Chapter one

The Work Of A Dreamer

Highschool again... Just started 2 months ago... freshman year , lonely , this past summer vacation lost the love of my life cause of distance. Now so lonely always doing homework, and living with family, and hoping I can visit my friends again sometime. Everyday wishing at 11:11 for a chance to see my love again. Walking to library as I seeing his friend Adam whos one of the only ones who is normal working on his art at last minute for the wrinkliest most rude art teacher ever. I sit down and compare our notes and exchange some trash talk about our art teacher , then he heads to class and I turn to go to math. Math is so boring , even though we have a 23 year old girl teacher, math is math and still is boring . Writing Gabria above my name everytime I write my name, and when no one looking putting her name on the wall , floor , under the desk or anywhere. Stupid bell ringing like a phone disrupting my ears. Time to get to next class.. Walking to french with 3000 other students all acting like they know the world or even experienced real depression...Makes me so fustracted..idiots... I get into class and sit down. The announcement goes on , ''Hellooooo~Phite Highschool ! , theres a new program and certain students will be chosen for this more details will be provided if you are chosen! , please stand for the national anthem'' . Thinking , ''If I get chosen will I be able to get away from here? sounds good but doubt it'' , to tired to focus on stupid french , closing my eyes as I lay my on the rough desk, slowly falling asleep.

Lunch bell ringing longer than usual, I wake up slowly opening my right eye, making my back straight ''Hey teacher! can I have the sheets for whatever you were saying for a hour and the homework'' , Handing me the work with her old cold hands, as I look I can see shes trying to look younger by the bright pink nail polish but it doesn't make her sandpaper hands look any better, as I stare she says, ''Stop falling asleep or you'll fail and won't graduate'' , ''Fine , gimme a iphone 5 first'' , straight face looking at her and I just walk out of the room to lunch

Sitting on the only warm and lush part of the grass near my school where on one can disturb me, ''I hate this place , theres nothing for me here since Gabria left'' , can't stand thinking about my heart break anymore,  thinking about others flirting around her, or her loving another person, closing my eyes to go away from all of it. As I take my phone out to see my wallpaper of Gabria I get a Text from Vivianne , ''So bored  , did you hear bout the program thingy?'' , replying back '' Yeah , I wonder what its about.'' It usually takes couple hours for her to reply cause shes in another state cause she moved 2 years ago.

I walk to my next class, just as I'm about to take my binder out I hear, ''Justin in 218 please go to the office.'' Walking to the office I thought to myself what happened, did I do something wrong ?

I step inside the office and proceed to go to the principle, ''Justin you've been chosen out of everyone in the region to be in this program. You may choose to reject this offer , but it will make you stronger, it might cost your life if you mess up'' , ''Ummmm , I don't think I want... '' taking a step back as I think about losing my life just to get out of school . ''Justin I have the list of people that are also so you won't be alone and can make new friends, please take a look'' Knowing I don't want to participate I glance at the sheet anyways, Random people .... Blah blah blah, Gary Uw , Stephen Al , blah blah blah Jennifer Il, Vivianne Guang... Gabria Chan!?

''Justin have you thought this through ? , Will you go?'' , ''YES! , I have to'' , ''Huh? Why all of a sudden are you so passionate about this'' , ''Theres someone I have to protect...'' principle handing me the glass pad without questioning my reason.
''You will be in bed and have to put this pad on your chest, once you fall asleep you will be entered. There will be a instructor at first and listen, once your done you will have to find everything and survive yourself'' , ''Okay!'' I say determined to be stronger to see Gabria.
Putting the glass pad on my chest, ''I'M READY'' closing my eyes to enter the world, before falling asleep I whisper with my last words before I go, ''Gabria I'm coming for you , I love you''........

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