TIME: 0100

T.I.M.E. (Hiatus)


Hey guys! Yes, finally this is updated. Keke :D Hope you guys will enjoy this. And many thanks to the 3 subscribers that subscribed based on the foreword.

This would represent a report and/or someone talking that is not happening at the same time as Zitao. Somewhat like an excerpt or an added scene in the story that happened simultaneously as Zitao’s timezone or scenario.

This represents a memory.

Hopefully it isn’t overly confusing but it would help the story from proceeding.




“Huang Zitao!”

The said boy rolled his eyes and swung his body off the bed. It always happens at 5pm sharp; not a minute less, not a minute fast. He unplugged his earphones from his ears and headed down to the living room. He sprinted two steps at a time and soon he reappeared at the living room panting.

“Ten seconds slower, Zitao” the stern face man turned and faced him.

“My apologies, father. I promise I’ll be earlier tomorrow.” the adolescent bowed and proceed to sit down beside his mother.


Huang Zitao born to a family of renowned Martial Artists and needless to say, he is born to the world with a silver spoon. Living in a traditional Chinese house that is three stories high and a separate dodo for practicing and refining of Martial Arts skills, Zitao is a master at all five aspects of Wushu, one of the more commonly known sectors of the vast Martial Arts. He became slightly antisocial towards people and his relationship with his father is tight with lots of tensions ever since year 1998, when Incident 1509 happened. (See attached for the details of the incident.)


“As I was saying, your grandmother would be having her 90th birthday party and you must attend. I don’t care if you have a test or something on that day. Clear your day for your grandmother. You heard me, Zitao?” the stern man glared at Zitao and the adolescent nodded.

“Yes, father.”

“Good, now go and practice for the competition. It is on Friday?”

“Yes, father. Friday, 3pm.”

“Got it. I’ll be in ShangHai with your mother. Butler Wu will be there to fetch you and perhaps watch the competition too.” Zitao’s father nodded and waved a hand, dismissing his son.

Zitao trudged up the stairs and entered his room to change to is black set of training clothes before heading to the dodo to train.


“Kris, inform your father about the plans and make sure the flyer and letter reaches Zitao.” The guy dressed in a neat grey suit said at the head of the table and the tall blonde guy, Kris, nodded as he stood up to receive the papers.

“As for the competition, Suho, Chen, Lay, and perhaps Kris, along with Luhan and Sehun, you six will go and watch it. Kris, we have liaised with your father. So you six, do backgrounds checks on Wushu because he will tell Mr Huang that his son and friends is interested on wushu. Understand?”

“Yes, hyung.” they chorused and the other five looked at the guy expectantly.

“The rest, you will try to find more ways to get to Zitao. I’ll transfer three girls over so you guys will have some pretty safe ideas to submit by Saturday.”

“Yes, hyung.”


Zitao puffed and turned around to see his practice partners all on the floor. He smiled slightly and reached out a hand to help pull them up.

“Young Master, you are so good already. You’ll definitely win this competition hands down.” One of the juniors in the Martial Arts House said and thanked Zitao before running to grab a drink.

Zitao frowned and sighed again. But father would not be there again. He could still remember his first competition, when he was only 10. His father promised him one month before the competition that he will be there. However on that day, Zitao didn’t see his father or his mother. When he got on the car, he asked the driver where his parents were and al he got was they are at the company. Zitao fought back his tears and locked himself in his room.

“Bye, Young Master.” His sparring buddies shouted and left the dodo for the hostel located down the street.

Zito slumped back on the dodo’s floor and lifted the stick up. He could see the full moon from the glass ceilings of the dodo. If only he could waste his life away doing things that he liked and not forced.

“When will my life actually begin?”

“I have a proposal. And your life would begin.” A bodiless voice said and a puff of black smoke appeared in front of Zitao.


“Kai, can you go to this place, at this address? Now.” the guy with a black suit entered the common room.

“Sir, but why?” a red hair guy asked and the guy with the back suit looked at a tanned guy.


“Yes sir, at once. Hyung, don’t worry.” the tanned guy nodded and disappeared with a click of his fingers, accompanied with a puff of black smoke.

The guy in the black suit nodded at the remaining ten guys and left the room.

“Kai has left.” he muttered to the air and a whisper was heard in the corridor.

"Let's pray that he'll convince Zitao; even if it is only a 0.001%."


“Who are you?” Zitao asked and inched closer to his sword.

“Don’t need to inch towards your sword Zitao. I am unarmed and my name is Kai.” a tanned guy stepped out of the black smoke and gave Zitao a smirk.

“How do you know my name?” Zitao frowned and continued his way to the sword. “And how did you get in?”

“I have powers. So do you.” Kai said and looked at Zitao. “You play with time.”


Zitao froze in his step and turned to look at Kai, mouth gaping. “How?”


Zitao was five when time stopped completely for five minutes for a girl to be saved from a moving van.

Zitao was six when he stopped time for a possible casualty at his primary school.

Zitao was eight when he stopped time for a possible death when a thick branch fell from the tree in the field.


“How did you know?” Zitao asked again and Kai sat down.

“Why don’t you sit down and I’ll explain to you?”

Zitao eye Kai warily and hesitantly before sitting down opposite Kai. Kai smiled once and tilted his head slightly before his eyes crinkle into half crescents.

“Hey Zitao, did anyone tell you that you look like a serial killer? With those bags and dark circles.” Kai laughed and Zitao looked at him mildly amused.




Word count: 1033 words

How was the first chapter? Hope it didn’t make anyone of you disappointed.

Please do tell me if it is overly confusing with the bold and italic words during the story. It is just to show that the unrevealed society is planning to get Zitao to join them. So if you are confused about it, please do tell me in the comments!

Plus, you guys should roughly know how many chapters this fanfic would have! :D


Also, as for my other fanfics, they will have to wait! (I apologise to all those subscribers)

I’ll update them as soon as I’m almost done with this fanfic. And of course this doesn’t include my Krisho fanfic. Cuz, it is the final part already. ^^


And of course remember to comment and earn karma points!

*throw millions of hearts at you*

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updated the foreword. i really shucks at doing foreword and description. :(


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Am I the first? Wooooo~ Okay...Tao father is a serious.....asswipe. Lols. Weixin-ah palle update.....I need to know what happens next....IMMEDIATELY. Lols.