Chapter 20- Part 1

We Met Online
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Time seemed like it was going slower than a snail. YG had told them to meet him at 3PM for a meeting... just the two of them. What could it be? Was there a problem? Why was it only the two of them? Youngbae and Jiyong walked into the elevator, looking at each other, confused as ever. It was 2:55 when they walked into the hall where their CEO's office would be. Looking at each other again, Jiyong sighed.



"You ready bro? This could get ugly," Jiyong said.




Youngbae just patted his back and nodded.




With that, Jiyong knocked on the door, and both waited anxiously.




"Come in," they heard YG say.



Jiyong opened the door to see their CEO sitting at his desk writing some papers, not even glancing at them. His office may seem so modern and calm and relaxing, but it was no place they wanted to be. As said before, most of the time, any meetings with Yang Hyun Suk always meant they were in trouble and most of the time it was Seungri's fault. However, there was no Seungri, it was only the two of them. They both replayed in their heads what could they have possibly done wrong. 



Walking to his desk, they took their respectful bows and waiting for him to respond.



"Have a seat you two," YG said not looking up from his writing. 




Youngbae and Jiyong, now absolutely nervous, looked at each other, and sat down, waiting for him to finish.




A few moments later, YG finished what he was writing and folded his hands, glaring at the two.




"How's school?" he asked.




That startled them to the point they were borderline speechless.




"School... is okay..." Jiyong said. "We have a pretty big workload with rehearsals since the show is tomorrow night."




YG nodded and turned toward Youngbae.




"And you Youngbae?" YG asked.




"Same... a lot of dance practices and vocal lessons," Youngbae responded.




YG leaned back in his chair and sighed.




“It seems like you two have been doing a lot more than that,” he said. The two froze in their seats while their CEO went in his drawer and pulled out a thick manila envelope. Motioning Jiyong to take the envelope and open it, he did so.



Youngbae and Jiyong were really surprised at what they saw. Inside the envelope were pictures of them and the other members. One showed Jiyong passed out in the club. Another showed Youngbae and Maia eating in the campus café. Someone had been taking pictures of the boys while they were in school and out and about.



“You’re lucky that we got hold of these before any other sick press outlets did.” YG then said.




That did it for them. They were speechless.




“I understand that you are now studying and taking a break from stardom, but I want to remind the both of you that you still are celebrities and are still well known through out this country. Myself or anyone else cannot protect you guys as much as we used to because you are in school. So you still have to be careful.”




The two just nodded.



YG sighed and turned his attention towards Jiyong.



“Well?” he said looking at him.



Jiyong looked at him in question. He knew he was in the hot seat but he wasn’t ready for what was to come next. He just remained silent.




YG sighed again.



“I for one am very disappointed in you,” YG said. “You of all people should know that you should protect your members. And yet you exposed yourself at your worst. What is this?!” he asked sternly pointing at the picture.




Jiyong flinched. He should have been more careful.




“I…” he began,”… I have no excuse for my actions. I… was stressed and I resorted to alcohol. I wasn’t aware of what I was doing…” he trailed off.




YG sighed again.




“Jiyong, you’re one of the veteran members in this company so yes you should have been more

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hi i made a filler lol


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Lynnies #1
Chapter 20: I just really want Jiyong to tell them the truth because he's hurting inside. Oh my...
Thank you for udating even though the wait was long! I really like this story~ good luck on writing ^^
Thekatsmeow #2
Chapter 20: Feelings are coming out and need to be squashed, Ji! Loved YB's determination and heart. Thank you for the chappie!
Chapter 20: Oh wow! I'm so glad the meeting went better than expected... At least for YB, lol!!! Ahhh.... It's all those fan meets isn't it? The Dancing Machine is winning you over, right? ^^ Pretty soon, he'll take over your ENTIRE bedroom wall and Jiyong will be relocated to the bathroom.

But poor Jiyong! If this chapter was supposed to make me feel bad for him, it did! Getting talked to for being irresponsible and then having to suffer in silence while his friend practically confesses deeper feelings for the same girl he likes.. =*[ tear. Just a small tear though! Let's not get greedy now, lol! Can't wait to see what songs emo Ji plays for us at the Autumn festival, lol. Great update girl!
UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!! Stop meeting my man after hours and update your story! I know you've been giving him origami heart letters and feeding him ice-cream. I've seen the way he struts around town now... Like everyone's gonna pop out the bush and give him a back hug at any moment! Too much confidence! It's just... unnatural! Ugh.
Rayve5 #5
Agh I've been waiting patiently for the next chapter of this. I hope you haven't given up on this story I really love it. Please update to let us know if you're done updating! :(
lilxceejay85 #6
And so it begins haha
ozwalkr #7
Chapter 11: And so the saekki hits the fan...cause we KNOW ji is enamored of his penpal. Whats he gonna do when he realizes he JUST GAVE HER TO BAE!
Chapter 19: Boooooo! Ri, you know that's Youngbae's girl. Don't take from hyong to give to another hyong.

Stumped? Hmm. Since you're so set on Ji winning the girl, how about introducing a new love interest for YB? Or YB grows tired of girl (like: music>girl)? Or YB cheats? O.o Or character death? <--- all horrible ideas, please no! Just make it a GDYB storyline and I'll love you forever! <3
Thekatsmeow #9
Chapter 19: If this is filler, I can't wait for the real thing!!!!
Rayve5 #10
Chapter 18: When are Ji and Maia going to meet? I love her and youngbae but I'm still hoping the her and ji get together somehow. I feel they'll have more of a connection on a deeper level. Poor ji :(