Chapter 1


You look blankly at your book. As you read, your mind is going in circles. What are you thinking about? Good question. So many different things are floating around in your head. You know you have to focus on your studies, but something is holding you back and is determined never to let you return. Is it him? You've only known him for a month. You both seem inseperable, but he's been...distant. Was is something you did? Was is something you said? You can't think straight. Your eyes start to water. What if it was you? 

Your phone rings and snaps you back into reality. You look at the screen, the little blue light flashing on and off. All you can do is stare at it, your arm not willing to lift and pick it up. The screen says:


Your heart drops. You want to answer, yet you don't. It stops ringing suddenly and you see he leaves a voicemail.

You press play.

"Where are you...I....I need to you...we need"

His voice is soft and weak. Your hand starts to shake as you pull the phone back from your ear. You don't want to talk. 

You pack up your books. holding back tears of frustrations and anxiety. As you hurriedly toss your books into your bag, tears start to just roll down your cheeks.

You stand up, turn your back and flick the light switch, slowly closing the door behind you. As you walk down the dark hallway, your head looks down at your feet the whole time. The rhythm of your walking seems to be the only thing keeping you, at all, steady. Finally making it to the door, you step out into the crisp, dark night. You breathe in the cold air, cheeks immediately flushing with pink color. Your eyes now cold from your drying tears.

Stepping down the stair, you look ahead into the darkness and sigh. Walking alone again...

Gripping your books tightly against your chest, you develop a steady pace of breathing. You try not to think about him. Or anything.

It's quiet.

As you walk further down the dark road, with only a few lightposts to guide your way, you hear someone behind you. Their footsteps quiet, but heavy.

You turn around, cautious, but not obvious. Your eyes frantically scan your surroundings, starting to water again. It stings because of the cold air.

You see nothing, so you quickly turn back around and walk forward, eager as ever to get home.

You only walk about 2 feet before a warm, yet cold hand grabs your shoulder and turns you around, sending you in a daze.

You look up and blink your eyes twice or so, only to see Myungsoo, eyes moist and cheeks red.

"What's...what's going on..." you say quietly, weary and avoiding his gaze.

"I'm sorry, but I just can't..." he says as he cups your cheek and holding back those tears...

His hand is cold against your cheek. You can't read his seems one of complete heartbreak, yet he doesn't seem to have a heart. His eyes are honest, but black as night.

You turn your head away from his hand, but he pulls your face back in his gaze faster than you could blink. Suddenly his lips are on yours. Eager, hungry...yet emotionless. You pull back, catching your breath.

"What's going on..." you say, looking down.

"I didn't mean to fall in love with you..."

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L. <3 Hihi.