Chapter 18

We Met Online
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It was the final rehearsal for the Autumn Artis Festival and everyone was getting excited and nervous at the same time. This rehearsal was their last chance to screw up because mistakes cannot be afforded on the actual day. 

The festival was a big deal to all of the performing arts students, not just in Seoul International University, but in all the universities in the Seoul Area. The students for Konkuk University were to display their art pieces in the art hall, while the music students for Hongik University were to take part in the concert. SIU would be the host university to hold all of these events.

10 PM came around the corner and Big Bang and Maia took their places for their set. Big Bang was to perform three songs. They would start out with the song "Remember," which they originally did for their Japanese mini album in English, but then Jiyong went and Koreanified the song. Following that, they would do "Foolish Love," in which would be a duet with Maia. For the final song, Jiyong took Lee Moon Sae's "Sunset Glow" and remade it to their own version. So the set was to be a line of preview songs for their new album. The crowd would totally be in for a treat.

"Maia stand by," Jiyong said, pointing to the left stage wing.

Maia nodded and went off in that direction to warm up.

She got to experience how serious Youngbae and Jiyong were when it came to performance preparations. Maia had had her share of crazy rehearsals but this was definitely a first for her. Jiyong, as a leader, was all about perfection, and he did whatever it took to make their performance perfect. So if it meant repeating a numerous amount of times, then so be it. Also, this would be the first performance ALL done by Big Bang. From the music, to the direction, to the production, to the actual performance... and Jiyong was not ready to screw things up. 

"I'm going to direct you guys from the director's booth" Jiyong said from the microphone. "I want to see if we need to change or add anything from up here."

The rest of the members nodded and took their places on the stage.

As the music started, it started with Youngbae singing his verse and then Daesung and Seungri joining in after for the hook and chorus.

"Hang on a second..." Jiyong said into the director's mic, stopping the music.

"Daesung, can you move slightly to the outside of Youngbae's left shoulder? You're being covered by him..."

Daesung nodded and did what he was told. 

"From the top..." Jiyong said.

Now Jiyong is really respectful as a leader and in giving directions, but when he sees the same mistake a couple of times, it tends to get annoying and he starts to get frustrated. It's a given, it happens to everyone. However, when Jiyong gets frustrated, he tends to have no filter. 

(Two hours later)

"Daesung... again... your spot... really come on... just stay there! Remember! Youngbae's left shoulder!!!"

"Ah hyung... sorry," Daesung said, quickly moving to his spot.

"If you're sorry, then don't do it again!" 

Daesung just remained quiet. In fact, all the members remained quiet. Jiyong was on his wrath again.

"Let's just move on to the next song..." Jiyong said into the mic. He lightly dropped the mic and brushed his hair back in frustration. Why wasn't this going right? he thought.

Maia, being bored from the rehearsals, was still backstage in the left wing but since Big Bang was so busy working on their first song, she sat and slightly drifted to sleep.

It was already 12 AM and they weren't even halfway through their set.

The music started and when it got to Maia's part, Maia was nowhere to be found...

"You've got to be kidding me..." Jiyong muttered under his breath.

"Stop...stop... stop... Jesus..." He then said into the mic.


The music stopped.

"Maia!" Jiyong yelled into the microphone, causing her to jolt up from her sleep. She immediately got up and went on stage.

"Um... sorry..." she said nervously. Jiyong did not look at all happy.

"Where were you?" he asked into the microphone.


Maia looked down. I should have forced myself to stay awake, she thought.

"I dozed off..." She stated, "we have been practicing for over two hours... Sorry Jiyong oppa."

Jiyong sighed.

"It's fine... start from the top," he said in a sharp tone.

Maia nodded nervously and went backstage. 

The music started up again the guys sang their parts again and then Maia danced on stage. Everything was going well until during Jiyong and Seunghyun's second rap part Youngbae grabbed Maia by her waist and they started doing a duet together.

"Stop... wait..." Jiyong said into the mic.

The music immediately stopped and Youngbae and Maia stood in their places. Jiyong got up from the director's booth and went to the front of the stage where they stood. 

"What was that?" he said pointing to the both of them.

Youngbae and Maia looked at each other confused.

"What was what Ji?" Youngbae replied.

"That! That whole partner thing that just happened."

"We made a duet part with yours and Seunghyun oppa's part. Youngbae oppa told me you two were going to be on that side of the stage and Seungri and Daesung will be

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hi i made a filler lol


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Lynnies #1
Chapter 20: I just really want Jiyong to tell them the truth because he's hurting inside. Oh my...
Thank you for udating even though the wait was long! I really like this story~ good luck on writing ^^
Thekatsmeow #2
Chapter 20: Feelings are coming out and need to be squashed, Ji! Loved YB's determination and heart. Thank you for the chappie!
Chapter 20: Oh wow! I'm so glad the meeting went better than expected... At least for YB, lol!!! Ahhh.... It's all those fan meets isn't it? The Dancing Machine is winning you over, right? ^^ Pretty soon, he'll take over your ENTIRE bedroom wall and Jiyong will be relocated to the bathroom.

But poor Jiyong! If this chapter was supposed to make me feel bad for him, it did! Getting talked to for being irresponsible and then having to suffer in silence while his friend practically confesses deeper feelings for the same girl he likes.. =*[ tear. Just a small tear though! Let's not get greedy now, lol! Can't wait to see what songs emo Ji plays for us at the Autumn festival, lol. Great update girl!
UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!! Stop meeting my man after hours and update your story! I know you've been giving him origami heart letters and feeding him ice-cream. I've seen the way he struts around town now... Like everyone's gonna pop out the bush and give him a back hug at any moment! Too much confidence! It's just... unnatural! Ugh.
Rayve5 #5
Agh I've been waiting patiently for the next chapter of this. I hope you haven't given up on this story I really love it. Please update to let us know if you're done updating! :(
lilxceejay85 #6
And so it begins haha
ozwalkr #7
Chapter 11: And so the saekki hits the fan...cause we KNOW ji is enamored of his penpal. Whats he gonna do when he realizes he JUST GAVE HER TO BAE!
Chapter 19: Boooooo! Ri, you know that's Youngbae's girl. Don't take from hyong to give to another hyong.

Stumped? Hmm. Since you're so set on Ji winning the girl, how about introducing a new love interest for YB? Or YB grows tired of girl (like: music>girl)? Or YB cheats? O.o Or character death? <--- all horrible ideas, please no! Just make it a GDYB storyline and I'll love you forever! <3
Thekatsmeow #9
Chapter 19: If this is filler, I can't wait for the real thing!!!!
Rayve5 #10
Chapter 18: When are Ji and Maia going to meet? I love her and youngbae but I'm still hoping the her and ji get together somehow. I feel they'll have more of a connection on a deeper level. Poor ji :(