Chapter -26- A Date On The Bike~

Switching ϟ Souls

Soojin's POV~


Soojin: "I'M HOME!" I yelled, entering the house,

It's a great feeling to enter to your house and see someone waiting for you,

Siwon: "You are back!”

Soojin: "Neh" I smiled,

Siwon: "How was the college?”

Soojin: "Good" I smiled, walking to my room, "It's a great feeling to have someone to greet you in the house" I bite my lip,

Siwon: "You can live with Danny" he shrugged, I looked at him,

Soojin: "Oh! You know about that?" I took off my jacket,

Siwon: "Neh, I was in your body for three weeks”

Soojin: "You don't have to remind me" I chuckled, "It was horrible!”

Siwon: "Yes, and that's why we have to forget everything that happened in the last weeks”

Soojin: "I don't think I can do that" I bite my lip, holding my shirt up,

Siwon: "Ah! Wait I'm going out the room!" he walked out, I opened my closet, he bought me so many dresses.. I clenched my fist, I grabbed a pink hoodie and a grey skirt, I put them on, and tied up my hair in a ponytail,

Soojin: "Siwon-ah~" I ran to the living room,

Siwon: "Neh?" he looked at me,

Soojin: "Let's go out" I smiled,

Siwon: "I can't" he said, flipping in the TV,

Soojin: "Wea?" I pout,

Siwon: "I'm a celebrity and I can't risk”

Soojin: "I was using your body! Isn't that a risk?”

Siwon: "Can't”

Soojin: "Come on~ don't be silly!" I ran toward him,

Siwon: "Hoodie?" he raised a brow, "I bought you so many dresses”

Soojin: "You bought them for yourself" I shrugged,

Siwon: "Bhwo?”

Soojin: "Let's go out" I whined,

Siwon: "Aishh~" he groaned in annoyance, getting off the couch,

Soojin: "We are going to the park!" I clapped,



Siwon: "Ahh~ I feel awkward! People are staring" he whispered,

Soojin: "Wea? is it because we are linking arms?”

Siwon: "I don't know”

Soojin: "I didn't know you are such a cowered!" I rolled my eyes,

Siwon: "Anie, I'm not a coward, but you don't know what would happened if my ELF's saw me, especially with a girl!”

Soojin: "Nothing will happened”

Siwon: "Look! That girl is staring at me too! I'm busted!”

Soojin: "Chill out" I sighed, "Look there! Let's rent a bike!" I cheered,

Siwon: "Bhwo? You want me to drive a bike in public?!" he panicked,

Soojin: "Neh" I pulled him after me,

Siwon: "W.. Wait”

Soojin: "How much?”

”You want a bike?”

Soojin: "Neh, how much?”

" 20 dollars for every hour"

Soojin: "Here a 40, we want two hours" I smiled,

You want two bikes or one, or the couple’s one?”"

I stared at the bikes, and saw the couple’s one, but.. We are not dating; It's going to be weird for him!

Soojin: "One”

Siwon: "I'll pay, give her back her money" he suddenly said,

Soojin: "It's ok..”

Siwon: "I insist" he smiled,

Soojin: "We are going to drive it together”

Siwon: "Bhwo?! It only has one seat!”

Soojin: "You drive, and I'll set behind you and hug your back”

Siwon: "Bhwo?" he blushed,

Soojin: "Come on!" I pushed him, and he sat on the bike, and me sat behind him, hugging his waist, "LET'S GO!" I cheered,

Siwon: "People will notice me! Don’t yell like that!" he shushed me,

Soojin: "Fast! Drive faster!”

Siwon: "Ara Ara! Don’t be bossy" he chuckled,

Soojin: "WOO HO~" I slowly left his waist, and raised up my arms,

Siwon: "YAH! Hold me! What if you fell down?!" he panicked,

Soojin: "FREEDOM~" I shrieked,

Siwon: "YAH! HOLD ME AND STOP YELLING!" he scolded me,

Soojin: "ANIE~" I laughed,

Siwon: "You are being a baby!" he complained,

Soojin: "And you are being the empty headed guy again" I mumbled, hugging his waist again

Siwon: "I heard that"

Soojin: "I know" I chuckled, resting my head against his back,

Siwon: "Yah Soojin-ah"

Soojin: "Neh?"

Siwon: "We.. we didn't sleep together.. right?"

I widened my eyes,

Soojin: "B.. Bhwo?!"

Siwon: "Nothing happened between us right?"

Soojin: "I.. I don't think so.. when I woke up, I was wearing my clothes"

Siwon: "Ah! Thanks God!!" he sighed, "Let's go to the lake park and watch the sun set" he suggested and I nodded, I moved my hands up to his chest, and tightened my hug,

Soojin: "Your heart beats are normal"

Siwon: "Neh"

Soojin: "Wea..? don't you feel excited?"

Siwon: "Yes, but I used to this, always working out, dancing and singing, it made my lungs and my heart stronger"

Soojin: "What about Love? Does it beat harder when you see the person you like?" I asked, biting my lower lip,

Siwon: "Neh, but after Eunhae, I decided not to fall in love again, and focus on my work"

Soojin: "B.. but.. Love is good for your health"

Siwon: "But.. I'm not sick"

Soojin: "We are all sick"

Siwon: "Then Love Isn't my cure"

Soojin: "Then what is it..?" he stopped,

Siwon: "Let's set over there" he pointed at the river's edge,

Soojin: "Ok" I nodded, and he parked the bike near a tree and walked to the lake, we sat on the grass,

Siwon: "Do you feel cold?"

Soojin: "What is your cure Siwon?" I asked and he blinked,

Siwon: "W.. Wea?" he raised his brows,

Soojin: "I just.. I.. want to know.." I blushed, looking away from him,

Siwon: "I don't know.. I have everything I need in my life, that's why I adore the Gad very much.. he gave me a home, a family, a good reputation, a good friends, he make my a star.." he zooned out, "But.. I always feel something is missing.. Maybe It's my work? I don't work enough! I don't deserve the Love that ELF gave me, I should work harder to deserve it"

Soojin: "Anie, you are doing your best Siwon-ah" I patted his shoulder,

Siwon: "I only sing! I don't do anything much to deserve their Love"

Soojin: "Aigoo~" I hugged him,

Siwon: "See.. There is no cure for my situation" he chuckled,

Soojin: "There is a cure for everything" I kissed his cheek, and he looked at me surprising, my heart beats faster.. And I looked down at his lips..


I leaned closer to his face..


I closed my eyes..


Siwon: "Soojin-ah.." I widened my eyes, "L.. Let's go home" he said, getting up,

I clenched my fists..


We sat on the bike, and I hugged his waist, all the way we were silent.. I rest my head on his back,

I don't know why, but I have a weird feeling.. I like being around him even while using his body,

He become a part of me.. I can't wake up in the morning without seeing his face..

I think I..


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lilith9999 #1
Chapter 39: I have finished your story in two days! I laughed a lot. Thank you.
vynskivaleria #2
Chapter 39: Omo i didnt know you updated this! This is awesome, make sure you have time to update it :D fighting eonnie!
Chapter 39: can't wait for next update..finally siwon understand what is the meaning behind the word "Lesson" ^_^
kitness_s #4
Chapter 39: I was screaming when i saw that you updated ! Finally Siwon understood what this is all about and evil kyu aww ! Nice update author-nim

Ps : please update your other stories !
vynskivale #5
Chapter 38: Pls update soon eonnie ^^
vynskivale #6
Chapter 37: Pls update ^^
ilabya6 #7
Chapter 36: Heck Siwon!! You keep on hurting her feelings..smh
ch3nya #9
Chapter 35: Gosh i want a danny! ;.; he's like my favorite character in your story, give him some love. keke sorry bout that loved the update :)
Chapter 34: Stop being a such a jerk Siwon!