You'll Regret This

Oh Sehun's Confession

‘Shin Sena, you are not going to stare at him. No, don’t do it. Do not look at him!’

Oh my, Oh Sehun is so pretty. I blinked my eyes but still he looks so sparkly and dazzling right now. In this library, the only person that seemed to exist is Sehun and only the two of us. I stared at him again. The books on the table were completely forgotten by me as I was completely absorbed into the mystical vibe around him.

I shook my head. ‘No, Oh Sehun is the last person you could ever be interested in.’ He is one of the hottest kingkas in the school and I’m not more than an average student. I have to admit that I have many friends in the school but he is different; Oh Sehun is not down to my level. He only befriends with the popular boys and hangs out in luxurious places—AND he does not care about others, let alone for a girl.

But now, the person who sits in front of me is not the ‘kingka’ Sehun. He’s a boy who is studying for the mock exam, in a public library, sitting across a complete commoner. I gulped. His beauty is irresistible and couldn’t take my eyes off him.

“You could burn my face with that intense stare of yours.”

My eyes widened. Oh Sehun did not just talk to me! I quickly buried my face under the stack of books. Slowly, I drifted my gaze to him again. ‘No way, Oh Sehun is looking at me now!’ He smiled and my jaw dropped. I had never ever once in my life seeing Oh Sehun smiling to anyone except when he’s with his hyungs.

I looked at the books before me. Pretending to be studying, I would steal a few glances at him only to see him looking at me as well. This cannot be happening! I’m not that type of girls who swarm those kingkas and queenkas whenever they’re passing by. But not right now, I look like I was going to jump on him—torturing him into pieces.

“If you keep disturbing me like this—,” he voiced up again. I looked away and let out an awkward laugh. I motioned my hands for him to continue revising his studies and glanced at my phone. ‘What am I doing right now? There’s nothing to see here in my phone’. I frowned.

“Shin Sena, right? You’re the friendly girl who dated Jung Ilhoon last time. Your major is Art, right? I remember Ilhoon hyung said it to us once.”

My boiling point flared up listening to his descriptions of me. ‘Am I only known because of my ex boyfriend?’ I pouted and continued my work. Silence then took place. Pen scribbles and pages turning were the only sound heard. I put down my pen and reading glasses. Slowly I rubbed my temples, distracted and annoyed by every little thing that would test my patience.

I finally looked at him after a while. He was studying again. That was actually the first time I ever hear him talk too. I slumped on the table and sighed. He was still paying attention to the books.

“Why aren’t you studying? The exam is just around the corner.”

“I have no spirit to even turn the pages anymore.”

I banged my head at the books. Suddenly, I felt cold hands keeping my head from such contact with the books. I rose up from my seat and touched my forehead. I looked at him and we exchanged eye contacts. The librarian then faked a cough and I immediately sat down. I apologized to her and cleared my throat. ‘Oh Sehun is being ignorant again.’ I rubbed my forehead.

“Do you like it that much when I touch you?”

I gasped. How shameless this ice prince could be. Well, he’s no longer an ice prince in front of me now because he talked too much and annoyed the crap out of me.

“Ilhoon hyung never did that to you?”

Those 7 words cut my heart and I stared at him. No more admiring stares though, but the ‘you-are-so-dead-to-me-right-now’ look.

“Ilhoon oppa and I were a mistake and he too acknowledges it!” I pointed right at his face. He looked at me like I was some kind of an alien. Who’s actually the alien here? The librarian stood up and went to our direction. ‘Uh-oh,’


“Look, I’m sorry that I got both of us kicked out,” Sehun trailed off behind me. I was still clutching my bag pack since I was too embarrassed to even show my face around the library anymore. I ignored him and increased my pace. I arrived at the bus stop and flopped myself down.

“And I’m also sorry that I brought up the topic on you-know-who.”

“Oh Sehun, look.” I turned to stare at the boy beside me. “Why are you talking too much today? You never really talk to me before. It’s quite…disturbing.”

“Because I like you, dummy,”

I rolled my eyes. “So what if you—wait, what?!”

“That was a live broadcast and there would be no encore.” He put up a poker face. The bus came and he stood up. I was still so shocked and couldn’t believe what I just heard.

“You like me?”

“Yes, I like you. Now, would you hurry up or we’ll miss our date.” I felt myself being dragged towards the bus.

"I beg your pardon, Oh Sehun?” I quickly asked as soon as we sat at the last row of the bus. He smiled at me and leaned back. ‘This is just a joke. His other friends must’ve challenged him to do this. This must’ve been that prankster Chanyolk’s idea.’ 

"Won’t you stop staring at me already?”

"Excuse me?” I flared back.

"Yes, yes. I like you! I liked you since I first saw you, when you were still dating that stupid Ilhoon, when that left you and I still like you now. Got it?”

“Heol, Oh Sehun. You really take your dare to this extent, I see?”

“What? This is not a dare!” he pouted. ‘OMG, that lisp.’

“Then prove it.”

Suddenly, I felt soft lips pressed against mine. I quickly backed off and touched my lips. He was blushing but tried to hide it with a smirk. “Come on, girlfriend, don’t be shy.”

“Oh Sehun, are you bipolar?”

“Nah, I’m just into you,” he kissed me again. I was hesitating on what to do so I kept still. He pulled back and pouted. “I don’t like taking things slowly. So, wouldn’t you mind to just kiss me back already? I prefer it to be a passionate one, not just lips to lips. That’s so stupid.”

I looked at him and it was now my turn to smirk. “You’ll regret this Oh Sehun.”



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omg sehunnnn. why so *uggggh! XD I love it author-nim!
Chapter 1: am i the only one who think ily in the end /blush/
Chapter 1: Omg sehun i kennot
Chapter 1: 0mo *blushing* sequel please....*pout* XD
Chapter 1: Kyaaa~~~~~ sequal!! Or make it into a longer story not just a oneshot!
Chapter 1: OMG OMG this is so cool!! xD
LeetleHamster #7
Chapter 1: I LOVED IT. ;A; Sequel, please. LOLOLOLOL.
nizzyool #8
Chapter 1: ooh this is cuuute :3
if only it's longer... ^^