101 Pages for TheDreamer96

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AFF Username: SongEunJae

AFF Profile Link:http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/264076

Title of your story: I'm Not Her!

Song Eun Jae:"I can't you love me too?"
Luhan:"I'm sorry...but I still in love with her."
Song Eun jae: "Can you not look at me while thinking of her?"
Luhan: "Sorry...I can't forget about her."

Mood (romance,angst, comedy and etc.): Romance

Characters that you want to be feauted in the story: Song Eun Jae(Oc) and Luhan(EXO-M)

Provide Images if you want (Please use hq images/pictures): Song Eun Jae(oc): http://data.whicdn.com/images/35482445/tumblr_m1x781IuJm1rs1gndo1_500_large.png
You could pick any picture for Luhan.

Anything else: -and you make it animation?
-Also the story is about Luhan can't forget about his ex-girlfriend who he think is dead. Song Eun Jae look kind of like his ex-girlfriend so he always think of his ex-girlfriend whenever he look at Son Eun Jae. On the other hand Song Eun Jae have fallen in love with Luhan but only to found out that Luhan only think of his ex-grilfriend who look like her.
Chapter 15: thank you so much! I like your poster^^
Chapter 14: Thanks ^-^
AFF Username: HyoKai

AFF Profile Link:https://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/231303

Title of your story: Last Game

Quotes: Baekhyun: "Let's bid final for final victory... Kim Eunjae"

Mood: Romance

Characters that you want to be feauted in the story:
OC, Baekhyun and Chanyeol

Provide Images if you want:
OC- http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcxouf2P2X1rygrtfo1_500.png

Can you find me a pic of Chanyeol and Baekhyun? I'm sorry I ____ when I am finding pics of an artist XD

Anything else: none
Take your time. You can do this during the weekends if you're busy. I'm not in a hurry. Anyway, I have another request (>_<)

AFF Username: KumihoGirl

AFF Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/221646

Title of your story: BURNED

Quotes: None (Don't Need Any)

Mood (romance,angst, comedy and etc.): Romance, Sci-Fi

Characters that you want to be featured in the story: Kai, Kyungsoo

Provide Images if you want (Please use hq images/pictures):
Orange Eye (please let it take up the whole poster): http://th05.deviantart.net/fs12/PRE/i/2006/260/7/2/Orange_by_Phoenix095.jpg
Kyungsoo (put him inside the pupil/black part of the eye please):
Kai (put him on the lower left-hand corner):

Anything else: Make the edges a bit fuzzy...I don't know...make it look smooth.

Okay, that's all. I feel greedy for requesting so many posters but you do a great job, which is why I keep coming back. Keep up the good work...and once again, THANK YOU! <3
Chapter 13: <33333333333 Thanks!