What I've been waiting for

Never Letting You Go


   Chanyeol had walked home in a daze. All he could think of was what Kris had said and the things he wished he had said. No doubt Kris was already making up with Tao. The thought made Chanyeol’s step falter.  He hadn’t been expecting  anyone to be at his place so he was surprised to see Jongin leaning against the door.


“Woah,you look like , bro.”   Jongin remarked.

Chanyeol sighed. “Did the demons in hell kick you out? Why are you here?”

“I miss you too,hyung. I needed a place to stay so I came here.”

“Aren’t you with Kyungsoo? Won’t he be looking for you?”

“Just open the damn door.”


      Chanyeol fished his keys out from his pocket and opened the door. Jongin let himself in and settled down on the couch. The taller stared at him. Ever since Kyungsoo and him had went steady, Jongin rarely made an appearance in his life. Something must have happened. After a minute of thinking about it though, Chanyeol just shrugged it off. Jongin was a grown up; he can handle his own problems. He had his own share anyway.


“So Kris and you fought?”  Jongin raised an eyebrow.

Chanyeol snorted. “Mind your own business.”

“Don’t tell me you still haven’t confessed to him?”

“Geez, shut up!” Chanyeol grabbed a pillow and threw it at him.

Jongin dodged it easily. “Baekhyun hyung would have come with me but he has a photoshoot coming along so he couldn’t. He said he was tired seeing you mope around.”

“I am not moping around.”   Chanyeol glared.

“You know what? Just give me his address and I’m going to talk to him by myself.”  Jongin stood up and headed for the door.

Chanyeol grabbed his wrist. “Jongin,please don’t.  I could’ve confessed to him last night but I didn’t. He . . . he fell for me before. He was in love with me before Tao confessed to him. He said he almost told me too but he overheard me denying any feelings I could have for him. How could I mess that chance up,Jongin? Kris . . . he’s everything I want and I keep  letting him slip through my fingers.”

Jongin turned around and grabbed the taller in a hug, rubbing circles on your back. “Okay, I won’t kill him today. Don’t cry. You look weird when you do.”

Chanyeol chuckled hoarsely. “Fine,fine.”


              Jongin gave up on prying more details from Chanyeol and just settled on dragging him out for breakfast. Breakfast now then prying later. Jongin nearly smirked. Kris wasn’t escaping him anytime soon.


               Kris was watching Tao sleep, curled up in his arms. He kept replaying last night’s event. He had wanted to rush to Tao’s side as soon as he called but there was another pull. That pull was telling him to stay with Chanyeol and never ever leave again. To be quite honest, the feeling of wanting to stay with Chanyeol was much stronger but when the latter told him to go, he felt disappointment? He was surprised to actually feel that. He wanted Chanyeol to tell him to leave Tao yet he knew that Chanyeol wouldn’t do that. He wasn’t that kind of person.


“Penny for your thoughts.” Luhan mumbled quietly but still managing to surprise Kris.

Kris groaned when he looked to see who was speaking. “Haven’t you heard of knocking?”

“This was my apartment before too. You could’ve changed the locks if you didn’t want me sneaking in here.” Luhan rolled his eyes.

“I suppose I should be grateful that you’re not a thief then.”

“I’m not interested in material things, my dear.” Luhan said, inching closer to Kris and whispered in his ear. “I am going to steal your heart away.”

“Why are you practicing your lines with Sehun on me?” Kris said undisturbed at all being used to the playful boy.

“Well because you’re both  massive faces.” Luhan said simply.

“ off,Luhan.”

Luhan grinned. “There’s a human response!” he chirped happily. “So tell me, why  are you still with that panda?”

“What do you mean?”

Luhan looked at him sadly. “Kris, I’m hurt. You tell your problems to Chanyeol but not to me when you’ve known me far longer. Tao’s unfaithfulness isn’t even surprising anymore. What’s surprising is that you put up with it.”

“Luhan . .  .”

“Don’t give me that bull about him promising to change because if he was, he would’ve broken up with his other guy but he didn’t.” Luhan spared a glance at his tall friend. He knew that Kris looked strong, scary even but underneath his exterior, he was vulnerable, too trusting. He was his didi by months but he felt wholly responsible for him. “Sehun and I were there,Kris. Tao said that they should just lay low for a while to get your trust back then they were going to continue.”


      Kris nodded stiffly, feeling oddly out of place. He wasn’t even surprised anymore. Didn’t he see the tinge of guilt in Tao’s eyes last night as they made up? How many times did Tao’s phone ring last night and he just excuse it as his cousin? Kris wanted to smack his head against the wall for his stupidity but he couldn’t. Tao was still sleeping in his arms. He looked at Luhan meaningfully and the older nodded. Luhan mouthed a go at Kris and then pushed Tao out of bed as Kris pulled his arms away. Since Tao was a wushu expert, he quickly shot up after falling to the floor and glared at his geges.


“Luhan gege . . .” Tao relaxed his stance but shifted his feet nervously.

Kris got out of bed and stretched, feeling light despite what Luhan had said. “He told me interesting things about you, Tao. I’m not going to ask why or for your excuses because I’m sick of them.”

“K-Kris. . .”Tao edged towards his lover, ex-lover, and tried reaching for his arm.

Kris ignored him and turned to Luhan. “Let’s go eat breakfast. I’m buying.”

Luhan grinned at him. “No taking that back okay?” then he quickly dragged Kris out of the apartment only to come back a few seconds later. “Oh by the way, Zitao, Kris totally deserved better than you. Lock the door when you leave!”


         By the time Kris and Luhan had left the apartment complex, Tao was completely out of their minds and they were laughing. Kris had to hand it to Luhan; the little deer sure can make him smile.


          Chanyeol and Jongin were roaming around the mall trying to look for food. There were lots of restaurants there but they were either ridiculously expensive or smelled like death. Who knew looking for food could be this difficult? Jongin was trying to convince Chanyeol that they should just eat at a fast food chain but the taller wasn’t giving in. hadn’t Kris told him that eating greasy food could be bad for him?


“Dude, you love fast foods! What happened to you?” Jongin exclaimed.

“They’re greasy and bad for your health.” Chanyeol shrugged.

The younger grinned. “Twenty bucks say you got that from Kris.”

Chanyeol blushed. “N-no. I read that from the internet.”

“And why would you search that up on your own?”                                                   

       Chanyeol opened his mouth to retort but he couldn’t think of anything and he could already see the glint of victory in Jongin’s eyes. Irritation got the better of him and he dragged Jongin to the nearest fast food. He didn’t care what Kris thought anyway.


“When I say I’m buying, I actually have higher expectations from you.” Kris grimaced as he looked at the menu. In a freaking fast food chain.

Luhan rolled his eyes. “You should be thankful that I’m not abusing your generosity instead of complaining.”

“Abuse me all you want.” Kris groaned.

“My, my, be careful what you say. I may abuse you in ways you don’t expect.”Luhan winked at him.

“Sure, give Sehun more reasons to guard you.”


        Luhan gave his tall friend a glare but he got distracted when he saw the familiar mop of brown hair two people behind them. His glare turned into a smile and instantly skipped over to the other.


“Chanyeol!” Luhan said as he hugged him tightly.

Chanyeol blinked, surprised by the sudden hug. “Luhan hyung? Didn’t we tell you not to randomly hug people?”

“You’re not random; you’re Chanyeol.” Luhan grinned.

“Of course.” Chanyeol beamed. Luhan was someone who could always make anyone smile. It’s like something automatic. “What are you doing here anyway?”

“Oh, I’m here with Kris.” Luhan pointed to Kris who was looking at them curiously.

“Oh.” Chanyeol pursed his lips. Nothing had changed between them. He hadn’t confessed to Kris so he didn’t need to feel awkward, right?

“Chanyeol, I’m back!” jongin ran up to him.

Luhan raised an eyebrow. “Oh, who’s this?”

Chanyeol opened his mouth to introduce the two of them but Jongin beat him to it. “My name’s Kim Jongin and I’m available if you are.” He said with a sly wink.

Luhan giggled, shaking his head. “I didn’t know you had a charming friend, Chanyeol.”

“Please stop. I’m going to throw up.” Chanyeol fake gagged.


      Jongin surveyed the man in front of him. Chanyeol was slightly blushing and Jongin thought this man was the reason. Was this Kris? Chanyeol had described him as unbelievably handsome that it was unfair but the guy didn’t look that handsome. He wasn’t bad looking, quite cute but more on the pretty side than handsome. Was Chanyeol lying to him?


“Luhan,, it’s your turn to order.” A much taller man called out and Jongin whistled.

“Man, Chanyeol, you weren’t kidding.” Jongin whispered.

“Shut up.” Chanyeol puffed his cheeks in embarrassment.

Luhan looked back at Kris then back at the two. “Chanyeol, you guys should eat with us. Come on. Let’s order together.”


      Chanyeol was already thinking of ways to avoid it. Fake diarrhoea? Act faint? Anything!  He wasn’t ready to share a meal with Kris yet. But of course, Jongin, the little spawn of the devil was already agreeing to Luhan,totally not minding that Chanyeol might have a mental breakdown soon. Kris perked up when he saw Chanyeol following behind Luhan but his mood dampened a little when he saw Jongin.


“Uh,hi?”   Kris smiled slightly at Jongin.

Jongin couldn’t help but feel slightly intimidated by Kris’ height but he tried not to let it show. “Hi, I’m  Jongin, Chanyeol’s boyfriend.”

Chanyeol blushed, flailing his arms. “Uhm.. no, what Jongin meant to say was that uhm.. uh.. god I hate this kid… uhm.. uh..”

Kris sighed, feeling a pang on his heart after what he had just heard. “Why didn’t you tell me about Jongin, Yeol? I thought we were best friends.”

Chanyeol opened his mouth to retort but Jongin quickly covered his mouth. “Chanyeollie’s my boyfriend so I’d appreciate it if you don’t use that tone on him.”


     Luhan could see that the atmosphere was getting dangerous fast so he quickly pushed Kris down in an empty booth while motioning for the ‘couple’ to sit down as well. Jongin slung an arm around Chanyeol’s shoulder quite awkwardly since Chanyeol was trying to move it away. During the meal, Luhan and Jongin were the only one talking or flirting. It was a combination of both. When Jongin’s phone rang, he quickly shot up from the table and ran outside to answer the call. Chanyeol guessed it must be Kyungsoo from the flustered expression that his friend had. Luhan coughed awkwardly before muttering that he needed to go to the bathroom.


Chanyeol could feel Kris’ gaze burning onto the side of his face. “Kris, stop glaring. It’s creepier than scary.’

“I’m sorry.” Kris softened his expression, sighing.

Chanyeol quickly scooted closer to him and leaned his head on his shoulder. “What’s wrong? You look tired.”

The taller leaned his head on Chanyeol’s before answering. “Tao and I finally broke up. It took some Luhan help but at least it’s over for real now.”

“F-for real?!” Chanyeol pulled back, staring at Kris’ face. This could finally be their chance.

“Yeah, for real.”  Kris chuckled. “It was honestly all beyond stupid that it took this long.”

“Kris, you have no idea how much I waited for this.” Chanyeol quickly covered his mouth after realizing what he just said.

“What do you mean?” Kris asked, brows furrowing.


    It was at this moment that both Luhan and Jongin decided to come back. Jongin quickly pulled his ‘boyfriend’ away from the other giant while Luhan was giving them teasing looks. Luhan had invited the two of them to spend the day with him and Kris but Jongin blew it off, pretending that he didn’t want to share his boyfriend with them. As they were saying their goodbyes, Kris suddenly pulled Chanyeol in a tight hug.


“I want to know what you meant by that. Come to the park later at midnight. We’ll talk.” 



A.N: Okay so.... uhm, I'm not even gonna lie. I honestly thought that I havent posted the foreword for this story. Like I thought it was all in my head or something but the comments made me realize things. OTL. I promise the update wouldnt take as long next time~ probably by next week or earlier ^-^ 

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Chapter 2: Love the story, great job there.
Love the writting style and the plot! ♥♥♥ fighting autjor-nim ~
xycouple #2
Chapter 2: i think this is the third times i read this story... never tired tho....
Krisyeolsdaughter #3
Lighterain #4
OH MY GHAWD!!! The ending was too adorable I cant even think right now >_____<
I <33333 this so much :)

soooo cute
wishurmine #6
Chapter 2: This is so cute >.< I lOve it very much!! Another sequel author-nim?? :D
Chapter 2: Omfggg happy endiiingg!!! C; thank you authornim~~ :3
Chapter 1: you better update sooonnnnnn
/by virtual power looks at your laptop like a desperate

I want update!!

Kai ish shoooooo cute n smart o u o
serves the birdy right >..<
Author nim!!!! Updaaaaate pleaaase~~~