It is the start

The Stranger's Diary


She walks down the school hallway while holding a book. It is blue-turquoise in colour, with           fabric-alike skin. It is thick but light for a seventeen – year old girl to lift. She messes her hair a bit and bit her lower lip.

She dropped her tracks and raise up the book higher to meet her eye-level. “Who is your owner?” she scrunches her nose and turn the book upside down. She let out a sigh. “Ergh, I will find it later.” She looks at her hand watch. 8.30 am. “Omona! I’m late for class!” No way in hell she’s going to be late. It’s her first day in her new school, and she’s late for her first class. Thanks to this book and don’t forget, her brother.

She look through a paper in her hand, try to find her class. “Where the hell is Class 2 1 A/B?” she approach a random person and ask that person to lead her to Class 2 1 A/B.

She take a deep breath and look to her front. This is the class she will spend the rest of the year in, Class 2 1 A/B. She straightened her uniform; a red knee length skirt, a white dress tucked in, a red tie tied up to its collar and a red blazer. She tuck looses strand of hair behind her ear and smile, “ Choi Sulli, hwaiting!” she knock the door and there, her roller coaster ride will begin.

A female teacher welcome her in, with a sincere – looking smile glistening on her face. “New student? Well, you are late for your first class, huh?” the smile transform into a smirk. Sulli, with an apologetic face plastered on her pretty face, exclaimed, “Sorry miss. I got lost for a while to find this class. I don’t mean to come this late,” she look up to meet the teacher’s eye.

The teacher laugh and pat her shoulder. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I forgive you,” the teacher turn around to meet the whole class. “Class, this is your new friend,” the class turn their attention to Sulli. “Why don’t you introduce yourself?” the teacher smile to Sulli.

“Hi, class. My name is Choi Jinri. You can call me Sulli. I just moved here from Texas. I will be joining Music Club. That’s all. Any question?” the whole class stay silence. “Well, no question?” she cocked her head to the side. “Hmm, okay. Let’s be good friends and please treat me well,” that’s it but the class stay silent. Just the sound of someone move his or her chair heard. ‘This class is going to be boring’ Sulli marked in her head.

She look to her side when the teacher claa her. “Choi Jinri, sit there. Beside Baekhyun. Baekhyun please raise up your hand. “Here!” the boy yelled. “Oh well, Sulli. My name is Seo In Young. Just call me Miss Seo. You may go to your place now,”

Sulli walk to her place, still holding the blue book. The class is so quiet that even the sound her shoes moving can still be heard. All eyes are on her, serious faces around her. It is eerie as it sounds like. She sit in her place putting her bag on the floor beside her desk. She look at her left side. A dark brown hairred boy is look out the window, watching some students playing soccer during P.E.

She extended her hand, tending to handshake the boy, “ Choi Sulli,” she voice out, flashing her smile. “Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun,” the boy answered, looking uninterested. He even reject her handshake offer. She kept her hand to herself. “At least look at me,” she managed to speak out.



Sulli’s POV

Through the whole class, I noticed that Baekhyun didn’t pay much attention to what teacher is teaching. eE is busy scribbling something in his notebook. He kept drawing hearts. He’s in love? Wow. He even smile alone; like an idiot. “Sulli’ah,” I heard someone’s voice, Baekhyun.

“Yes, Baekhyun-sshi?” he looked at me. I try to show my concernity by smiling at him. “Don’t stare at my notebook. Look infront. Miss Seo is teaching,” I am startled. “Ugh, ice prince,” I whiper in a low manner as I look infront.

“Now, class find a partner for this project,” Miss Seo said to the class. I expected noises will be heard but no one move an inch. “Class, I said NOW!!” me, being curious just look to my left and right. “Baekhyun-sshi, can you be my partner?” I ask him, deep inside me know he will reject.

“Choose anyone else,” he said to me while closing his notebook.


Recess time. I need to check this strange book. I open the book slowly. I tried to made up the combination of letters in front of me. “Park Dat Byeol”. SHo is she? She must be someone who love art, doesn’t she? Her book cover look attractive and beautiful.

I flip through pages, one by one. I don’t bother to read it since I need to eat. But the problem is, I don’t know anyone in the school besides Baekhyun and Miss Seo. Emm, I hate eating alone.

“Hey,” someone call me from the back. The voice is deep yet masculine. I turn my back and there is a tall and handsome yet masculine boy looking at me with a side smile on his face. I take in his feature, stunned by his perfect features. “Yes?” I answer while pushing my bangs to the side.

“Hi, I’m Chanyeol!” he said as he extended his right hand at me. “Choi Jinri,” I said, accepting his handshakes. “You are new student, right?” he said, pulling way his hand. “Emm, yeah. Why?” I tilt my head to the side, showing that I’m anticipating his next words. “I am the school president. I would be your tour guide,” he said excitedly, clapping his hands together.

“Chanyeol-sunbaenim,I haven’t had my recess yet. Can I go to the canteen?” I ask him. I haven’t ate my breakfast so I need something to fill my stomach. “Ah, okay,” he said while looking at his hand watch. “Ppalli – ppalli, recess is almost over!” he run before me. “Yah, wait for me, Chanyeol-sunbae!”

He led me to the canteen and bring both of us to a table where Baekhyun is sitting. He sat me down across Baekhyun and “Jinri, sit here. I’m going to take my food,” I nodded anxiously and take out my lunchbox. “And Baek, do you want anything?” Baekhyun just let out a sigh and said “Nevermind, Chanyeol-ah, I’m full,” I just frown and shrug it off.

I open my lunchbox excitedly while grinning like a fool. Sandwich? Just a sandwich with sardine? Urgh, omma! I poke it aside a bit to see what in the sardine. Sardine, tomato, salad only? Whatever, as long as my stomach ids filled. I just take a bite and … “Emm, the taste is so overwhelming!”. Even though it is just a simple sandwich, the taste is dae…bak.

I saw Baekhyun is glancing toward me from the side. I lean in closer to lessen the space between us. “Baekhyun, want some?” I have another two sandwich!” he just look away, ignoring me. Suddenly, he stand up from his chair and walk away. “What’s wrong with this weird boy?”

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guys!sorry for typo errors :(


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Chapter 1: Wait is it a Sulli > Chanyeol > Baekhyun? It kinda seems like it omg, please, update~
Dahnnisya #2
Chapter 1: Baek, you weird boy, wassup wit u? Their class seemed so quiet though.
Dahnnisya #3
Is it ChanLi?
Jensul #4
Please make it a Baeksul couple <3<3. & update soon :D