One Wish Chapter 1

One Wish

“Ya, you.” Junhyung said as he flicked Dongwoon’s forehead. It hurt but Dongwoon dared not move. He knew the consequences of shouting ‘pain’ In front of everyone.

“Go get us some beer.” Doojoon said as he pushed Dongwoon out of the warm warehouse. The door shut with a ‘clank’ and laughter could be heard.

As he stood outside, a sudden wave of coldness hit him. Dongwoon was only wearing a tee-shirt and a pair of jeans. It also did not help that it was freezing outside.

As he trudged to the corner store, he tried to keep himself as warm as possible. He always wondered why was he always hanging out with them. ‘Why?’ he asked himself for the infinite time that day. They always made him do stuff he never wanted to do, like drinking beer or smoking.


He entered the shop and grabbed some beer. The ahjumma at the counter was displeased to see him again. He dug out some crumpled notes from his pocket and placed it on the counter. As he turned and walked out, he was pretty sure that the ahjumma muttered a few words under her breath. ‘Gangsters’. ‘Drinking’. ‘Police’. Dongwoon’s cheeks flushed red as he walked out of the door.


It was a cloudy night that day, and there wasn’t a single star in the sky. Although he was cold, Dongwoon absent-mindly walked over to a bench and sat down. He stared at the floor for a few minute before snapping back to his senses. ‘Doojoon hyung will kill me!’ He though frantically, his eyes searching for the way back. But for some reason, he looked at the sky.


There it was.


A single star that shone so brightly.


It stood out from the rest.


Dongwoon dropped the beer he was carrying, shut his eyes and clasped his hands together tightly.


Then he wished.


Just one wish.




Dongwoon fiddled with his shirt nervously. He knew that Doojoon-hyung would most probably order him around again.


But, by the time the first bell rang, Dongwoon gave a sigh of relief. Sure, they sometimes came to school late, but never later than the bell.


The teacher strode in to class 3-2. “Class, today we have 2 new students.”


A blonde boy stepped in first.


The girls squealed. “He looked so perfect, so handsome, so HAWT!” The girls exclaimed among themselves.


‘Byunghun imida, just call me L.Joe.” said L.Joe as he winked.


“OMG OMG OMG CPR!!!” shouted one of the girls.


L.Joe merely walked over to his seat and sat, not leaving his grin.


Next, a really cute boy came in.


“Call me Ricky oppa~” He said with ageyo.


“OPPA OPPA OPPA!!” the girls shouted.


Dongwoon sighed. This was utter bull.

The other boys weren’t too happy either.


End of school.


‘Ting~’ went his phone.


He open the text message from Yoseob-hyung.

‘Doojoon ask for ciggies. “Or else..” he said.’

The 2 words make his shiver incredibly. He did not know why. Doojoon had no way of threatening him, so why was he so scared?

Oh. Of course.

That knife.

That knife which he used and slashed Dongwoon.

The countless wounds.

The excuse ‘I fell.’


Dongwoon briskly walked to the shop.


“Best day ever.” Ricky said to L.Joe as they walked along the road, with countless ‘fans’ following them.

AS they turned around a corner, they ran up the staircase.

They watched as the girls ran all round, trying to see where they went.

“Dont tell me we have to do this everyday.” Muttered L.Joe.

After the fangirls left, they met up with their classmates from 4-3, CAP, Chunji, Niel and Changjo.

The 6 of them called themselves Teen Top.


They chatted on their way home, when suddenly Ricky nudged L.Joe.

“Ya, isn’t that Dongwoon from our class?”

L.Joe squinted.

Chunji punched on the back and sighed.

“You really need glasses.”

“Ah, arasseo, hyung!”


At this moment, Dongwoon came running to them. He nearly tripped and fell, but was saved by Niel who helped him upright.


“Dongwoon, kenchana?” Ricky said with extreme worry in his voice, after noticing a long and deep gash on his arm.

“Ya, Ricky and Changjo bring him to Changjo’s house, we will see who did this to him.” CAP said.

Ricky and Changjo obeyed.While supporting Dongwoon, they walked slowly but steadily.


The remaining 4 sat on a bench.


After a while, they saw 5 boys running and panting.

“YAAA!!” screamed one of them that brandished a knife.

A blood-stained knife.


The other 4 frantically ran around the neighborhood.

Chunji watched all this with interest.

Just then, the one who held the knife came up to them.

“Dugu..?” He raised his eyebrow.

“Oh, anneyong, we are newcomers from your school and chingus of Dongwoon…” L.joe said cheerfully before freezing in place.


Doojoon rolled his eyes, cursed and was about to bash L.Joe before someone grabbed his throat.

Leader CAP.

“Listen.” He growled under his breath. Doojoon, for the first time, trembled in fear.

“I don’t know who you are, but get your filthy hands of Dongwoon.” He said, a glare never leaving his face.

He clenched his throat tighter.

Doojoon tried to get air. His lungs was about to explode and he felt dizzy in his head.

CAP released his vicious-like grip.


The 4 of them walked away, with Doojoon spluttering for breath.

He gripped his knife tighter.

“One day..” he whispered with a hoarse voice.


“… I will kill you all.” 

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