Blame It on...the Club

Blame It on the Alcohol

This was such a bad idea. Youngbae had to agree with the rather depressing thought that had just flown through his brain. Jiyong and Youngbae were on the dance floor, a place that they both enjoyed being, and they had left Daesung alone with Seunghyun at a booth somewhere on the other side of the room.

It wasn’t that he wasn’t having fun; he loved dancing and he and Jiyong had always gone out dancing when they were younger as well as whenever Jiyong wasn’t keeping himself holed up in his room. No, the problem was that Jiyong had apparently immediately figured out what was wrong with Seunghyun, but was refusing to even hint at what it could be. It also didn’t help that Seunghyun wouldn’t look directly at him, and had been sneaking off to get drinks when he thought that none of them were looking. Seunghyun wasn’t completely drunk, but he was on his way and that was part of the reason why Jiyong and Youngbae had been on the dance floor for over an hour; they were avoiding Seunghyun, and Youngbae had a feeling that Jiyong felt that them being away would help slow down Seunghyun’s alcohol intake.

“I want a drink!” Jiyong shouts into Youngbae’s ear from somewhere behind him. Youngbae nods mutely and allows Jiyong to drag him out of the crush of people and over to the bar.

Seunghyun’s lip twitches up in either frustration or amusement, but Daesung can’t tell which from the angle he’s sitting at and Seunghyun is a little too inebriated to be able to decide either. He was watching Jiyong and Youngbae out on the dance floor, where they had been for the past half hour. He hadn’t had a single drink aside from water since they left and he had finished off the awful concoction he had had in his hand, but he was still basically drunk - It’s been less than a half hour since you stopped. - Yes, and he knew very well that just because he wasn’t actively drinking the alcohol didn’t mean it wasn’t still inside of him.

“Aren’t you afraid someone is going to try and dance with him?” Seunghyun asks suddenly, and Daesung just tips his head to the side, his eyes never leaving the side of Seunghyun’s face.

“Why would I be afraid of that?” He asks, and Seunghyun suddenly wishes that he had another drink. Of course Daesung had nothing to worry about; Jiyong was irrevocably in love with him and even if he were to dance with other people, it wouldn’t mean anything.

“I dunno.” Seunghyun says, before deciding he feels like being mean, “But I mean, what about Youngbae and Jiyong? They’re awfully close, and look at how they are dancing with each other.” Seunghyun notes the rather bored look on Daesung’s face as he obediently turns his head to peer out into the crowd of dancers at his boyfriend and Youngbae.

“They look like they’re having fun.” He says with a slight shrug of his shoulder before turning his focus back to Seunghyun’s profile.

Seunghyun lets out a rather defeated sounding sigh, but doesn’t turn back to the table. “This was an awful idea.” He says, and Daesung tilts his head to the side again and Seunghyun has to stop himself from reaching over and tilting it back. “Youngbae doesn’t like clubs, and I’ve given up drinking.” Daesung lets out a small laugh.

“You have, have you?” He asks, and Seunghyun frowns, remembering the ‘fortifying’ drink he’d had before Jiyong had arrived to pick him up and the 4 others that had followed once they had arrived.

“Starting now.” He says, nodding along with his words as if that would make them more true.

“I hope so, Youngbae is very worried about you.” Daesung says, and Seunghyun blinks, turning away from the dance floor for the first time since Youngbae and Jiyong had gotten up to go over there.

“You aren’t?” He asks, and Daesung smiles, reaching a hand forward to pat Seunghyun’s shoulder.

“Of course I am, and so is Jiyong.” He says, pausing for a short moment to shrug nonchalantly before continuing. “But Youngbae is even more worried than either of us.” Seunghyun snorts and shakes his head, turning back to face the crowd of dancers and letting his eyes search out Youngbae’s form.

“I highly doubt that.” He says, hiding his frown behind a humorless smile. “He hasn’t spoken to me in almost exactly a week.” He says, glancing down at the glass of water he was holding and allowing the frown to appear.

“Have you spoken to him? Maybe he thinks that you are upset with him.” Daesung suggests, and Seunghyun just sighs, swallowing the rest of the water from the glass and placing it a little more harshly onto the table than he had intended.

“Doesn’t matter.” He mutters, and Daesung lets out a soft sigh before turning to face the crowd of dancers as well.

Seunghyun is secretly disappointed that Daesung gave up on talking to him so quickly, but his attention is quickly diverted as he catches sight of a girl trying to get Youngbae’s attention. He allows a small smirk to form on his face as the girl is very effectively shot down when Youngbae turns away to dance even more closely with Jiyong. The surprise that he was sure was written all over her face at the rejection wasn’t near as satisfying as he had imagined it would be. Instead, he felt himself getting upset that Youngbae had no problem dancing so closely with Jiyong, when there were plenty of other people in the crowd that he could dance with.

Or you. Seunghyun blinks fiercely and shakes his head to rid it of that thought. No, no he didn’t want Youngbae to dance that closely with him. That wouldn’t be right, especially since they weren’t really speaking with each other at the moment. It didn’t matter why that would be a problem, what mattered was that Daesung should definitely be far more worried than he seemed to be. If Seunghyun were dating someone who was dancing all over Youngbae, he would most definitely be worried about it. Not that Youngbae would do anything, but Youngbae was a very, very attractive man; and while Daesung was very attractive, Seunghyun would have to say that he wouldn’t blame Jiyong for going after Youngbae.

Not that he would, what are you even thinking? Seunghyun shakes his head again and refocuses on the mass of dancing bodies on the floor in front of them. No, no it didn’t matter, and since when did he have such a fierce opinion about Youngbae’s attractiveness? Since you started waiting for him to leave the dance studio on Friday evening. He scowls slightly at the thought and looks over at the empty glass on the table, heaving a sigh as he does.

“I’m not letting you have another drink.” Daesung says, his eyebrows raised in challenge.

“Since when were you the boss of me?” Seunghyun says without thinking.

Daesung leans closer to him, his elbow resting on the table between them. “When you became a danger to yourself and others.” He says, his voice calm but commanding and stern. “The day that Youngbae called and told me he was afraid of you only solidified my role.”

Seunghyun’s lip twitches and he lowers his gaze before turning back toward the crowd. His eyes widen in shock and confusion as he scans the area before him but can’t find Youngbae or Jiyong. “Where’d they go?” He asks, gesturing toward the floor and turning toward Daesung.

Daesung shrugs his shoulders. “Maybe they went to get a drink?” Daesung suggests, leaning back in his seat and folding his arms over his chest.

Seunghyun just shakes his head, “No, no Youngbae doesn’t drink and he doesn’t like clubs why is he even here.”

“Maybe Jiyong wants a drink, and just because Youngbae doesn’t normally drink that doesn’t mean that he never drinks.” Daesung says, he turns his head briefly toward the floor and a small smile flickers onto his face. “Here they come now.” He nods toward them as they approach and Seunghyun turns to watch them.

Both men had drinks and were deep in conversation about something. Seunghyun tries to stop the scowl that tries to force its way onto his face when Jiyong grabs Youngbae’s arm to steady him as he slides around a pole that he almost ran into. Why so angry? Seunghyun turns his scowl inward, cursing his mind’s recent need to torment him.

“Why are you drinking?” Seunghyun says by way of a greeting when the two men are close enough to hear him.

Youngbae blinks and looks over at Jiyong a little uncertainly before he returns his confused gaze to Seunghyun. “Because I’m thirsty?” He says, though it’s more of a question and Seunghyun tries not to let it make him feel stupid.

Jiyong, obviously impatient to sit down, pushes Youngbae toward the table, forcing him to move Seunghyun away from the edge so that he can sit down. Satisfied, Jiyong sits down on Daesung’s lap, as delicately as if he hadn’t just been dancing dirty out in the crowd. Daesung presses a quick kiss to the back of Jiyong’s neck before shifting so that he could see Youngbae and Seunghyun on the other side of the table.

“Done dancing?” He asks, his wide smile crinkling his eyes. Jiyong smiles and nods.

“Yes! It’s getting so hot out there and Youngbae was being practically mauled by all of those scantily clad women out there.” Jiyong sounds almost appalled, but there was humor glinting in his eyes. Youngbae, his body already flushed from the heat of dancing, turns an even darker shade of red.

“They were not mauling me Ji.” He says, a self-conscious smile on his face.

“They were definitely trying to dance with you. It was all you could do to keep them away.” Jiyong says, leaning forward as he speaks and ending with an exuberant tap to his friend’s nose. Youngbae pulls his head away, scrunching up his mouth in annoyance at the unwanted contact.

“Why were you trying to keep them away?” Seunghyun asks, his voice sounding a little angrier than he had intended - I thought you didn’t want him to dance with girls? -

“Because I didn’t want to dance with them.” Youngbae says, keeping his gaze directed ahead of him and away from Seunghyun.

“You’ll never get a girlfriend if you push all of the girls away.” Seunghyun tries again, still uncertain why he was pushing this.

“I don’t want a girlfriend, Seunghyun.” Youngbae says, his voice a little louder than expected. He turns toward Seunghyun, his hands balling into fists on the table. “Has that ever occurred to you? Ever?” Seunghyun just blinks, too surprised (and drunk) to do anything more than gape like a fish at Youngbae’s outburst. “Of course it hasn’t.” Youngbae finishes, looking down and away.

Seunghyun looks across at Jiyong and Daesung, both of whom were staring at Seunghyun, waiting for him to react. Seunghyun swallows hard and turns back toward a still upset Youngbae. “Then...what do you want?” He asks, his mouth suddenly dry and his mind screaming at him that he doesn’t actually want to know the answer.

“Nothing, Seunghyun. Just, nothing.” Youngbae says without even turning to face him.

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ILuvToDae #1
Chapter 12: ToBae!!! I have a real soft spot for them. I'm always wishing for more ToBae.
Thank you for writing this. I enjoyed reading it!
moon_swan #2
Chapter 12: I loved it!
MinyVIP #3
Chapter 12: I absolutely loved it. It's deliciosly well written and the relationships between each of them is so sweet an funny.
hitominyo #4
Chapter 12: Aww~ This fic is the best <3 I want to know what happens in the dinner~ I was dying when YoungBae was thinking about the space he should do for SeungHyun!! It was SO sweet!! Please don´t stop writing~
foreverYB518 #5
Chapter 12: ooh so that means they are official?!
Chapter 12: one more chapter? maybe the epilogue, pretty please?
moon_swan #7
Chapter 12: Actually I want one more chapter for this a really wanna hear what Top sad to YB.
Chapter 12: Thank you for update but this chapture just made me confussed. please update soon!!!
Chapter 12: Gosh, that was wonderful ^U^