Chapter 18

Daehyun's choice - Her or Me

Jihyun felt uncomfortable with the awkward silence and spoke . " Erm Daehyun ...that's my bed you're sitting on and you

shouldn't be here . You should be at Jung's mansion . "

" Jung's mansion ? " he smirked , "didn't you know that my parents went abroad for a month ? I'll be staying at your house

till then !" Jihyun's mouth gaped open .

" What ??? You're staying at my house for a month ? Why must it be my house ? Can't you go to Eunseo's house huh?"

" Hmph ! Busy trying to shoo me away so you can spent more time with your boyfriend ,L arh ? Afterall , you guys are a

couple isn't it ? But sorry to tell you , i'm staying here , so your plans are ruined !" Daehyun couldn't hold it in and

flared up.

" Wait , how did you even know L and I are dati---"Jihyun's words were cut off when Daehyun tackle her to the wall .

Jihyun felt Daehyun's hot breath on her .She flushed red .

" Well , simply because I was there when he propose to you duh, !"

That's it . Jihyun was angry . She couldn't stand Daehyun calling her a when she's not one . " Yah ! Jung

Daehyun! I've got a name ! So , stop calling me a . I HATE IT !!! " Jihyun screamed in Daehyun's face and tried to

break away from his grip .

"Wae ? suits you well , ain't it ? You flirt around and even got yourself a boyfriend when you're engaged to me !

Isn't that what a does ? " Daehyun snickered , " Do you know how I feel when i saw you with that bastard ?" He

tightened his grip on her . He was obviously jealous . However , Jihyun did not realise it and was flaring up .

" Nan molla " she said coldly , " Let me go and you can go to that Eunseo !"

*SLAPS* Daehyun slapped her , for the third time . " How dare you call Eunseo a when you're one yourself ? To

think that mom was still praising you that day . TSK , YOU'RE SUCH A LETDOWN ! IT'S MY LUCK THAT I'VE TO

MARRY YOU ! I COULD HAVE BEEN BETTER OFF WITH EUNSEO !" Daehyun hollered , pushing Jihyun to the floor.

" Ah~" Jihyun fell to the ground . Tears rolled down her cheek . She couldn't take it anymore . She can't stand Daehyun

being biased against Eunseo anymore !

" Yah ! Jung Daehyun ! Don't you think you are too selfish huh ? If  i remember correctly , the contract stated that I've

the freedom of dating whoever i want . You date Eunseo while I date L . That's it ! To think you call me a and even

slap me when you're the one who started it ! Who's the one who called me a and L a bastard ?  AND FOR THE


NOT EVEN MY FAULT TO BEGIN WITH !!!" Jihyun screamed the last sentence at him .With that , she ran out of the

room and out of her house .

Mrs Lee heard the commotion and asked the crying Jihyun " Wae baby ? What's wrong ? Where are you going ? "

" Thanks for the concern mom but I won't be coming back tonight ! I'm staying at L's mansion ! Bye ~ " Jihyun replied ,

purposely said the " I won't be coming back tonight ! I'm staying at L's mansion !" part louder so that Daehyun could

hear it . True enough , Daehyun heard it and was boiling with anger . He kkicked the wall in a fit of anger .

* Scew that L and that marriage contract . * 

" Sorry Jihyun ~ I shouldn't have slapped you . Mianhae ~ I didn't even know what's wrong with me . My heart , it seems

weird . Am i falling for you already , Jihyun arh ? " Daehyun muttered with tears in his eyes .


OMO !!! JEALOUS DAEHYUNNIE <3 haha . It's just a story so readers don't hate Daehyun because of this kkay ? I know he shouldn't slap Jihyun but he felt sorry alr , sho forgive him neh ? Our Daehyunnie is falling for Jihyun !!! KYA~

Readers please subscribe and comment arraso ? For now , stay tuned to my next update . BYE ~


YAY ~~~ SM TOWN THIS FRIDAY ! I AM GOING !!! YAY !!! However PSLE results released date ish the day before ..and yes i'm 12 years old .

 ARRGHHH ...Already having insomnia in nite ...eottokhae .. i want get good results leh >.< Wish me luck , neh ? haha =)



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Kimberley #1
Chapter 32: I love this story!! You are such a good writer! Please update soon xx
Vwansha #2
Chapter 32: I'm a new reader and I love the story! The story has some drama but does not have too much(has it's limits). I like that because it doesn't seem too dramatic of very scene that is described. I also like how you end the chapters with cliff hangers. This leaves the reader wanting to know more about what is going to happen. The story is also well written,although it may have some errors. But hey not everyone is very fluent in English or they either are from a different country. I appreciate those authors who try to write in English for many people that are on this website. Good luck on the story and the upcoming chapters! Take your time and sorry for the long comment. I just love this story! :)
Hannah93 #3
I am still waiting authornim...update please :)
Parkzhixiu #4
Chapter 4: update please...I like your story..where have u been? anyway...wish you're doing fine.
ladan486 #5
Chapter 32: please update its good
chanita223 #6
Chapter 26: OMG who is the guy please update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way love the story !!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 32: omgggg!!! whos tht guy????!!! author-nim pleeeeaassseeeee uppddateeee.. Daeeeeehhhhyyyuuunnnniiieeer~~~
Sooyoung2863 #8
Chapter 32: Who is it??? OMG! really love the story~ update soon author-nim.. hwaiting! ^_^
Chapter 2: OMG so sorry but I can't stand your use of ________ arh instead of ________-ah and I understand your using broken english and I know it's your choice but please improve it to get more subscribers and views. I'm a pure korean and I don't quite like your broken language in here. I'm so sorry.
Chapter 32: who is it? another guy?! WAAA... please update soon...