Stay with me. ALWAYS~

My Heroine

Here’s an update, guys!!! How have you all been? :D I can feel the holiday spirit. Lol.

Yay! We survived December 21, 2012!!! lol. Just kidding. >o< Sorry for being random.

Comment, guys!!! Pretty pleaaasee? Muchy guchy kuchy goo~ *with lower lip protruding pout.*

Reader: EEEEWWWW!!! -____- Did Sooyoung taught you that?!!!

Me: Yeah... My baby taught me how to do aegyo (that calls for a piece of wood) lol



Just scroll down and read the chapter already! Haha. xD Sorry if you have to deal with a crazy A/N.. >.<

~sorry for errors ;'>















Author’s POV



A middle-aged man walked in front of a blonde girl sitting under the waiting shed.

“Miss Lee, I think you’re friend will not come. It’s already late.”

It was already night time and Sunny was still here at the waiting shed. The security guard of the school was doing his rounds when he saw the girl patiently waiting. He knew that she was waiting for someone because he had a small talk with her earlier that day, when the sun was still up.

He stared at Sunny sympathetically. “It’s our protocol that during this hour, we need to close the gates. I’m very sorry.” The security guard of their school stated apologetically.


“You can still meet her tomorrow.”

“Oh… I understand, Mr. Park.” Sunny had her weak smile on her face as she said those words. She got up from her sit and bowed to Mr. Park. “I’m sorry again Mr. Park for being here this late.”

“It’s okay. But I really hope that your friend messaged you if she can’t come.”


Sunny looked at her phone, sad that it doesn’t have any missed call or a text message. “Hmmm. But…. Mr. Park, I think she is really mad at me. I hurt her.”

“Then if she really is your friend, she will forgive you and give you another chance. And I can see that you fully regret it, right?”


The girl nodded and before she got teary-eyed, she bid her goodbye to the man and walked out the gates.








“Kids these days….” He mumbled. “So complicated.” Mr. Park shook and scratched his head simultaneously as he got up and continued on his job.








Author’s POV





It’s been exactly 30 minutes since the first period of class had started. Tiffany came extra early just to talk to Jessica and fix some things with her. But to her dismay, the blonde was not in sight. Jessica was not yet in class and their teacher in front of them was already halfway through her lecture.


Perhaps, Jessi woke up late today so she can’t attend the first period. She’s going to be fine. Don’t worry too much. Tiffany thought positively.


How can you expect Jessica to be fine? Hello?! She waited for hours and froze to death just to give you a damn book! Are you even thinking, Tiffany? The other side of her butted in.



“Blah blah blah blah… afjaksfjhkasjhkas.” The professor said incoherently.




Tiffany bit on her lower lip and tapped her pen on her table. She can’t even understand a thing coming out from her teacher’s mouth. It seems like the world is muted to her and the only thing that she thinks about is the stupid blonde girl who waited for hours outside just to make her worry. You guessed it right. It’s Jessica Jung.






Tiffany looked up and saw her teacher walking out of the room. She hastily checked her wrist watch. It’s already half an hour???  Tiffany was so lost in her own world that she lost track of the time.


Huh? I’m just thinking about something and the next thing I knew my first subject is over? I really need to stop worrying about that blonde. Tiffany sighed.







Yuri’s POV


It’s already lunch time and I invited Yoona to sit beside me. After a moment, Sooyoung, along with Tiffany and Taeyeon came inside the canteen. And since there’s no vacant table, I called their attention to sit with us, too.


I looked worriedly at the two girls in front of me. Ever since Tiffany and Taeyeon walk inside the canteen, it seems that they have the biggest problem on their shoulders. Their aura is very gloomy. The two of them had their heads down while playing with their food. What’s with these two? I guess they are really cousins after all. They share the same mood.


Sooyoung was sitting on my right, eating. She was occasionally stealing some of the food on Taeyeon and Tiffany’s plate but the two didn’t notice it because they were too engrossed with their own little world. On my left, my baby Yoong was beside me and when I turned my gaze to her, she was exactly doing the same thing that I’m doing: Observing the two sulky girls.


She nudged me and said, “Something is wrong with those two.” Her upper lip pointed at the two.


“Love problem.”


“Yeah. I think so too.” We nodded simultaneously.


“What should we do?” She asked me.


“I think we should-” Yoona’s speech was cut off when someone cleared .


“Ehem.” We looked up and saw four cute girls. I think they are sophomores. I based it on their ID laces since every year has a different ID lace; blue for first years, red for second years, green for third years, and pink for fourth years.


They were looking at Sooyoung and they were trying to catch her attention but the latter was not minding them because she can’t stop herself from ‘minding’ the food. XD


Being the one who sat beside her, I felt like I need to stop her from eating. I snatched her sandwich and she immediately looked at me with wide eyes.


“Ywah!” She shouted, with full of food.


“They need to talk to you.” I pointed to the girls fidgeting beside her. Sooyoung looked up and noticed them just now… (Seriously?)


“Uh… Hey Sooyoung-ssi. I-I’m Dara and these girls beside me are CL, Minzy, and Bom.”


“Owhh. Haym Shozyy bath I’m shill eaqing. Dho yo nhheed Awnything?” (I’m sorry but I’m still eating. Do you need anything?)


(A/N: Aish! Babe Soo, don’t talk when your mouth is full. *shakes head)


“Swallow the food first.” I reprimanded while smacking her head lightly. She gulped the food immediately. Sooyoung glared at me but turned her head towards the girls at the side of her afterwards. “Is something the matter?” She asked the girls.



“Uhhmm.. Actually, we saw the news in the forum(Jessified) about Jessica-unnie’s condition so we’re kinda asking a favor from you… Can .. Can you please give these to her?” The stuttering and shy girl Dara bowed her head and revealed a box of chocolates behind her back while the other three also did the same but with different gifts. For CL, a big and fluffy teddy bear; for Minzy, a stack of fanletters; for Bom, a transparent box with different kinds of… What are those? Hey. Are those some meds? Medicines? What will Sica do to those? Wait… wait…



“Uhh. Okay but I don’t think I can carry all of-“


“Here!” Dara hastily shoved a buffet pass on Sooyoung’s hand.


Sooyoung’s eyes went wide. “Hey, I feel strong all of a sudden. I can manage to deliver it to her right away!” The giant smiled and flexed her thin arms.


“Thank you, Sooyoung-ssi. And oh, please tell Jessica-unnie to get well soon.” The girl named Minzy said and then the four of them walked away.


After they left, Sooyoung snatched back her sandwich in my hands. “Hey, this is mine!” She shouted.


Yoona asked Sooyoung about what the girls said. “Why did they want to say ‘get well soon’ to Jessica-unnie?”


“Didn’t I mention about Sica’s condition?”


Yoona and I shook our heads.


“Oh! Jessica is sick right now.”


Then out of my peripheral vision, I saw Tiffany’s head jerked up after hearing Sooyoung’s statement.







*poor eardrums.







Tiffany’s POV



I was playing my food in my plate when a voice interrupted my thoughts.






Oh! Jessica is sick right now….








Jessica is sick right now….








Jessica is sick….






I recognized the shrill voice and thought that it belongs to Sooyoung. My ears perked up and I immediately jerked my head upwards.



“WHAT?!” I screamed. I guess, I could be really loud since all of the students eating looked at me. But I don’t care about them. All I care about right now is Jessi’s condition.


I smacked my hands on the table.

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” I asked with a lower volume but it seems like it was still loud enough for others to hear.

Taeyeon, who is sitting beside me, patted my shoulder. “Hey. Calm down, Fany.”



How can I calm down, knowing that Jessica is sick and it was because of me? It was because of me. I felt like crying right now but I blinked a few times for my tears not to fall. This is my entire fault!



I need to see her now. We need to talk. I need to apologize to her. I let her wait outside and freeze to death.


“Did something bad happen between you both?” Sooyoung asked me, confused about the way I’m acting just now.

I did not answer her questions and I just lowered my head.

Yuri spoke up and assured me. “Don’t worry, Fany. I think it’s just a fever and everybody experienced that. It’s okay, we will take you to her. Arasso?”


“Yeah, unnie. We’ll go to her house as soon as our classes are over. We still have a quiz on our last period so we shouldn’t be absent.” Yoona’s statement brought more guilt to my heart. Because of me, Jessica is sick and because Jessica is sick, she can’t come to class and she can’t take the quiz. I know that it’s just a damn quiz but I can’t help but feel a pang of guilt in my heart.








Author’s POV



The last bell for the day rang indicating that the classes are over.


Yuri was already outside her girlfriend’s room, waiting for Yoona and Tiffany.


The teacher came out of the front door and it was followed by many students coming out of the front and back door. Yuri saw Yoona and Tiffany came out last.


“Babe!” Yuri called.


“Oh. There she is.” Yoona said when she saw Yuri.


“Let’s go?” The tan girl asked.


“Wait. How about Sooyoung and TaeTae? Where are they? I thought they were coming with us.” Tiffany said.


“Well, Sooyoung is already there because she can’t wait to ask permission from Jessica to eat the chocolates that Dara gave. I know that those were not for Soo but that incident always happens when some fans give food to Sica. Sometimes I feel pity towards the loyal fans because their gifts of food always end up inside Sooyoung’s stomach.” Yuri explained.



“How about Taeyeon?” Yoona was the one who asked this time.







Author’s POV


“Taeyeon…” Sunny said as she saw Taeyeon at the other side of the corridor, walking. The older girl’s classes were already over and she was making her way to her cousin’s classroom to accompany her to Jessica’s house. Taeyeon lifted her gaze and she got surprised to see the last person that she wishes that she could see. She was not yet ready to talk to her or even meet her. She was still hurt so bad. Even if the pain on her wrist was already okay, but her heart was not. The bandage on her wrist was long gone but she thinks that it must be placed on her heart instead.


Taeyeon stopped walking and hastily turned her back on Sunny. She picked up her pace and ran away like a child.


Sunny got confused as to why the other girl turned her back but then she realized that Taeyeon was probably avoiding her and was trying to run away from her. “Hey, wait! Tae!” Sunny chased. She dashed towards the midget but the other girl was having a good distance from her.


Taeyeon quickly ran and turned to the left curve.


Sunny, not wanting to lose Taeyeon, kicked her feet harder and ran faster.  “Tae-” When she had turned to the curve that Taeyeon ran into, she was in for a big surprise.



Sunny felt a stinging sensation on her eyes. Her lungs can’t function well as the air inside her was depleting. She can’t breathe. She feels like there was a knife piercing through her heart.  Another girl was inside her best friend’s embrace. And Sunny questioned herself if it is normal to feel this way if your ‘best friend’ was hugging another girl besides you. Taeyeon was hugging ‘another’ girl!



Not letting a single sound as if she was scared to break the little moment of the two, Sunny weakly stepped back.


The blonde haired girl ran to the secluded area of the school. She moved her hands to her face and got surprised to feel it wet. She’s crying and her tears, which she thought was pour out days ago, stained her gloomy face.



“Kim T-Taeyeon, if you want me to feel what you felt back then, then you are winning. I’m Jealous, god damn it!!!” Sunny cried as she clutched her heart as if it was ripping out of her chest.









Taeyeon ran as fast as she can.


I’m not yet ready to face her… I don’t know what I will say to her. She thought.


Taeyeon turned left and got surprised to see >you< dangerously close to her. A little too close... Oh no! The midget was running too fast and she can’t stop herself on time. She collided with you and you lose your balance. Thinking fast, Taeyeon suddenly pulled your arm and hugged you to prevent you from falling to the hard ground


`You blushed and you cleared your throat to clear the tension... You heard someone stopped before you but you can’t really see the person because your face is on Taeyeon’s neck. Afterwards the person left the both of you.


You slowly pushed Taeyeon and said. “Y-yah! Why did you do that?”

Taeyeon lowered her head and sobbed. You panicked. “Hey, uh. I didn’t mean to… Why are you crying?” She continued to sob. “Omo. Please, don’t cry.” You said to her, alarmed.

After she had calmed down, you walked to a park and she told you about everything. She hesitated at first but you assured her that you won’t be letting it out to anybody.

“Unnie, if you really love her, then you shouldn’t avoid her.”

“I’ve had enough, _____. She will never look at me the way I do.” Taeyeon already stopped crying but she’s still sad right now.

“Love is unconditional, unnie. You shouldn’t expect a return from what you give.” You said.



Taeyeon realized something. You are correct. Love is unconditional. It doesn’t matter if the person you love doesn’t love you. As long as you love her, it’s okay.




After countless of advice, Taeyeon felt lighter from what she’s shouldering.

“Thank you, _____. I owe you one.”

“No problem, unnie. Remember, just love her, okay. Don’t restrain yourself.” You whispered the last sentence. “You’ll never know what this crazy author might write next…”


“What was that? Did you say something?”


“Uh.. I said, I gotta go….” You murmured as you turn your head sideways. “because my cameo in this fic is only limited.”


“Why do you keep on whispering? Haha. You’re really weird. Thank you dongsaeng. Bye Bye.”


“Bye Bye, unnie.”






The conversation with her ended and soon, you two bid your goodbyes with each other.









Tiffany’s POV



I sat behind the two lovebirds in front of me. Yoona and Yuri really love each other. Hello, it’s more than obvious. Yuri even drives with one hand just to hold Yoona’s hand. Sometimes, I want to puke when Yuri is being overly cheesy with Yoona, as if I was not at the back of her car. (-___-)


Does love do that to a person?


I didn’t notice that we were already entering the gates of the Jungs’ because I thought it was some kind of a manor that we’re entering into. OMG! ‘Rich’ was an understatement for these luxuries.


We got down the tanned girl’s car and while we’re walking, Yoona leaned her head on her girlfriend’s shoulder while Yuri placed her right hand on Yoong’s waist. Aish! Where the hell is Taeyeon? She left me with these two, that’s why I’m being shunned like this. The men recognized Yuri as if the latter has been here a lot before. A middle-aged man approached us, “Miss Yuri, nice to see you again.”


“Haha. Mr. Choi, nice to see you too. You looked younger! ^.^ It’s been years since I had my sleepover here.”


Yoona and I stood there awkwardly as they talk with each other. Soon, Yuri held Yoona’s hand and patted my shoulder. “By the way, Mr. Choi. This is my Yoona..” She looked at Yoona’s side.

“Hello, Kwon Yuri’s Yoona.” Mr. Choi jokingly said as he offered a hand and Yoona took it gladly while smiling nicely.

“And this is Tiffany.” Yuri once again patted my shoulder.

“Oh. Tiffany-ssi…” He looked at me, interestingly. “Nice to finally meet you. I heard a lot about you.”


“I could tell it to you. But I would have to lose my job. Haha.”

I was kinda confused about what Mr. Choi said. She heard a lot about me? I’m not that famous. And who will tell something about me?


















No no no no no no…





I dismissed the thought as I heard someone shouted. “DAD! Do you have more chocolates?” We saw Sooyoung emerged from somewhere and she called him what?


“Dad?!” Yoona and I said in unison.


“Oh! Haha. He is Sooyoung’s father, by the way.” Yuri informed us.


Mr. Choi put her arm on Sooyoung neck and tackled her daughter as he apologized, “Hehe. Sorry Miss Yoona, Miss Yuri, and Miss Tiffany, this shikshin daughter of mine gets really silly at times.” Then they went to the other side of the house.


“Oww. Dad. Stop it. I’m just asking for a chocolate. You could have just said no instead of tackling me.” We heard Sooyoung shouted from afar. The three of us laughed altogether.
























Where am I? I think… I think I’m lost. Those two left me. Where are they?


I trudged my way in the Jungs’ mansion and tried to locate Jessica’s room. Gosh! I just turned a few corners. My direction skills really .

Oh! Thank goodness. “Uh miss… Do you know where Jessica’s room is?” I asked as I saw a maid.

She smiled and put her hands behind her back. “I’ll lead you the way, Miss Tiffany.”

I looked at her quizzically but followed her nonetheless.


How did she know my name? A lot of people here in this house, I mean, why all of them already knew my name? Is it mandatory for them to know each and everyone who will enter this house? Or am I just getting popular these days? Tch. Crazy.


After turning a few corners here and there I got surprised when she suddenly stopped in front of a big, white, spotless door.


“Miss Tiffany, Miss Jessica is not feeling well right now and she doesn’t like people knocking on her door.” She said in a hushed tone. “But… I think it is okay because it’s you.” She bowed and once again I was left alone.


It’s okay because it’s m-me? *sigh* What a weird girl.



Remembering what the girl said, I refused to knock. “Jessi…” I called. But nothing seems to be a respond from her.


I moved closer, I leaned at the door. “Jes--”


The door flung open and I felt my body fell forward since I was leaning on the door.




My heart pounded at the feeling of Jessi’s hot body against me. She groaned weakly.


“H-have you been…. eating a l-lot… late-ly ? You seemed to be h-heavier.” She faintly managed to say as she gave me that teasing smile.



Even when you’re sick, you still have the energy to tease me?!!!



“Why you…”


“He… hehe. Sorry if can’t… bicker with you for long… I’m really… t-tired, Tiff.”


I looked at her expectantly, not getting what she wants me to understand.


“C-can you get o-off of me, n-now? We could.. cuddle on.. m-my bed, but not here.” I really hate that smirk that she always gives me.


My face literally became red from embarrassment as I realized that I was still lying on top of her.


“S-s-sorry…. I just-… I-uh” I stood up and helped her stand up as well since she was really weak. It was just now that I noticed how pale her face is. Her lips that were naturally red were with a pale shade of a cherry. And she really looks vulnerable.


I slowly guided her towards her bed and inspected her condition as I placed an electronic thermometer.


“Gosh! Jessi, you’re so hot.” I took the electrical thermometer from . It read 39 degrees Celsius. OMG!


“I…know. he…he.”


“Why are you so full of yourself? Aish! Don’t talk. Just save your energy, will you?” I scolded her and she kept quiet.





I felt guilty all of a sudden as she frowned and kept mum.




“I’ll just get a towel and a bowl of water.”



I walked out of her room and got surprised when the maid from earlier was walking her way to Jessica’s room, carrying a bowl of cold water, along with a white hand towel and some medicines that I presume that it was for the blonde’s fever.


“Excuse me; are you going to take these to Jessi?” I pointed at the things she was carrying. The girl smiled at the nickname I gave to her master.


“Yes, Miss Tiffany.”


“Let me. I’ll take it instead.” She passed me the things willingly. “Please take good care of Miss Jessica.” She bowed before she started walking off.



I entered Jessica’s room again and I saw her on her bed, shivering.










Author’s POV




Tiffany quickly wiped the sweat on the blonde’s forehead. Jessica was shivering but at the same time, she was sweating like she had run a kilometer.


Tiffany dipped the small towel on the bowl of water and twisted it. She folded the towel and placed it neatly on Jessica’s forehead. She was checking the medicines that the maid gave her when a hand touched hers. Tiffany looked at the tired, half lidded eyes of Jessica.


“T-thank you. And I’m sorry… i-if I’m bothering you… like this.”


“No.. it’s..”


“Y-you don’t have to take c-care of me…” Jessica said even though she can barely open her eyes.


“No. This is my responsibility--”




 “It’s my fault that is why you have a fever right now.  You waited for me outside our house to give me that book.” Tiffany held Jessica’s with her two hands. “You’re such a babo, you know that?”


“You forgot-” Tiffany shushed Jessica by placing her finger on the latter’s lip. “Ssshhh… Stop wasting your energy.”


Out of sudden, Jessica coughed lightly. Tiffany looked at her worriedly and got up.


“Wait here.. I’ll just get you a glass of water.”


Tiffany did not even have her first step when Jessica used her remaining strength to pull the brunette towards her. Jessica held her hand and tugged it, causing her to fall, once again, on top of her.


“D-don’t… go.”


Tiffany remained motionless, lying on top of Jessica’s body. It was too fast for her and her mind was still shocked from what the blonde did.


“W-we should…. really proceed on that swimming lessons *cough* ‘cause I think I’ll be using my first wish, now.” Jessica said as she placed her right hand at the back of Tiffany’s head, holding her in place. The brunette can even feel the drumming of the other girl’s heart as her head was buried on her chest.











“P-please…” Jessica said, pleadingly.






“I just want you…….



Tiffany kept mum, anticipating what Jessica is about to say.







       ……to stay with me. Always.”









“Is that.. okay?”



The brunette’s silence was deafening and so Jessica felt anxious until she heard a faint answer from the girl. “I promise.” And Tiffany buried her face on the blonde’s neck.



“Let’s sleep, then.”



Tiffany nodded lightly and soon, the two of them drifted off to dreamland. The two of them smiled unconsciously as they slept.




















Unknown to them, two pranksters were watching them from the moment Tiffany walked inside the room with the bowl of water. They were peeking at the small slit that Tiffany left when she did not fully close the blonde’s door.




“Yoona-yah, I envy them. Let’s cuddle too~”


“Shut your mouth. They might wake up because of your voice.” Yoona said in a hushed tone.


Yuri pouted like a child when Yoona did not give what she wanted.


“Stop pouting.”


Yuri pouted even more.


“Okay, fine.” Yoona held Yuri’s arms and placed it around her waist while her hands were resting on Yuri’s shoulders. “Happy?”


Yuri had her childish smile as she nodded like a puppy.















TBC ^.^







O.O Wow! Many of you guys voted for Taeyeon avoiding Sunny. Haha. You guys love drama much. I didn't know that some of my readers are masochist. lol >.< I'm blaming you all for Sunny's suffering. hahaha. KIDDING! haha I love you so much to do that. :D

But as I have said, it’ll be for one chapter only. :D Omo! A jealous Sunny. And it was all because of YOU. Lol. Did you expect your little cameo, reader? Wahahaha. >o<


Is it just me or some of Jeti fics are really slowly updating nowadays? Haha. At least they still update, though.


And oh!!! Have you guys seen the Dancing Queen MV. I downloaded it since yesterday!!! I almost waited for an hour because our internet connection was ty. Haha. My GOD!!! I was listening & watching to that while writing this chapter. Minimize office word, play music video, watch the video, minimize media player, type on office word, minimize office word, watch the video. *This is my routine!!! xD



Don’t forget to comment! :D

I love those who comment. REALLY <3





Snsdlover27 Vote counted! ^.^ hehe. But it’s not enough. Sunyeon will be together sooner or later. >.<

JeTi298 haha. You want to see a jealous Sica? It's scary though. >.<

yyyuile hohoho. Revenge is definitely sweet. :'> Thanks for the vote.

mumale Thanks for the vote and the comment. :D

azsone93 haha. I counted yours on the YES. Because I think you kinda implied it on your comment. But many voted for taeyeon-avoid-sunny. :D OH! haha. I'm not that smart. I don't have a failing grade but I'm not the top in the class, neither. So I think I'm just average. :D And what's worse about me is that sometimes I tend to put what I learned on my short-term memory. So yeah... It . >.<

SMESHINee My ears! haha. I'm imagining you shouting the words on your comments since you put a lot of exclamation point. haha. XD YAY! I'm one of them. :D I'd like to know who are your other fave authors. :D

KalakiMae Ah Yes. Sorry for making Jeti and Sunyeon suffer a lot. hehe. Right. A lot of suffering on the last chapter. >.< I counted your comment on the YES side but revenge side has more votes. :D

kolagirl Wahahaha. What an evil reader for voting for Sunyeon revenge.. You you... XD I counted your vote. ^.^ Yeah, good thing that Mr. Hwang arrived. Or else I'll enter my own fic and save Jessica. haha. XD. haha. I'll make sure to add you on the invitation list. lol

PJShin Waaaa. Please, don't cry! *pats shoulder* OMG! It makes me wanna cry too. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa =’(

spicydimsum ANNYEONG! You're my favorite reader now. haha. I like your looong comments. Seriously. I appreciate the effort. I enjoyed reading them so much. :'> haha. Omo! You have a good intuition. You guessed that Taeyeon won't come when Sunny messaged her. *thumbs up.* ^.^  What? You're lonelyyyyyy??? *Lonely by 2NE1 playing* hahahaha. And yeah, I wish too that my father was like Mr. Hwang. It would be hella awesome! HAHAHA. 'TBC' in your nightmares? LMFAO. I can imagine a TBC mascot chasing you on your dreams. >.<

babystrawb3 Thanks for the comment!

taemisunnylover Your vote has been counted! ^.^ More drama for Sunyeon for this chapter!

JeTiLove haha. Yes, I’m waiting… hehe. Oh. Disease, eh? I hope I won’t get infected by that…. Wahahaha. Lol. I’m kidding. We’re the same! I’m a sleepyhead and a lazy person too. Boss Sica taught us, that’s why.. >.< Btw, the avoiding Sunny part is for a chapter only but I counted your vote nonetheless. ^__^  Hey, really? You have read it at ssf. I’m really bad for not updating there. Actually, I chickened out because I got intimidated because the authors at ssf are reaaaaaallly good. I mean they are really awesome! So I’m afraid that my fic won’t get that many readers. No offense to AFF authors though. And at that time when I started to post up few chapters, I don’t receive much comments and followers so I thought that the people there don’t like my fic and eventually I lost the will to update. It’s easier to update here in AFF, for my opinion. :D






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Chapter 16: Thornimmmmm.... Please comeback and continue this story... 😭😭
otnine0922 #2
Chapter 16: Pls comeback!!!!
KalakiMae #3
Chapter 16: Awe I miss this fic it’s a really good story I hope you will come back and continue it again
Chapter 16: Just found this... But i think you have give up on this fic...
Thanks for sharing this story tho :))
Chapter 16: Uh I miss this fix so much... When will you update? :(
Chapter 16: What's up ??
ice_princess14 #7
Chapter 16: Author where are you
yvet_951 #8
Chapter 16: Please update Author-nnim
Chapter 16: Please update Author-nnim. Your story was awesome!! Can't wait for another chapter. Please! Please! Please! *pouting*
Chapter 16: I just found your fic, and this is good... But why you didn't update anymore?
Oh maybe you busy... Wish you can update anytime soon :)