Chapter 25

Daehyun's choice - Her or Me

"In 1392, who established the Joseon Dynasty after a coup in 1388? Jihyun?" 

"Yah, answer!" Krystal nudged Jihyun who was staring blankly into space.

"U-Uh yes, what was it again?" Jihyun sat up straight and rubbed her eyes.

"I asked, in 1392, who established the Joseon Dynasty after a coup in 1388?" Mr Lee repeated himself, obviously annoyed.

"Lee Seong-gye."

"Very well. But please pay attention next time, Lee Ji Hyun." Mr Lee narrowed his eyes at her before going on with the lesson.

"Huuu." Jihyun shrank back in her seat and closed her eyes. *I feel so confused...Myungsoo or Daehyun?*

Soon the bell indicated that History lesson was over and Math class is here. Which means...


During the short break, Krystal faced Jihyun and asked,"What happened to you? You've been zoning out since lunch. Anything wrong?"

"Ani, I'm just...tired..." Jihyun faked a yawn and laid her head on the table.

"Well, you'd better not zone out during Mr. Yang's class. He's announcing the marks for our Math test and you know, the usual. No As, no going home." Krystal sighed at the thought.

Suddenly, the door flung open and B.A.P walked in.

"Excuse me, you're sitting at my seat." Daehyun walked towards Krystal.

"S-Sorry!" Krystal grabbed her bag and moved to the seat behind Jihyun.

Satisfied, Daehyun sat down.

"Who do you think you are to chase my best friend away?" Jihyun hissed without looking at Daehyun.

"Wow, bipolar much? First you hu- OW!"

"Can you keep quiet. You were the one that hugged me first." Jihyun whispered and rolled her eyes.

"You didn't have to pinch me!" Daehyun huffed.

"You two know each other?" Krystal popped her head between the two.

"NO!" Both of them yelled at the same time.

"Then why are the two of you talking like you guys know each other, really well?"

*She's getting suspicious. This is not good.* Jihyun and Daehyun thought.

I'm not the type that types long chapters but here you go, an update.

I'll know which school I'm posted to tomorrow and I'm buying books on Thursday AAAAANNNNNNNDDDDDD I'm going to my friend's housewarming party on Friday.

Then I'll be on semi-hiatus from Friday onwards.

But I'll try and find some time to update.


-blackpudding09 :)

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Kimberley #1
Chapter 32: I love this story!! You are such a good writer! Please update soon xx
Vwansha #2
Chapter 32: I'm a new reader and I love the story! The story has some drama but does not have too much(has it's limits). I like that because it doesn't seem too dramatic of very scene that is described. I also like how you end the chapters with cliff hangers. This leaves the reader wanting to know more about what is going to happen. The story is also well written,although it may have some errors. But hey not everyone is very fluent in English or they either are from a different country. I appreciate those authors who try to write in English for many people that are on this website. Good luck on the story and the upcoming chapters! Take your time and sorry for the long comment. I just love this story! :)
Hannah93 #3
I am still waiting authornim...update please :)
Parkzhixiu #4
Chapter 4: update please...I like your story..where have u been? anyway...wish you're doing fine.
ladan486 #5
Chapter 32: please update its good
chanita223 #6
Chapter 26: OMG who is the guy please update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way love the story !!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 32: omgggg!!! whos tht guy????!!! author-nim pleeeeaassseeeee uppddateeee.. Daeeeeehhhhyyyuuunnnniiieeer~~~
Sooyoung2863 #8
Chapter 32: Who is it??? OMG! really love the story~ update soon author-nim.. hwaiting! ^_^
Chapter 2: OMG so sorry but I can't stand your use of ________ arh instead of ________-ah and I understand your using broken english and I know it's your choice but please improve it to get more subscribers and views. I'm a pure korean and I don't quite like your broken language in here. I'm so sorry.
Chapter 32: who is it? another guy?! WAAA... please update soon...