The party

Twins And The Chamber



The cruelest things in life happen when we least expect them to.

The biggest secrets are revealed at the most unsuitable  time.

The deepest wounds are the most easy to reopen.

One mistake can cause a disaster






       I ran to open the gates for Luhan’s friends and led them inside the house. The place was already crowded with people dancing, eating and socializing. There wasn’t a huge amount of guests since many couldn’t make it here because of a variety of reasons; but the number was still more than I predicted. All thanks to Luhan’s popularity. I glanced around, everything was going pretty smoothly. My best friends were also much of a help: Bom volunteered to be the DJ and Dara took care of serving the food. Someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and my eyes twinkled at the moment.

“Hey beautiful lady, mind dancing with me?”

“Oh, how can I say no to such a handsome gentleman?” I smiled teasingly at Baekhyun.

Both of us laughed as we stepped in the middle of the hall and started dancing crazily like everyone else.

“Since when did you dance so well?” He asked.

“Since the moment you asked me to dance with you.” I winked.

We continued chatting, dancing and having fun until the 10 PM break. Then I joined my friends in the corner.

“Having fun?” Dara asked.

“Yeah! It has been a while since the last time I danced so much,” I replied “What about you girls? Don’t tell me you spent the past two hours taking care of the organizing and such.” I felt sorry that they had to these things instead of having fun. I didn’t want them to do it but they insisted on helping.

“Oh, just worry about yourself. And no, I actually managed how to divide the time between serving and partying, so I’m good to go.” She beamed.

“Why are you even asking me that?” Bom exclaimed “you know I only have fun when I’m playing with music.”

I felt warm and proud to have such caring friends. I hugged them and offered to show them around the house.

“My room is upstairs. Let’s go.” I suggested.

“Is this your room?” Dara approached the room of the other direction.

“No! Don’t open it!” I walked up to her with hurried footsteps.

She blinked at me, shocked by my attitude. I was shocked too; I didn’t know what has gotten into me all of a sudden.

“Here’s their room! Bwahahaha! Dara come and see these Disney bed sheets.” Bom called from my room.

“Coming~” She raced to the right side of the hallway laughing. I sighed and followed her. I abruptly stopped when I heard a violin sound. Of course, the house was full of noise and chatter but the tune was too audible, too clear not to hear it. I turned back, gazed at the room and felt the need to check something. I took a step toward it.

“You unmannered brat! How come you let your guests alone in your room?” Bom sillily stated.

The other silly girl stuck out her tongue and waved at me to follow them. I finally gave in and walked towards my room where they kept teasing me about Luhan’s photos, the bed sheets, the organized drawers and other stupid things.




       The hall was wild again. Luhan and Baekhyun were enjoying themselves with their crowds. Everyone was dancing the night away and it didn’t seem like the party was going to end anytime soon. And I wanted it to last: the loud music, the air effects, the crazy lights, the dancing bodies, the extreme let-out…


The whole house turned dark and mute. Everything stopped still. The electricity was off and our mates started panicking. Luhan tried to calm them. One of his friends had a torch that we used to reach the front door.

“Are you sure it’s safe for you to leave now?” I asked my friends, anxious.

“I guess so. We’re a big group and the train leaves to the city around midnight so there are no worries.” Bom reassured.

“The question is: are you sure you’ll be fine here?” Baekhyun stepped in “What about we stay here to help with the mess, or—“

“I’m totally fine. Luhan will take care of things. Please don’t worry about me and have a safe trip home.” I beamed before kissing them goodbye.

People started leaving feeling it was a pity that the part had to end up that way. Nevertheless, they thanked us for the awesome night. Then it was just My twin and I again.

“Okay, what the heck is going on here?” I asked more than frustrated.

“Ugh!” he cried out in pain as he stumbled over a chair “How am I supposed to know?”

       I scanned my surroundings. I couldn’t see anything, of course, but I tried to. We carefully made our way to the kitchen. The window was left open and a cold breeze hit me. A shiver ran down my spine and I found myself trembling. I was certain it wasn’t just from the cold. Some utensils on the cupboard dropped while Luhan searched for a candle. He finally found it, lit it and placed it on the middles of the table. I sat shakily on the chair facing his. The candle light hit the lower part of my face. My brother put his hands around the candle so that the light won’t fade.

I swiftly took his right hand and managed to articulate “A-are you hearing this melody?”
“What melody? I’m not hearing any sound.” He looked at me questioningly.

 Imagining it once is possible, twice isn’t. It couldn’t be my imagination. I was pretty sure I heard that violin piece again that night.



Hey everyone ((=
I'm sorry i haven't updated in a while. I hope this won't happen again.
Please comment below to tell me what you think of this chapter.
Oh and please check out my oneshot

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Back! Twins and the chamber! Last chapter coming soon!


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ParkSquishyMinnie #1
Still lot of mysteries not solved.
Cud hav been more better.
jonginsideme #2
Chapter 23: Oh god seriously this is one of the best stories I've read in aff. It's amazing! ♥
Chapter 23: The twin is so cute,,it's so funny when they prank each other..anyway,love this story^^

Good job author-nim~*both thumbs up*♥♥
Chapter 23: Oh it ended *-*
this story was amazing \o/ and cute!
The little boy.. Why was he in the well tho? :o i mean.. Idk but he is the twin son right? :O
Chapter 23: So the little boy is Minji's unborn son, right?

Good story, by the way~
Chapter 23: nice ending but noe I am curious because of that little boy !
bellaburn #7
Chapter 22: hye!!!
welcome back after so many month
Why ending this so soon????
I want to see this sibling bonding moment more
But its okay
do well for the last chapter okay
Chapter 22: whhhhuuuuuaat already the end ?! anyways I am happy to see you updating again, especially in my bday haha thank you ;P wow if u would be granny I wouldn't be able to live there too scary ! also after the incident I wouldn't want to go to that chamber again...but granny is there :)