Second Letter: Just Leave Me Alone!

L o v e L e t t e r s


Unfortunately, Myungsoo had English class so I was stuck walking to Math class by myself. I had my books in one hand and my other hand in my pocket. For some weird reason, the letter was very comforting to me. The hallways were extremely quiet and it seems like everyone had already went to class...or maybe I was just early. As I walked silently, I was stopped by a student. I looked up and realized that it was Hoya.

'Oh god...' I thought to myself.

But my words and face said otherwise.

"What do you want?" I questioned him with a glare.

"JinAe...why are you so mean to me? You were nice to me before. Remember when we dated?" He asked with a smirk.

"We weren't actually dating, Hoya. And you used me to become the Kingka! Why should I be nice to you?" I hissed.

I tried to move away from him, but he continued blocking me.

"I didn't use you, JinAe. I really do like you." Hoya said with a teasing tone in his voice.

"I'm going to be late for class." I mumbled back.

I tried to move away again, and he continued blocking me. I could feel slight anger rising in me, and Myungsoo's words were piercing my brain.

"He used you!"

Hoya moved his face closer to mines and said,"I know you still like me."

I slapped him and shouted,"Just leave me alone, would you?! We aren't fake dating anymore, so cut the crap!"

He looked shocked. Realizing that he was distracted, I shoved him away and ran off. I felt tears stinging my eyes. Was it because I seriously hated him? Or was it the fact that I couldn't bear insulting him? When I arrived at the door of my classroom, I wiped the tears away from my eyes and opened the door. The bell rung loudly.

"Just in time, JinAe. Please take a seat now." My teacher said.

I let out a sigh and trudged to my seat in the corner of the classroom. I wanted to be as far away from civilization as possible.


Her words stung my heart. I wish she'd knew that what I said was true. I still had feelings for her...but she would probably never know. Taking out another love letter, I stuck it into her locker and began walking to my next class. I was stopped by my friend in the middle of the hallway.

"Hey, Hoya. You better hurry or Ms. Lee is going to scream at you like crazy." Dongwoo said.

"The bell rung?" I asked, mildly confused.

"Yeah! It rung like a minute ago! Where were you?" He asked.

"Oh, I was just getting something from my locker." I mumbled back in reply.

"Well, like I said, hurry up or you're going to be in detention again." He warned.

"Yeah, yeah. See you later." I said.

I walked into my English class casually. The girls began whispering and squealing. The guys gave me the "you're-in-huge-trouble" look. I gave Ms. Lee a smile and greeted in English,

"Good morning!"

"Don't good morning me! Sit down or I'll send you to the principal's office!" She shouted in Korean.

I shrugged and walked to my seat that was located next to that nerd...I mean Myungsoo. I sometimes wished I was him. He always got to be close to JinAe. I envied him. I sat down and stared at the chalkboard intently. I wasn't paying attention at all. My mind was on JinAe getting that note.


I reached my locker and opened it. I was surprised to find another note tumbling out of it. Myungsoo looked over from his locker and commented,

"You really do have a secret admirer! Or maybe a stalker."

I punched him on the arm lightly and said,"Who would want to stalk me?"

I opened the note and read what was inside. It said:

"I wish I can comfort you when you're sad, but I can only watch you from afar."

I stuck the note in my pocket with a smile on my face. These love letters make my day. I hope that the person who sent them to me will confront me someday. 


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*stumbles upon story by clicking 'Random Story'
Myungsoo obviously.
omoooo pdate jebalyo!
new reader!<br />
*smashes a cake at a person's face*<br />
New reader here! Please update soon~ :D
Thanks for updating! ^^ Hoya is such a sweetheart! <3<br />
I love it. I wonder if Myungsoo likes her too? ^^<br />
I mean maybe, maybe not. <3333
mysteriousaura209 #6
awww!!!!!!!!!!!so awesome!!!!!!!!!update soon!!!!!!!!!!!^^