Chapter 27

Daehyun's choice - Her or Me

"Jihyun!!!" Both the guys shouted in unison.

*Job well done, unnie.* Eunseo smirked from behind the pillar at  tall figure walking away from the scene.

"Quick! Lift up the locker!" L shouted.

Both L and Daehyun worked together to lift the locker off of Jihyun. The door of the locker was slightly dented but both guys we're too worried about Jihyun's safety to care about the locker's condition now.

L hugged Jihyun close to his chest but before he could say anything, Daehyun pushed him away and Jihyun landed in his arms instead.

"What's your problem?!"

"What's my problem? What's your problem? You were the one stomping off and no matter how many times she called, you didn't bother turning around, you didn't bother hearing her explanation, and you called her a . ARE YOU EVEN HUMAN!?" Daehyun screamed like never before.

L hung his head. *He's right... I'm a total jerk...*

"You unbelievable beast." Daehyun scoffed and carried Jihyun to the hospital.


"Doctor, is she going to be alright?" Daehyun asked the doctor immediately after he heard the doors of the ward open.

"She has a fractured arm and her head is slightly bruised but don't worry, other than that she's fine." The doctor reassured Daehyun.

"Can I go and check on her? Please?" Daehyun begged. All he could think of now was Jihyun's condition. Just the thought of her getting injured kills him.

"In what way are you related to her?" 

"I'm her fiancé."

L who was leaning against a wall nearby stiffened and hung his head once more.

"I see. Kids nowadays...," The doctor shook his head as he looked through his clipboard and finally nodded,"Sure young man." The doctor patted his shoulders and walked off.

Daehyun slowly opened the door, careful not to wake her up. He walked to the side of her bed and took her by the hand. Slowly, he leaned in to kiss her temples and gently, he her soft, brown curls.

Shortly after, Jihyun squirmed and Daehyun's eyes immediately increased in size.

"Daehyun..oppa..." Jihyun whispered softly as she tightened her grip on Daehyun's hands.

*She called me oppa...* Daehyun was close to tears. She did it. She finally called him oppa. No screaming, no anger, just a simple oppa was enough to make him feel like he was in heaven.

"Yes Jihyunnie?" 

"L... he... he doesn't care about me anymore..." And a tear escaped from her eyes.

Daehyun's heart hurt seeing her cry. Especially when it was because of that Kim Myungsoo.

*Kim Myungsoo, I'll find a day to settle this with you, once and for all.* Daehyun furrowed his eyebrows and gritted his teeth.



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Kimberley #1
Chapter 32: I love this story!! You are such a good writer! Please update soon xx
Vwansha #2
Chapter 32: I'm a new reader and I love the story! The story has some drama but does not have too much(has it's limits). I like that because it doesn't seem too dramatic of very scene that is described. I also like how you end the chapters with cliff hangers. This leaves the reader wanting to know more about what is going to happen. The story is also well written,although it may have some errors. But hey not everyone is very fluent in English or they either are from a different country. I appreciate those authors who try to write in English for many people that are on this website. Good luck on the story and the upcoming chapters! Take your time and sorry for the long comment. I just love this story! :)
Hannah93 #3
I am still waiting authornim...update please :)
Parkzhixiu #4
Chapter 4: update please...I like your story..where have u been? anyway...wish you're doing fine.
ladan486 #5
Chapter 32: please update its good
chanita223 #6
Chapter 26: OMG who is the guy please update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way love the story !!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 32: omgggg!!! whos tht guy????!!! author-nim pleeeeaassseeeee uppddateeee.. Daeeeeehhhhyyyuuunnnniiieeer~~~
Sooyoung2863 #8
Chapter 32: Who is it??? OMG! really love the story~ update soon author-nim.. hwaiting! ^_^
Chapter 2: OMG so sorry but I can't stand your use of ________ arh instead of ________-ah and I understand your using broken english and I know it's your choice but please improve it to get more subscribers and views. I'm a pure korean and I don't quite like your broken language in here. I'm so sorry.
Chapter 32: who is it? another guy?! WAAA... please update soon...