Yoong????? PSH!!!

My Heroine


ANNYEONG!!! I'm back. Did you guys wait long? hehe.
And if you don't mind, just call me rosy. Some of you called me author-ssi and I feel kinda old. LOL 
Besides it's more intimate when we call each other by names. hehehe. :D
Here's the chapter. Sorry if it's short. :'(
The bell rang twice indicating that the first day of school was over.
This day was so boring. We just introduced ourselves for the entire class periods. Could you believe that? I bet my classmates already memorized each other’s speech. I fixed my belongings inside my bag. I grabbed it and slung the strap over my right shoulder. I walked towards the door but before I got outside the room someone approached me.
"Hi, nice to meet you" The girl flashed her charming smile.
"Oh, hello. You're Yoona, right?" I also greeted her.
"Yeah, I hope we can be good friends. And can I call you unnie?" The girl named Yoona said. (They are in the same year but Yoona skipped a year in grade school.)
I nodded and flashed her my megawatt smile as we exited the classroom.
"She's really that popular?! You can't be serious."
"I'm not kidding, unnie. Students from other schools really come to our school just to watch her competitions because most of it was held there. But since she went abroad, they stopped."
"Really? It seems like she was a hearthrob. Aren't they turned off because of her attitude? I mean, she's very cold and unapproachable."
"Nuh-uh. Total opposite of what you are thinking. They are attracted to her more because they think that she is so cool with her snobbish personality. You get the idea?"
"No." I really don't get the idea. It doesn't make any sense. Tiffany thought.
The two were walking their way home. Actually they have the same route coincidentally. Their conversation turned into something that you wouldn't expect from two strangers that just introduced themselves a while ago. They are chatting as if they were friends for a long time. And their topic? Of course, 'Jessica Jung.'
Yoona burst out laughing for an unknown reason, opening like that of an alligator.
"What are you laughing at?" Tiffany looked at her confusedly.
"I just remembered somethi-PWAHAHAHAHAHA! Ther- a ... Haha. This g..... HAHAHAHAHAHA. It's really hilario-HAHAHAHAHA" Yoona can't even complete a sentence because of her continuous laughing.
"What? You're not making any sense. Just tell it to me when you're done laughing." 
This girl is getting so weird. She looks like an alligator. hahaha. Tiffany thought.
After a minute or two, Yoona finally calmed down from her laughing fit.
Yoona cleared but she is still smiling.
"Are you ready to tell it to me now?"
"Okay, okay." She cleared again. "There's this one girl who got hospitalized."
Tiffany looked at her incredulously.
"Then why are you laughing at her?" Tiffany looked at her weirdly. "Are you smoking weed or something?
"No, unnie, I'm perfectly fine. HAHAHA"
"Then why-" 
"That's not the whole story, unnie. Okay, back to what I'm saying. One time, there's this junior girl from other school that had a nosebleed and passed out before the swimming competition even starts. Do you want to know why?" Yoona asked Tiffany playfully.
"Uh...Why?" I asked and anticipated for her answer.
"Because she saw Jessica in a blue one piece suit. HAHAHAHA! Funny, right?"
Tiffany's mind began to imagine things that she shouldn't. Jessica Jung in a fitted and tight swim suit; was showing all of her curves in the right places, revealing her long and slender legs and her soft thighs. And thos---
"Unnie! Are you still listening to me? Don't tell me you're having erted thoughts. Look at you, you're blushing." Yoona causing her to blush even more if that was even possible.
"W-what? That's so untrue!" Tiffany lied.
"Yeah, sure." She said sarcastically
"I- uhh. I'm saying the truth. Really! I'm not imagining Jessica in a tight swimsuit." Tiffany covered instantly. 
Yoona smirked at her and raised her one eyebrow. Tiffany realized that she can't escape the embarrassment so she just walked ahead of Yoona, leaving her a few steps ahead.
Babo babo babo babo babo babo babo. Tiffany kept on scolding herself.
Yoona tried to hold in her laughter before she chased Tiffany.
"Unnie, wait!"
I don't know how many hours am I staring at the ceiling of my room. Why can't I get any sleep now? Wae?
I can't believe I just suggested the idea of treating Sooyoung for food. Would you believe me, if I say that I reached my credit limit in my credit card because of her? Very unbelievable, right? Argh! What will mom say if she knew about this? She'll scold me again. It's not like she's very tight when it comes to money. Hello? We're hella rich. She just wants her children to be responsible and wise when it comes to spending money. And what I did a while ago was not in list of being wise when it comes to spending. 
This was all that Hwang's fault. She kept on clouding my mind that leads to me mumbling stupid things and bribing Sooyoung with food. Oh no! My mind is drifting towards her again. Yah! Mind! I'm your owner so you should listen to me. Think of something else but not her. You got it? Yeah, think about those stupid formulas in Math or something like Science. Uhh… Biology. Think about nature, yes nature. The trees, the plants, the flowers, the sea, corals, jellyfish--
Jellyfish. Jellyfish. Jellyfish. Jellyfish
"Oh my Gaaaaad! I'm going crazy!!! Sleep, come take me N.O.W!!!
At school
Aigoo! My head hurts like hell. I'm thinking about her again. I barely got 3 hours of sleep because of her and the events yesterday. I don't know why am I like this and how did I end up like this. Could it mean something...... maybe.....NO! Could it mean that I like her? Huh? What am I saying? She hates me to death. She can't even look at me straight in the eyes. And she glares at me. I admit that I got attracted to her when I first saw her at the beach resort but it's different from the word 'like,' right? Besides, she has a weird attitude. It’s like she's always PMS-ing.
You can't like her. You just can't---
I stopped my self-ranting because I felt someone bumped into me. We lose our balance and I fell on top of that person.
Her smell. She smells exactly like....
I raised my head and looked at the girl under.
They are still staring directly to each other’s eyes. Their faces were just centimeters apart. Jessica can even feel Tiffany's breath bouncing against her face. There were no gaps between their bodies.
Jessica inhaled a lungful of air. Her heartbeat was beating at an abnormal pace. Like a drum. 
Someone cleared . Jessica raised her gaze at the interrupter but got surprised to see a smirk on her face. It was none other than Yoona.
Realizing what situation they were in, she quickly stood up using both of her hands. However, Tiffany was still not moving. She was still shocked.
"I.. uh. sorry" Jessica cleared and helped Tiffany to stand up.
"W-WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!" Tiffany sensing the hateful glare of the fangirls not far away from them, she quickly retracted her arms away from Jessica's hold. The blonde just frowned.
"I said sorry already and you don't have to be so loud! Have you swallowed a speaker? You're hurting my ears! Aish!"
Tiffany was about to retaliate but Yoona talked first.
"Sica-unnie, I'm very sorry. It's my fault. We were just fooling around and she pinched me. I'm chasing Tiffany-unnie to pinch her back and then she bumped into you." Yoona apologized while bowing her head.
"It's okay. It's not your fault, Yoong." Jessica lightly pinched Yoona's left cheek.
Yoong????? PSH!!!
(A/N: Jellyfany alert!!! haha)
Then Jessica averted her gaze to Tiffany.
"Yah! Jellyfish! You should be thankful because Yoong is here. If this will happen next time, you are so dead. Tch."
Jessica was already walking away from them.
"Unnie, unnie. Let's get out of here. They are looking at us." Yoona whispered to Tiffany.
Tiffany looked around and Yoona was saying the truth.
Oh no! Jung's fangirls are scary! I'm screwed! Tiffany thought as she was dragged by Yoona.
TBC ^.^
Next chapter: (teaser)
"You two seem close."
"Does it mean that she also likes me?! Wait, I don't even know if she is straight or what."
Who will say these lines? haha. Not telling. ^.^ haha.
jeti24 You don't want love-hate relationship? haha. Just be parient. They will become friends eventually. LOL. But not NOW. Who knows, maybe in a chapter or two, or perhaps never. muahahaha. Nah, I'm not that evil. ;D
LetmeLOVEyouJESSiE OMO!!! I was flattered at the last part of your comment. AYOS!!! Mcdo pala aa!!! haha. Thanks! ^.^ *whistles* Someone is falling in love... haha. But who will admit it first? LOLOL. Yeah, my Sooyoung will always be a shikshin. ^.^
whitney09 I updated already! hehe. Thanks for the comment. :D
Soshistorm haha. I added Sooyoung here so this fic will have some comedy. LOL. Y'know. ^.^ My bias is Sooyoung so I'm glad you liked her character. LOL 
babystrawb3 Yeeeessss. Jess is starting to like Fany. hihihihi. >.< Thanks for the comment. ;D
kolagirl Honestly, even if I'm the author of this fic I can't even count the times Sooyoung eat. LOL. Oh well, she's not called a shikshin for nothing. hehe >.<
COMMENTS PLEASE. Sometimes I get ideas from your comments. ^.^


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Chapter 16: Thornimmmmm.... Please comeback and continue this story... 😭😭
otnine0922 #2
Chapter 16: Pls comeback!!!!
KalakiMae #3
Chapter 16: Awe I miss this fic it’s a really good story I hope you will come back and continue it again
Chapter 16: Just found this... But i think you have give up on this fic...
Thanks for sharing this story tho :))
Chapter 16: Uh I miss this fix so much... When will you update? :(
Chapter 16: What's up ??
ice_princess14 #7
Chapter 16: Author where are you
yvet_951 #8
Chapter 16: Please update Author-nnim
Chapter 16: Please update Author-nnim. Your story was awesome!! Can't wait for another chapter. Please! Please! Please! *pouting*
Chapter 16: I just found your fic, and this is good... But why you didn't update anymore?
Oh maybe you busy... Wish you can update anytime soon :)