First Draft

Club B




“Talk and make it quick.” Zico responded.

“Where are you?”


“Yah Woo Jiho I’m being serious! I bet you’re not even ready. Did you forget?”

“Nah I wouldn’t forget our…”

“Anniversary?” I offered.

“Right, right I didn’t forget.”

“You would forget yourself if you weren’t so self-centered.” I scoffed. I could hear loud noises in the background. They weren’t the usual club music mixed with drunken conversations.

“Where are you?” I repeated.

“Stop worrying, I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

“Don’t be late-“A stone cold voice cut me off, “You’re a dead man.” The man spoke.

“Zico? Can you hear me?” I asked worried but there was no answer. I hung up and looked straight ahead into the lake that seemed to go on forever. My first thought was to wait for him, after all fights were normal for him. Something in the back of my mind said otherwise though.

I’ll be a bother, he doesn’t need me there. Even with these thoughts running through my head I started running. Where is he? Myeongdong? Hongdae? He always tells me, think..

“Don’t turn into one of those apgujeong-dong ahjumas I can’t afford it.” I could almost hear cocky voice in my head.

“Apgujeong-dong?” I said out loud and stopped on my tracks. I reached out my arm to catch a taxi which fortunately came quick. Inside the cab it was so quiet I could hear my short breaths.

“You better not be late.”


Club B is a little hell in a big city for those who spend more than one night here. It’s great to come and party once or twice but become a regular isn’t a very good idea. You’ll either get on their good side or their bad side. To be honest they’re both seem like pretty bad choices. Them? Right, Black Dragon the owners of Club B. You don’t see them around that much anymore. Rumors say they have a new leader now. They’ve gone underground, only showing up to make trouble when they’re bored. I don’t know how much more underground you can get than Club B though.

I took off my headphones and got up from the bus seat.  I stepped outside and a sudden cold wind hit me. I should have brought a coat, it is October after all what was I thinking. By the time I got home it would be night and it would be freezing. It was cold before but when my eyes landed on the neon said that spelled out CLUB B it became colder. Shaking my head I walked inside the dim lit building. Soon it would be buzzing but for now I could relax and predict how tonight was going to go.

Surprisingly the night went by without any troubles. No stupid gangsters tried to touch me and the only time I felt annoyed was when my favorite song played and I was stuck serving drinks in the VIP lounge.

“Excuse me.” A voice called and I turned around. In front of my eyes was one of the prettiest man I’ve ever seen. I’m not kidding he’s pretty, not hot but pretty. I nodded not trusting my voice.

He smirked then spoke, “What’s your name?” At that instant I forgot my name. What was it? Kwon Minhee? Juhee?

“You there?” He asked.”I’m Ren. You?”

I remember every detail of that day. The day I met Ren I thought something good was finally happening in my life. I remember how he tried to convince me that he wasn’t a rich brat but the way he spoke soon gave him away. Being from a poor family and having average looks I had no idea what he saw in me. I didn’t understand when he said it didn’t matter what his parents said. I didn’t understand how he could throw all of that away. As time passed I thought I had figured it out, figured him out. I couldn’t have been more wrong if I tried. Past that cute face laid a monster. I didn’t believe it, I tried my best to hold on to the image of that carefree but shy guy I had met that night that seems so long ago. Until...The day the puzzle pieces started fitting. It made sense that he was the leader of Black Dragon. It made sense that his parent’s money meant nothing to him. He already ruled an empire and I was his queen. To him I was only useful for two things. Negotiating with the big 3 otherwise known as the Yakuza, Triad and the Mafia and making him look good. As the years passed I grew to hate him but I didn’t dare leave. Not because I was afraid of him but because I knew I would be lost. In the outside world I was nobody but there in the darkness with bodyguards surrounding me and the leaders of the underground at my feet I knew where I stood. Sure a real relationship would have been welcomed but I had given up on that.

I lazily opened my eyes and stared at the pure white wall. There was no need to turn around I already knew Ren wasn’t there. I went through my morning routine and headed out to check on some of the businesses. I found myself walking through familiar streets. They were lined up with Halloween decorations. It was just an excuse to dress up and have sales.

Today of all days

I found myself inside Club B in no time. If I say it hadn’t changed after two years I would be lying. It was completely changed. It was still dimly lit but now it looked busier even though it wouldn’t open for another ten hours.  I almost got lost in my own thoughts when someone tapped my shoulder.

“What?” I turned around.

“How rude Mrs.Choi.”  He said.

“What.” I repeated a frown forming.

“Don’t like being called that?

“It’s Miss.”

“It wasn’t very smart of you to come here…Miss.” I could hear the sarcasm in his voice.

“Why wo-“I shut up as soon as I realized what he meant. I wasn’t paying attention in the meeting but I recalled Ren had said something about one of the clubs being taken over by Red Tiger. It was Club B apparently.

“Cat caught your tongue?” He raised an eyebrow.

“Listen Mr-“I started.

“Zico.” He said and I gave him a puzzle look, “its Zico.”

“Well Zico what are you going to do now that I’m here?”

“Is that a challenge?”

“Maybe.” I slightly smiled to prove I wasn’t scared

“Watch your words. You think that little boy is gonna come for you? He’s just a little kid playing an adult game.”

“He-“I stopped again. I couldn’t disagree with him.

“Plus I think you’ll like it better here.” He smirked and turned around motioning for me to follow.

What had I done with my life? I had always been pushed around like a doll. Without thinking about it I accepted a new life. Apart from the fact that I lived under the same roof as a certified idiot life was pretty much back to normal. Back before Ren came into my life. Sometimes I did wonder if Ren would come for me. Did I want him to?

“You up?” A voice woke me up from deep sleep.

I turned around and saw Zico sitting at the edge of my bed.

“What are you doing here?” I yelled, I was about to get a broom and shoo him out but he just calmly looked at me.

“I have a present for you.” He said and I raised an eyebrow.

“Don’t make that face and get ready.” He walked out of the room. Half an hour later we were roaming through the snow-covered streets of Gangnam. This was the first time I saw him so relaxed. He was usually in a party mood or angry.

“You’re acting weird.” I blurted out; I seriously need self control classes.

“What I can’t act nice for once?”

“No, it’s scary.” I quickly responded only half serious.

“You’re no fun.” He walked quicker and I ran to catch up.

“You were acting weird so…” I looked at my hands like they were the most interesting things on the planet.

“You just totally ruined my confession.” He flashed a smile.

“Confession?” I stopped walking.

“If you just stand there I’ll take it as a no.” He said already a couple of steps ahead.  My feet started moving afraid that he would leave me behind.


After what seemed like days inside the cab I arrived. The streets were too busy for this time of the year but I managed to walk fast. I walked until I saw the bright signs of clubs and fast food restaurants. I took my hands out of my pocket and dialed Kyung’s number. If there’s someone who always knows where Zico is at is Kyung.


“Kyung? It’s me, do you know where Zico’s at? Are you with him?” I quickly asked.

“Hold on, what do you mean? I thought he was meeting you.”



“Sorry we’re all at the club and we thought he was with you.”

“You don’t know anything?” My voice cracked; no matter how hard I tried, I was worried. “Kyung…please.”

“Aish.” I could almost see his nervous eyes scanning the rest of Red Tiger. “Where are you, I’ll tell you where to go.” I almost relaxed when he told me that. Then I remembered I still hadn’t found Zico.

The next five minutes were awful to say the least. I wanted to punch kyung for his lack of directions but I needed him. Surprisingly I was able to follow and was soon standing in front of a warehouse at the edge of Apgujeong-dong. I slowly walked through the icy sidewalk leading up to the door. I saw a pair of motorcycles that belonged to Zico and who knows who else. I almost walked through the doors when a loud bang sound reached my ears. I froze and the doors opened by themselves. A slim figure walked out not paying attention to me. I watched as he walked away. Even in the dark of this night I knew exactly who he was. As soon as he was out of my eyesight I rushed inside. Zico was standing holding on to his chest a shocked expression crossed his face.

“I knew you would be late.” I walked towards him tears threatening to fall.

“Sorry.” He smiled.

“I bet you didn’t even get me a present.” I was now by his side.


“Don’t be.” I hugged him.

“I’ll be on time next year.”

“You better be.” I felt his heartbeat slow down.

You better be

Please stay strong. By all means, as much as the inexpressible pain is the pain due to a loss, if you overcome it then you will definitely become a lot stronger.


A/N: >.< this was a bit rushed but i need sleep and i want that review so...

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Chapter 1: Ahhh ;; I like this ^^