I Want A Daughter Instead! [HIATUS]

"Ja-gi-ya~?" Eli sang as he peak inside the house. Seeing that no one is at the living room, he smiled in relief. Good, I knew Eunmin will be taking a shower at this time. He thought. He already have a plan in his mind for today.

"I'm home finally!" He stretched his arm wide and closed his eyes, taking a deep breathe. He had missed the scent of his house, he had missed home. 

"Ahhh, yes, I almost forgot. Have to get this done before Eunminnie finish showering!" He quickly took out his phone from his pocket and dailed Kiseop, his buddy's number. He waited patiently for a few rings before Kiseop finally answered his phone.

"Seopie! Eunmin is still in the shower! Come here quick!" 

"Nae nae arraseo! I'll be there real soon okay?" Kiseop replied in a kinda annoyed tone. 

"Thanks bro."

The conversation ended and he quickly make his way to his son's room. Sunghoonie must be taking his nap now. And true, he's indeed taking his nap.

"Sunghoon-ah?" Eli shook his son's body gently to wake him up.

"Hmmm?" Sunghoon asked in confusion, did he just heard his appa's voice?

"Sunghoon-ah wake up appa is home~"

Appa is home? Sunghoon's eyes widened and he's completely awake now. "APPA!" He threw himself into his appa's chest and hugged him. "Appa! I thought you won't be home until tomorrow! I missed you so much!" 

"I missed you too kiddo!" Eli smiled. It's so great to know that his son does miss him while he's away. "Go get your face washed now! Uncle Kiseop will pick you up later on, you're staying over at his house for tonight~"

Sunghoon's eyes lit up, "REALLY?! Yay! I get to play with Miyeol later on~" Miyeol is Kiseop's cute daughter, she was born in the same year as Sunghoon, but a few months after him. You can say that they grew up together since they were born and Sunghoon enjoyed her company a lot, since he's the only child in the family.

The doorbell rings by then, signaling that Kiseop's already arrived. "Uncle Kiseop!" Sunghoon greeted. "Hey." Kiseop smiled and patted his head.

"Listen to uncle Kiseop and be obedient alright! Now follow uncle Kiseop." Eli said before turning to Kiseop, "Sorry to trouble you, but thanks." He had his hand on Kiseop's shoulder. Kiseop nodded, "Let's go Sunghoon!"  


Your POV

"Honey?" My eyes lit up immediately as I step out of the bathroom door. Eli oppa is home! Yes, I still prefer calling him Eli oppa inside, and I know that he wanted me to continue calling him that too. But I won't. ㅋㅋㅋ

"Jagiya, i miss you so much." He came to pull me into his embrace. My heart started to beat fast and i melted at his words. Redness formed on my cheeks but luckily his chest is hiding it, preventing him to see. He still drive me crazy even after so many years, my love for him never fade. "Me too." I said as I hugged him back.

"I'm taking you somewhere today."

"Really? Where?" I pulled us apart and looked at him with excitement.

"Somewhere." He teased. "Now change into something nice and we will head off."

"Wait, what about Sunghoon?"

"I left him at Kiseop's house already."

My eyes widened, since when? "What?! Why don't I know this?"

"Sorry for not telling you. But i wanted both of us to have some time alone today, no Sunghoon, no nothing." He kissed my forehead while my heart flutters. He's sweet.

"It's okay." I smiled.

I'm really curious of where he will take me to later on. And i got my answer after we arrived at the place. 

"The amusement park where we had our first date!" I looked over at Eli with a big smile. I missed the day! 

He nodded, "Tonight, we are back to the 18 years old Eli and the 16 years old. You are required to call me Eli oppa." He smirked. Oh my, he's so smart to make use of this chance to make me call him Eli oppa.

"Neh, Eli oppa~" I cling onto his arm like how i did it back then. His face got red, i bet this made him think of the moment too. I scanned through the amusement park to take a look on where we should start from. 

My eyes stopped at a particular area, memories came back to me.

"Don't be afraid. I'm here for you. I'll kill the ghost if they harm you."

"Aigooo my baby got scared? Which ghost was that? I'll kill him!"

It was the haunted house, my nightmare. But i love what happened there though. 

We decided to take the ferris wheel first. We took our seat and admired the beautiful scene infront of us. I hugged Eli's waist using both of my hands and let my head relax on his chest. I could feel him smiling as he wrapped his arms around my shoulder. 

"I love you so much." The corner of my lips lift up automatically upon his words and I hugged him tighter, sending him the message that I feel the same too.

Your POV end

A/N: Uncle Kiseop! Lol it sounds and feels weird right? xp Thank you for waiting. Please leave your comments.  v

Omg! So two weeks ago I met U-Kiss!!!! >< I swear that was my best fansign and concert ever~!! Got so many fanservice from the boys until I cannot count already!!! Especially from Kevin and Hoon :') Ahhh i'm so happy because they're my first and second bias! 

I'll share some of it~ For example, Kevin always smile to me~ He said "I love you too." to me!!! TT He also grabbed my hand during the concert when I reach out my hand~ As for Hoon, he reach out to my hand and grabbed my hand too~ He posed for me and always smile to me!

Another fanservice that I like is when AJ won't let go of my hand during the fansign! >//< And Eli played with my name lolol. xD SUCH A GREAT DAY! <333

If you're interested, you can check out my fancams at my Youtube account! ^^ I didn't upload all of my fancams though hehe. Link: http://www.youtube.com/user/LoveEunhyukOppa/videos?flow=grid&view=0


lifetimeKM: Thank you :')

cocobean: ^^ I will.

ashleyhyung: Omg!! Hahaha. So happy to know that you're actually waiting for my updates. :'D

Jejusan: Thank you so much! It means a lot. :*

ayealexia: Thank you and updated. :)

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Naviky #1
Chapter 6: Wow so lucky u got to meet ukiss xD but the chapter was sweeet :D
Naviky #2
Chapter 4: Aw eli is a great father! Marry me eli xD
ajitaskw #3
Chapter 8: Waiting for ur update, update please authornim ~
Chapter 8: Whaaaaaaa!!!! So lovely!!!!! XD poor pigeon, he wants to have fun!!! XD i hope his "wild night" can happen soon!! XD
Chapter 8: yay update n____n
Chapter 7: Will wait for you, author nim n~~~~~n
Chapter 8: Omg!!!! Im glad you
Updated....and i cant wait
Chapter 8: please more update soon..I'm so excited!!!^^
Chapter 7: I shall wait for your return! Love you!! :D
Chapter 7: I will wait for your update...I know you can do the best!!!^^