
He Took Care Of Me

I was trudging home after school along the sun-baked earthern path that was leading to my home. My bag was heavy filled with all the books I needed to revise and my eyelids keep on closing. At school earlier, I did not feel well like how I use to be. My friends keep on asking me if I was okay. I looked at their worried expressions and just nodded with a smile.

Now I felt that I could not take it anymore. Before I knew it my legs gave up on me and I fell down on the hot ground. I heard a voice calling out my name and footsteps coming near me. I tried looking up to see who it was but the bright shining sun was making it difficult. I have no idea what was wrong with me. By the time, my body was feeling so down and I fainted.

"Hey! Wake up!" the guy shook me. "Oh dear, your face is so pale. You are lucky I know where you stay." the guy said. He carried my lifeless body and walked his way.

"I lost my mind~" the sound of a ringtone woke me up. I looked around and my eyes widened. "How could I end up here? My home?"' I wondered. I felt something cold on my forehead and saw it was a damped cloth. I really wondered who it was. Who saved me. I tried sitting up when a voice called out, "Hey don't move so much! You are ill don't you know. I-L-L, ill!" I saw a guy with the same school uniform as me carrying a bowl of porridge. Yixing? I tilted my head to get a better view.

"Yes, I am Yixing. Your neighbour plus the boy who is in the same class as you. Do you know how worried I was?! You face was so pale! You know you wasn't feeling well in school, you should have told the teacher!" he shouted. I was really shock. I just kept quiet and stared at him.

"Forget it. Come on eat this, I cooked it for you." he gave the porridge to me. I smile and start eating it. "Thanks, but how did you get in here?" I asked. "I searched for the keys in your bag. Where are your parents?" he answered. I nod and answered him, "Well, work of course." Yixing then gave me some pills he bought for me at a nearby pharmacy. I swallowed it and sat on my bed. Yixing covered me with a blanket and told me to sleep. I closed my eyes and drifted off to dreamland.

It has been six hours Yixing took care of me. I was feeling better and was really thankful to him. He was doing his homework when suddenly the front door was unlocked. Then, two people rushed over to my room with worried expressions plastered on their faces. It was my mother and father. They bombarded me with questions. I chuckled and told them I was feeling better and Yixing took care of me. They thanked him and he smiled. It was evening and Yixing was about to go home. I stopped him and told him to eat dinner with my family and I. He politely disagreed but I pulled his arm and led him to the dining room. I told him it was my thank you for taking care of me. He smiled warmly and said, "You're welcome."



So, theres it! Hope you enjoyed it! Please comment!^^

Oh! And pls pls pls do the poll for this fic if you want it to be a full story! :D


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wonderkris #1
really interesting..
Chapter 1: looking forward to this :))) Lay is so caring and lovable :)
Chapter 1: :] lay is such a caring and sweet guy
Looking forward to this :)