It Hurts

You'll never know
Jung Daehyun, you will never know my feelings for you. Yes, we might be close friends, but I want to go further . I wanted to confess to you, but that dreadful thought of you rejecting me stopped me from doing it. Every night I wished that you would climb to my bed, hug me or tease me. I like it. One night, I had a dream that you were on your knees, carrying 99 stalks of roses, professing your love to me. I agreed of course and you kissed me passionately and tenderly. I was so touched I cried in my dreams.

However as I woke up from that romantic dream, I felt my heart torn into a million pieces. It didn't happen at all. No roses, no love. Just both of us, different bed, and you're still sleeping. I got onto my sides, seeing as your chest rose up and down peacefully. Unlike my heart.

You woke up, and asked why am I crying. I feigned asleep and you just gave up. Just like that. You didn't bother asking or pestering me why. Am I really that unimportant to you? Am I that insignificant? As you left the room, I cried into the pillow, staining it with my cold tears. But you didn't notice. You didn't care.

I stepped out of my room and you walked up to me. I expected some words of comforts but all you said was "I knew you would be alright". I contained my sadness and punched you in the shoulder, my heart aching at the same time.

When you chose me to be in your team, I felt flattered and really hurt. I guess I'm really just your best friend? To think that I speculated about you having romantic feelings about me. I felt like the dumbest person ever. It was all my wishful thinking.

You grabbed the biscuit with your mouth, demanding me to bite it off. For a moment I sensed hope since I was chosen instead of Yongguk hyung. However, was it because you just want to win the game and I'm closest to you then?

I bite it off embarrassingly. I was so close to you. I could feel your breath brushing against my face. My heart was racing and adrenaline was pumped into my blood.

You then proceeded it with Yongguk and I didn't really mind. Until both of your lips touched each other. For that brief moment jealously was sparked in me, but I knew he was just playing, trying to get Himchan's attention. However, how I hoped we touched our lips.

The third time I held the biscuit firmly within my lips and you immediately grabbed my face with your two strong hands. I immediately shut my eyes, trying to absorb what might happen. Even though I really wanted to kiss you, but I was too shy. You were so dangerously close to me, so demanding. My body was obviously allergic to your touch as I tried to pull myself away. A part of me knew that this wouldn't end well and my feelings will not be reciprocated and therefore, I insisted in pulling away.

You eventually gave up and I felt so sorry. Our team lost because of me. My heart wrung with guilt as I looked at your face. If it's Yongguk hyung, I wouldn't mind smashing my lips against his to win. But it's yours. Jung Daehyun's lips.

Deep inside of me I regretted what I had just done. Why couldn't I just lean closer to Daehyun?! At least I could have some small sweet moments with you. With you, Jung Daehyun.

"We're all guys, what's the big deal?" You said, ranting at me. My heart sank. You really don't know why? Are you that oblivious?

The only excuse I gave was "I'm scared," and I swore that's the wimpiest statement I've ever made.

Your words echoed in my head. Do you mean you don't feel shy around me? Do you mean you don't love me? Just close friends?

Jung Daehyun. You will never know my love for you. Never. I might be hopelessly waiting for your confession, but all I knew was my feelings for you won't fade. I'm sorry but, I have to leave you now. I love you.

-Your Best Friend,

Yoo Youngjae.

*No one's POV*~

Daehyun felt his grip on the piece of yellow paper tightened. His eyes was moist with tears as grief and sadness covered him like a thick choking blanket. Why didn't he wake up earlier and stop Youngjae from leaving the group and the company? Why didn't he confess ?

Daehyun couldn't help it. He himself too felt afraid of confessing to Youngjae. That blonde was simply perfect and amazing in his eyes. He don't deserve him. It was an one-sided love, Daehyun thought. He really cared for the blonde. But he couldn't. He couldn't let his feelings for Youngjae grow out of control. He didn't know whether Youngjae would want his love or not.

He had to say best friend since they're on tv, and he grabbed Youngjae's face because he's too cute . All he wanted to do then was to kiss him in front of national TV. But Youngjae stubbornly refused, which caused Daehyun to be a little bit mad and depressed.

"Where's Youngjae?" Daehyun shouted desperately, his face already red from the crying. The members simply shrugged their shoulders. Daehyun groaned and stormed into his and once Youngjae's room.

Please, Youngjae, please. Please come back. I need you. I LOVE you...

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Chapter 1: Omggg please make a sequel! It's too sad it hurts (hehe) ;____;
blankpaper #2
Chapter 1: Omg no no whyyyyy Youngjae go back to your Daehyun!!! ;___;
But yeah..i like this so much..even they are not together.. :")
Hehe sequel sounds really good to my ears xD
Chapter 1: Pls write the sequel for this amazing -ly made fic.
YoungJae comeback!!!!!
Chapter 1: Omg will you kill me if I beg for a sequel from this? T.T I want Youngjae to come back D: My heart hurts too now :(
fluffy-jae #5
Chapter 1: omg the ending T__T
Chapter 1: eyyy...i didnt expect angst from that moment but oh well~
stupid Dae,stupid Jae,they both r so stupid!!babos!!!but Jae ah how could u leave ur career bcuz of him?*tho u love him,i still dont think its worth it...idek*;A;
normally i'd ask for sequel but its not rly my choice so...*but i still think of that Killing camp moment as a fluffy moment cyz they were just too cute xD*
anw fighting~
Fusspott #7