Chapter 1

The Ice Prince (TOP Story)





I sat on my king-sized bed, looking over the profile's of high class women in Korea.

Being a 19 year old prince meant that I'd have to start looking for a companion soon.

Also known as a wife. Truthfully I didn't find a good reason to even have one.

I'd be the first king to have stayed single.. Sounds legitimate hm? Women have too many emotions that I can't handle. 

Sadness, anger, happiness, but mostly jealousy. Why can't they be strong like us men?

I don't think I should be one too talk to much as I am the jealous type, but at least I don't start crying over clothes every 2 hours.

I heard a knock at my door. "Prince Seunghyun, there is a message for you." It was my personal butler.

"Come in," I responded with my deep voice.

He walked in slowly, with a letter on a silver tray. With a swift motion, I took the delicate paper between my fingers and broke the wax seal.

Dear Choi Seunghyun, it read.

You have finally turned the age of 19. Not only a sign of entering adult-hood, but a sign of needed companionship, also known as marriage. In this life of Royalty, it is a rule and order that you have a wife by your next birthday. But of course, we will let you meet some candidates starting tomorrow. Thank you for your time


Elders of the S.Korean Emperial Royal Family 

sO I'd be meeting some of them tomorrow hm? 

I folded the letter shut and handed it back to my butler. 

"Thank you. You are excused." I gave him a small nod, and he left without a sound.

A wife.. " Someone is will be apart of you for the rest of your life whether you like it or not.." I muttered to myself.

The thought of it bothered me. I mean , how can somebody handle another, especially if they are the opposite ?

And I'd have to show fake affection for them, just for the press. The life of a prince isn't easy.

I have mostly 2 groups of people I have to impress.

My parents.

And the media.

Getting married was probably the best day of my father's life, considering he fell in love with mother the day he met her.

I am positive the same thing will not happen to me. 

My heart is not easily taken. Even if they are the prettiest woman in the world. 



Eunang POV

Hello! I am Eunang, but you can call me Eunnie.

MMM I consider myself the aegyo queen, but that's only cause other people call me that!

So, daddy is a big-time business man. One of the richest in Korea. He's in the newspaper all the time, and camera's are always outside our house.

My personality is very happy and cheerful, and I tend to act like a primary student, but there are moments when I'm serious too.

It's been my dream to be a happy a happy house-wife, with little children and a handsome husband, rather than be super successful.

"Eunnie-ah, it's time for dinner!" I heard my mother calling for me.

I was currently sitting on my comfy twin-sized bed, covered in Rilakumma plushies and keroro dolls. 

I laughed at myself. I'm such a kid  

Everything in the moment was perfect.I'd actually never felt so happy at one time. 

Squeezing my Keroro to my chest, I took in a breathe of air.

"I wonder why I'm so happy today..." I whispered to myself. "AH! Dinner!"

I sprinted down the seps of my large home, and was blasted by delicious smells.

"Hello, my beautiful daughter." Father smiled, pulling me into a hug. "How was our princess's day today?"

A laugh escaped from my lips, "Your princess had a great day father. Seems like everyone is in a good mood! What's the occasion?"

The room suddenly went silent. Mommy smiled at daddy, and nodded towards me.

Taking my hands into his, Father looked me straight in the eyes and whispered, "You might be getting married soon."

My body froze, and the blood flowing inside me seem to stop. 

Was I still smiling? I must not be, because now Father is looking at me funny.

"Aren't you happy? Wasn't this your dream?" He tried to look for an answer from me, but my lips were locked.

"U-um.. I am only 17." Reasoning would work.. Right?

Father nodded slowly, "You are only 17, but look at you. So young, happy, and filled with life. I'm sure this man would love to recieve such warmth, wouldn't he?" 

My heart started to pound like mad. Who was this man? Ugh the only thing I could search for were answers..

"Will I be meeting him?" My voice had gone soft and quiet.. Evne I could barely hear myself.

"Tomorrow for lunch." Mother added, setting our food on the table. My mouth started to water from the sight, but I had to concentrate on this news.

A small sigh fell from my lips and I could feel Father's hands loosen from mine. 

With a strong smile I responded, "Yes, this was my dream.. Thank you Oppa." 

How could I express how I really felt?

These people raised me, fed me, and clothed me, even keeping a roof over my head.

It was no place of mine to complain, so I kept my mouth shut.

Sometimes being too happy was unhealthy, I guess..

Scooping food in my mouth, everything became a blur..

After eating I walked up to my room, and fell asleep on contact.

Was this my dream?


Next Morning

Still Eunang POV

Warm bed sheets draped themselves over my cold body.

I never know why, but ever since I was little, I've always been at a cold temperature.

But it isn't lethal. I could feel my toes tingling, which was a sign of me to get up.

Releasing my Rila bear from my tight grip, I rolled over and stared at the clock.

It was 11:30 AM. Late for me, but I was just too exhausted last night.

Thinking of last night.. My father told me something important, didn't he? 

Hmm.. OMO! He told me I might be getting married! Aish stupid Eunnie.

Marriage... Suddenly I heard a loud bang at my door. 

"Who is it?" I yelled.

"YAH! You're meeting prince charming at 12:30, so you bette r get dressed right now!" Mother laughed.

This was no laughing matter for me!

With a loud groan, I dragged myself out of bed.


My eyes landed on a cute petite polka-dot dress that I had just recently bought.

But first I had to go wash my face.

Looking into the mirror I almost flinched at my own refelction.

Horrible bed hair, and eye bags... Totally wife material.

Begrudgingly, I brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, and did my make up.

Just some mascara and lip gloss ^^

Then I tugged on the dress, and I felt ready to go.

Could you believe it? It was only 11:45. 

In seconds I was out the door, and already sitting at the kitchen table.

"Pancakes please!" I used my best aegyo expression which always won people over.

"Anything for my beautiful daughter.." Mamma smiled, setting a stack of them infront of me. 

Stuffing them into my mouth, I took in the nice smell of our house.

Ahh.. So relaxing..

I was so lost in this ecstasy that I forgot what time it was.

"AISH! I gotta go! Saranghae Umma! Meet you later!" I quickly finished up and ran out of the room.

Driver was waiting for me in a shiny black car.

With the slam of a door, I was headed off to meet this man. 

Maybe my future husband?



I was currently meeting one of the candidates. 

Park Bom was her name.

We sat across from each other, words slowly exchanged between us.

"So, what are your hobbies?" I asked, trying to keep our conversation going.

She took a moment to think and finally answered, "I like to sing, so I believe that is my hobby." Then she smiled and took a sip from her coffee.

She was actually very beautiful with small plump lips, catty eyes, and a nicely shaped body..

Her attitude wasn't too bad either.. 

I decided to consider her as being my wife. 

The clock was almost out of time so I decided to add some comments.

"It was nice meeting you, Mrs.Park. No doubt you are very beautiful, and it seems your passion for life is very bright. I like that. You seem like a good match for me." I gave a slight wink, making her cheeks red.

"Thank you, Prince." She bowed just as the timer went off.

Without another word she walked off and called a taxi. 

"Was she our last one?" I asked, hoping this was over. I'd seen 5 girls already, and I was starting to feel exhausted.

With a nod the servant replied, "No, you have one more sir. She should be here in--" The bang of a door cut him off.

I turned around and saw a young girl standing in the doorway, with a distinguished face.

"I'm sorry I'm late.." She panted, "I'm here to meet somebody.." 

"You're here to meet me, aren't you?" I muttered, avoiding eye-contact.

Her face twisted into a suspicious gaze. 

"I'm here to meet a man, who is searching for a wife?" She stared at my servant, giving him a stern look.

"He is the one you are looking for miss.. Miss Eunang Bin." He answered, pointing in my direction. 

"Ah thank you." Eunang nodded.

In moments she was infront of me, taking a seat. 

This 'Eunang' girl looked very young... Almost like a primary student. With a baby face and small figure, she seemed like the cute type..

"Hello! My name is Bin Eunang! Nice to meet you!" She smiled brightly, holding out a hand. I was shocked by her out-going attitude. 

"U-um My name is Prince Seunghyun.. Choi Seunghyun." My hand went out to reach hers and we shook briefly.

Wow even her hands were very soft..

"Wah you're a prince?!" She gasped. 

Oh no.. Don't tell me she didn't even know who I was!

"I'm the prince of this country.. Didn't you know that?" I gave her a don't-you-know-who-I-am Look.

She tapped her finger on her chin and nodded, 'no'

I rolled my eyes. "So, how old are you?" 

"17! Going on to be 18 in a month! How about you?" Eunang chirped ethusiastically. 

This girl is overflowing with energy...

Almost too much..

"I'm 19." My voice boomed throughout the room. 

I decided to rest my head on my hand. 

Eunang seemed surprised and didn't say anything for tehe next few moments. 

The next thing she said will be something I won't forget.. Not because of how deep or wise it was, but because of how.. Weird it was.

"Why is your voice so deep? I've never heard a voice like yours." She stared at me as if I was some alien.

She was annoying!

"I don't know why my voice is like this! What kind of a question is that?" I snapped harshly..

Eunang's face turned a little pale and with a loud swallow she said, "I was just curious.. It's not that.. But I think your voice is very unique! I like it!" She giggled a little bit. 

With a groan I covered my eyes with my hand, 

I wanted to end with the last question. "Why do you think you're fit to be the wife of royalty?"

A sigh escaped and with a whisper she replied, "I'm not fit. Truthfully I don't even want to be here ya know? But because of my father's wishes I have come. I don't expect to marry you, but it is my dream to marry early and be happy."

Poor girl.. Being forced... Maybe I was a little harsh.. but they don't call me the Ice Prince for nothing.

"Thank you for coming today. You're a very honest and bright girl, which is good. Myabe I'll see you again." I breathed, holding out my hand.

With a bright smile she shook my hand and quickly stood.

"Good-bye Prince Seunghyun." And in a moment, she was gone.

Even though it was over, I felt like she left a good impression on me. 

With a personality as bright as the sun, and youth flowing out of her veins, she seemed like a very interesting girl..

Maybe someone.. 

I'd like to get to know better...



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Chapter 1: Please update! I really got interested in this story but I guess you completely forgot about it. Sad.