To Eternity and Beyond


They had always been best friends. She was two seconds older than him, those were the most lonely seconds of her life. They couldn't be taken apart, their first words were the other, coupled with 'is my friend'. They could tell each other anything, they both were nice to everyone at the same time, mean to everyone; they liked the same things and not to mention hate the same things together. They both loved show business. He wanted to be a rapper, and she, an actress. Thereby taking perfect care of their already perfect features that everyone would, with no doubt, die for. No girl wouldn’t swoon at the sight of the famous Li Jiaheng and no guy wouldn’t want to have a gorgeous Suzy Bae on their beds for even just a swift minute. But both were exclusively for the other. They both enjoyed each other. They were friends forever: Li Jiaheng and his best friend Suzy Bae. But will that be all they could be?



From the very start, their family had always thought they were really cute and compatible. Kris' sister, Dara, would always point out how adorable it would be if Kris and Suzy got married, Suzy would actually be a real part of the family. They’d have three children and the eldest would be named after Yoona, one of their closest friends. But Kris and Suzy would only laugh at their plans and would often point out that no matter what happens, they will never be married to a ‘greasy, slimy, annoying loser’ which was addressed to the other. And before they could argue who the real loser is, Dara would stand in between them and annoy the heck out of both of them with her ‘buing buings’.



But they knew deep down that they liked each other, but never deliberated it even upon themselves, because they didn't actually need to.


The day they went off to an American university should have been lonely, full of homesickness, but how could it be, they had each other (not to mention Suzy's dad was a teacher, her mother visited frequently. Kris' dad was a frequent guest lecturer on a certain subject, and his mother came to every school event). They sat together on the plane, and talked as they normally would, making a couple of new friends along the way. None of the friends however, rivaled the friendship Suzy and Kris had.


They both sighed with relief when they found out their schedules were completely the same for the next couple of years and they would be together guaranteed, always friends. But at school, girls would really try to throw themselves at Kris, being the hottest guy on the planet and all, but he didn't really pay attention to them, the only girl he saw was Suzy. When lessons came around, they helped each other. Kris was good at rapping, while Suzy was good at acting. With each others help, they were both good at both subjects. There was another subject they were both good at however, and that was singing. All the time as kids, they would sing, practicing for their long-awaited debut, imagining a crowd of millions screaming their names. And now that they have reached the right age, and a showcase is happening in a few weeks time, they prepared together. One of the singing lessons, given by Kris' mum were a piece of cake for them. They quickly drew the eyes of the head of the singing department, Do Kyungsoo, who offered them both spots on the showcase team. Suzy would be the main singer, and Kris would be the main rapper. Suzy was the youngest person who got into the main spot in fifty years, only two seconds younger than the second place Li Jiaheng (which gave her something to boast about and annoy the heck out of him).


Kris and Suzy instantly grasped the stage, and people began to call Kris the best and hottest rapper to ever appear on such a showcase and Suzy the best main singer. After so, the two became one of the most famous people in the university and soon enough, the students began to think of them as a couple, which was not hard to do, as they were practically inseparable. Yet, Kris and Suzy still didn't admit there love for each other, after all they were only nineteen, they were to young to be in love. Or so they thought.


As another showcase quickly approached, Kris and Suzy didn't feel anxiety anymore, they both knew they were ready for it. They walked down to the stage with the rest of the team, for introductions. In this showcase, however, they were faced with great competition which is Woolim university, who were performing there as well. The fact that a lot more people from the press had come and managers from talent agencies were watching had somehow worried them.


To take his mind off things, Kris had looked around. It was very windy outside, and Suzy's long blonde hair shook around. He thought she looked cute, but he didn't know how to tell her, he was a little shy when it came to stuff like that.


Suzy saw how Kris' light blonde hair flew back in the wind. She could look deeply into his dark brown eyes, the eyes she always adored. She thought he was cute, but she didn't know how to tell him, she was a little shy when it came to stuff like that.


After a few moments, they went into the dressing rooms, skipping the ‘changing’ part as they were already in their outfits, and talked strategy. "Okay everybody," said the professor-in-charge, "This is what we've all been preparing for. We've spent hours upon hours preparing for this, we're ready. Talent managers are watching and rumors say they’re looking for people to recruit in their company tonight. We can’t let those Woolim jerks get the spots right?” A loud ‘right’ echoed around the room. “Okay guys, just stick to our plan, work together, and let’s get ready to kick some Woolim !"


"Yeah," said everybody else in unison.


“I expect all of you to give me 110% out there."


"Is 109 OK?," asked Yoona jokingly, just to try and break the ice.


"What about 111?," followed Dara with a short chuckle.


Soon enough, they all laughed. And after some time, the theater went wild in the announcement of the opening of the showcase.


"And now," boomed the announcer, "to start the game, please welcome the honorary CEO of SM entertainment, Lee Soo Man!"


"Now all of you," said Soo Man, “I suppose you already know that we will be looking for new stars to train. We expect to see a beautiful showcase tonight and a clean and fair competition between both schools. Am I understood?” All nod, though the look in Kim Myungsoo's eyes suggested that he didn't give a damn about whatever the old man said.


"OK then," said the announcer, "Let the showcase begin!"


The weather was starting to get bad, storms popping up, lightning striking, making seeing conditions hard. But the show must go on. After a few opening acts, it was time for Suzy to perform and he, unsurprisingly, found himself staring, as he had often recently, at how beautiful his best friend was and how perfect of a voice she had. The talent managers had also seemed amazed by her and so are the rest of the people in the theater.


The fuss backstage had snapped him back to reality. There has been a malfunction with the lights. Kris looked up to see the sparks flying out of the huge lightbulb or whatever that is, threatening to fall, but what he didn’t see (or somehow, forgotten) was the person underneath the bulb. Suzy, he thought, No! He prepared himself to rush out there and pull her away but the bulb was quickly turned off which made him release a long relieved sigh. But, looking down, he saw Kim Myungsoo concealed behind the curtains on the eastern part of the stage, standing beside the main power switch. He caught Kris glaring at him and grinned, at the switch then back to Kris. , he thought, if he turns it on, it will catch on fire and drop. His blood was rising. His sweat was trickling down his forehead.  If that thing hits Suzy, he doesn’t know what he’s gonna do to that jerk. He shook his head slowly, fixing the gaze he had with Myungsoo, asking him not to turn it on but the guy seemed eager, teasing Kris, indirectly asking him to move out there and pull Suzy out, thereby ruining the whole showcase for their school. In an instant, the switch was . Kris felt like he was experiencing a nightmare. The lights had caught fire and the thin wire holding it broke. Kris had one instant to make the choice. Should he save his soul twin, or save their team’s careers? Was it everyone or the only one? Kris didn't even have to hesitate, he knew what he was going to do.


He sped up as fast as the bulb came crashing down, and pushed Suzy Bae away. Everyone was startled, not only because of the fact that at the moment Kris had decided to save his best friend, he ruined it for everyone but also at the fact that a huge, heavy ball of fire had hit his back as his front slammed on the wooden floors of the stage and Kris, the hottest guy in the planet, is now laying on the stage, unconscious. But before he out, he had managed to say one word.


“S-Suzy” He may have broken some bones, but he didn't break his heart and that’s good enough.


Everyday, for the three weeks Kris stayed in the Hospital. The huge bulb of fire and electricity had left a bruise ten inches near his spine. It was a miracle he even survived in the first place. The nurse had him knocked out on drugs which would speed up his recovery, and make it less painful for Kris.  Suzy came to visit thrice or more a day. Every free second, she spent there. She even did her homework there, waiting for him to come back. She told Suzy he wouldn't wake until a full three weeks, and that it was pointless to stay and wait, but she refused to leave. Some nights even, she slept there, with her head on his shoulders, sleeping next to the knocked out Li Jiaheng. She couldn't bare not being able to talk to her best friend.


On the twnty-first day in the Hospital Wing, Kris woke back up, seeing Suzy's huge smile. He was greeted back into the world to the person he loved most, his bestfriend Suzy.


"Kris," said Suzy, "You're awake."


Kris got up, and before he could say anything, Suzy embraced him in a huge and binding hug. Kris felt a leap in his stomach, which he had never felt. He hugged back, and if they could have, they would have stayed like that forever. "Suzy," said Kris, "I missed you, even though I was out cold and didn't have any thoughts, I missed you."


Suzy said, "I missed you more."


Kris said, "I don't think so."


"Oh stop."


"Or what?"


"I'll kiss you."


"Not if I kiss you first."


They both began to kiss, happily ever after, lost in there dream reality. At that moment, without any words, they knew they loved each other. They knew the bond they had was stronger than friendship.


Sometimes fairy tales do come true. For Li Jiaheng, there would always be another showcase, in which he could kick Myungsoo's filthy , but there would never be another Suzy Bae. Kris had never been in love before, but he was pretty sure it must feel like this.


Later that day, he had officially asked Suzy to be his girlfriend and to stay with him to eternity and beyond.

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Chapter 1: Haha.. Kris u must say thank u to myungsoo.. Bcoz of him u can reaoize ad confess ur feeling..
louieistrash #2
This is beautiful. :)
suho_S2_suzy #3
Chapter 1: can i translate it author? i will give the cre
Chapter 1: This is so cuteeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm done with you seriously lol
So done vlkhfjmhsafalhdfoiashdfiahsdfi
WHY AM I THE LAST ONE TO READ THIS jfmdasfhaifhaifhuai
ChristineElisabeth #6
Chapter 1: Awwwww such a sweet story! I love the pairing too. Kris and Suzy. I barely find this pairing hehe. Nice job, author-ssi!
Keshowo #7
Chapter 1: thiiiiiiis is soooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeee! - dies - OMG I can die happy.
Chapter 1: omgomgomgomgogmgomgomg OWNER D;
Chapter 1: So sweeeeeeeeeet !! But why must Myungsoo to be the devil xD I ship MyungZy too TT
Chapter 1: NICE ONE :)