or if everyone would tease them too much... Pushing the thought aside, she opened up a game of Tetris. No point worrying about things that meant nothing.

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yourfavoritefruit #1
Great start! Keep it up
Chapter 2: I remember Taeyeon mentioning in a show once that the Onew she knew predebut looked like bamtory then they showed the picture of Onew eating his phone xD
lwyCarmen #3
LOL at the photo with Onew 'eating' his phone!L
lwyCarmen #4
LOL at the photo with Onew 'eating' his phone!L
Getting excited just reading the foreword <3
Yay, Ontaeng! <3