
Adolescence Is Atrocious
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After a day of classes from which even dancing couldn't completely interest Lauren, she returned home. She helped Key with dinner and he did end up scolding her about eating too much and the need to maintain her weight. He also was saying something about always having to have her door open when their friends came over which made her blush.


“Umma, we weren't doing anything!”


“That's what all young people say. You weren't doing anything yet.”


She whined and turned to her father that was setting the table. He'd looked like he'd seen a ghost then turned outraged, sputtering silently. Key chuckled as he went over to him, patting his in playful comfort and whispering something in his ear. He looked a bit calmer and they both giggled evilly as they looked over at Lauren.


She was stirring something on the stove-top with her hand on her hip and eyed them suspiciously. “What secrets are you two children whispering about now?”


They both said "nothing~" of course though. She was getting messages from Yoogeun and Kyungsan with unusual frequency during dinner and something about the content was different too. She couldn’t help feeling unsettled and distracted, thinking again about why she was feeling like this and why they were acting differently even if it was a subtle change.


She was still out of it so her appa ended up letting her off her singing lessons early. Before she went to her room, he stood up and kissed her forehead, brushing the sides of her hair.


“Don't think so much, babygirl. Just let things flow.”


“What do you mean, appa?”


Jonghyun smiled secretly and went off to his office. Key was in there working on clothes and she soon heard giggling and squeals from him, her appa's deep chuckles and little growls soon following. They were having their usual little couple play fights. She smiled to herself and went up to her room to leave them alone, deciding that Jonghyun had just been talking about music which he spent 70% of his conversations on. She went up to her room, collected all her books, papers, and writing tools and spread them around on her bed, prepared to immerse herself in homework.


Then with the ring of Kyungsan's favorite rock tune, she grew anxious and irritated again. She read his text after touching her big, white phone. 'Ready for our day two?' It was a play on words with date and her favorite number. He'd sent a picture of nail polish of all things, aqua blue colored and sparkly.


“Mwoya?” she whined in irritation and collapsed back on her bed, sighing tiredly.


Closing her eyes, she tossed her phone aside and then cuddled her fox to her stomach. It was her favorite and Key had got it for her years ago. It always brought her comfort and it was pretty much a friend she never spent a night without. She pet it absently as images and thoughts flashed through her mind.


Her racing heart, the blushing awkwardness, the nerves, the excitement she'd somehow felt seeing both these friends again that was different than normal—how was she supposed to interpret it all? For the first time in her whole life, she felt like she didn't understand herself at all, like she was completely disconnected. It was the most frustrating thing she'd ever experienced.


There was a knock on the door, then it opened. Key stuck his head through and looked at her with a soft, understanding smile. It almost seemed like he knew something she didn't and though that frustrated her she was grateful for his constant comfort.


“How's your homework going, dear?”


“It's not,” she grumbled gesturing to the ignored pile at her feet.


“Do you want me to make you some tea to help you focus better?”


“Sure,” she replied after some hesitation.


She had already tried every trick she knew to help and it hadn't worked so she was doubtful about this one. He came back ten minutes later with a cup—one with a picture of the Eiffel tower that he'd bought as a souvenir on it—steaming from red-orange liquid.


“It's rosemary and honey. It will wake you up, boost your mood, and help you concentrate. Careful because it's hot.”


He set it on her night table then he sat down on the bed next to her. They shared smiles, Lauren's much weaker than usual. Key reached up and pet her stomach like she was a baby, a technique he pulled whenever she was upset and when she couldn't sleep. Looking at their relationship, Key never changed his way of treating her as if she was still a child on the surface but he talked to her maturely showing how much he trusted her underneath. Something she couldn’t quite do yet with her still immature and over-protective appa.


“If something's bugging you, you can tell me, you know. I'll help in any way I can.”


“Nothing's bugging me, umma,” she insisted.


He just smiled softly, obviously not believing her lie. He really was much too intuitive.


“Was appa the only person you ever liked, umma?” she asked curiously.


Key chuckled, his feline eyes crinkling so little age-wrinkles showed, and he shook his head. “Ani, Jonghyun was the 13th person I liked.”


“Umma!” she said in disbelief and laughed.


“What? Your umma was always popular and I have a lot of weak spots for pretty people,” he winked.


“How did you know you liked appa the best then?”


Key stopped to think carefully, his eyes drifting to the wall and a sweet smile spreading across his youthful face. His eyes blinked at the same slow, steady rhythm as the hand over her stomach.


“I think when there was almost never a day I didn't stop thinking of him or didn't want to see him when I was younger. Then I was so crazy in love I would have done anything if he asked, even jump off a bridge together.”


“Hmm...I don't think I could be like that. I'm so scatterbrained and selfish.”


“Don't worry. You can be like that too. It will happen with somebody. You're just like your umma so it might take a little time.”


“You don't really want me to start dating though, do you umma? Appa would have a fit and beat the guy as soon as I bring him home,” she said hesitantly.


“Ani, that's not true, Ren. We both love you very much and we want you to be happy so of course we want you to date. Of course, he'd have to be a great guy and you would need our approval before marriage.”


“Arrasso, umma. You don't have to worry about that far so soon. I was just wondering. Thanks for the tea and for taking care of me. I'll try to finish my homework now.”


“Anytime, baby. Remember, you can talk to me about anything. Don't think so much either or you'll fry all those great brain cells.” He kissed her forehead and she closed her eyes gently as she received his motherly comfort.


Funny Jonghyun appa had said the same thing. What were they hiding from me? She was about to ask but Key was already on his way out, hiding a secretive smile. Ugh, these two are just as bad as those other boys. I hate men. She pouted as she sat up and childishly threw a pillow at the closed door. She sipped her tea and managed to finish her homework late.



The next day at school, there was more weirdness between the boys. They kept getting in these little fights and Lauren always ended up in the middle and it was irritating her as much as it concerned her. It wasn't that they didn't fight usually. They were boys who loved to joke and tease and because their personalities were completely opposite from each other they fought quite a bit, but this seemed a bit different somehow. There was more menace from Yoogeun and Kyungsan was being a bit more obnoxious.


After school, she had cheer-leading practice and then a leadership meeting. She only saw Yoogeun across the school on his way to extra classes. She bumped into Kyungsan who was beaming by the exit gates.


“Hey, Rennie Noona!” he greeted brightly.


“Hey,” she replied with a natural smile, feeling relieved he was very much being himself and her body wasn't acting in any strange way so far.


“So, what are we doing?”


“It's a secret.” He pressed a finger over his lips.


She pushed him and rolled her eyes playfully. “I'm the one person you can't hide secrets from.”


“Oh, I think I could if I really tried. I might have a few already,” he winked.


“No way,” she insisted.


“You're right.” They both shared a light laugh.


“I thought we'd get our nails done, then go get some coffee.”


“Sounds good,” she said pleasantly.


It had been a long time since she'd gotten her nails done and it was always fun to do those kind of things with Kyungsan. He was as comfortable as a girl and he didn't care about playing masculine or how other people thought of him so she could do all kinds of fun things. She liked that they had so many hobbies in common and their personalities matched so well. She could never do something like this with Yoogeun and Tayoung didn't like doing many girly things nor did she hang out with other girls outside of class.


Her life would be a lot more boring if it weren't for her special friend. And how special he is, she thought as he grabbed her hand and started to run down the street.


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Congrats to me on 10, 000 views on AiA! I was hoping I could reach that goal before I finishes this story ^^ please comment~


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Chapter 8: I swear, I'm imagining Lauren as Gwiboonie, Kyungsan as Jinki, and Yoogeun as Minho. This is fun.
Gabisoares #2
Chapter 27: Hey!It's me again!
OMG,this fic is so amazing! T^T I don't even like fics that is not ,but I loved this one!(The same way I seem love everything you write XD)
The history is SOOO original,I mean,I was so sad for Kyungsan when Lauren and Yoogeun start dating! ;¬; But Thanks God that everything ended up well!When I watch kdramas I'm always sad about the friendzoned guy...
I loved the way you make to include 2min,Onjess,Jongkey and Mirjoon without letting them ofuscate the main characters!I loved Kyungsan since the beggining,he's such a Jinki's son!They have personalities a lot a like,but Kyungsan is a way more bold!hahaha
THe couples are so cute and the end is so beautiful! *O* Can you stop making me want to cry in every ending of your fics!?No,don't do that!I love crying! hahaha
What kind of sorcery did you made to find ulzzangs that looked so much a like to the real babies!? They're so pretty!How can Lauren be SOOO cute!? *O*
I'm trying not to exceed the maximum space here,so I must end the comment congratulating your for this story,you were amazing as always,Unnie!
Fighting! o/
Shanamexchingu #3
Chapter 27: Annyeong your new subbies here
omo so much awesome fic this is daebak story Love it C:
Chapter 27: I haven't been on AFF for a while, and when I saw that you completed this story I immediately clicked on it! Hahah. I've totally been waiting for this ending, and you made it perfect!
Thank you for writing this story, it was really enjoyable! :)

I look forward to reading your future stories!
Shineedays5 #5
Chapter 27: *wipes forehead* Phew, I thought you forgot about us there for a minute! Haha, anyways thanks for wrapping it up sweetly. Once again, a touching ending to a beautiful fic. I really like that you ended it off showing that Kyungsan was a much more important character then it seemed in the beginning since it is true when you look at the development in the story. He also took after his father, Onew, a lot with his god awful jokes xD Nice touch there! Though he can be a playboy, he's still a dork. Looking back on TFATH, he's like an exact copy of Onew lol Lauren still has her lovable quirks. I like that you didn't make her perfect in this story like most other stories would have it. (The beautiful, smart, caring popular girl that everyone goes after.) You made Lauren REAL which is why I love her character so much. Yoogeun is just...Yoogeun haha such a teenager with his rebel badass attitude. Nice to see how relatable this character is to so many. The parents were of course great. You didn't put them in this story as much which of course makes sense because this isn't exactly their store but rather, their kids'. It was still nice to see them occasionally here. Jessica was rather interesting to read about for some reason. I don't know, she just seemed like the type to keep to herself but you still knew she was a comfortable person to be around. (I'm probably still obsessing over chapter 38 from TFATH, 1, 2, 3 Got 180 Degrees and I'm Caught in Between, which is probably why I can't get over her!! *,* you know what I'm talking about author-nim!!) x'D LOL but nonetheless, I still find her quite interesting in your stories. 2Min and Jongkey...what more can I say. They're just that perfect! You portrayed their real personalities really well in this, especially my bias Kibummie! *le sigh* okay, I'm going to wrap this up now, I've been going on for a while haha. Thanks again for an amazing, well written story. And congrats on graduating author-nim!!<3 :)
Chapter 27: Thank you for coming back and finishing the story and congrats on graduation. You are a beautiful woman with great talent and I wish you the best future!
Chapter 27: congrads on everything. I loved the story, and every chapter was awesome. maybe later in the years, you could do a fallow up of them. after they have been in college and training for awhile. tht could be another whole new story. lol thanks for the great story.
epicbabo951 #8
Chapter 27: congrats your story was amazing!!!!