The Last Day We Were Together



Junhyung POV

                Tomorrow I gonna leave this country and HER. Today was the last day. MY LAST CHANCE to tell her.

Jiyeon POV

                Today was a sunny Sunday and I thought everything will be perfect today. The phone rang.

                “Hye babe. You got time today?” I recognized my boyfriend voice.

                “Yes. Why?”

                “Wanna go for a date today? I’ll pick you on 9am.”

                “Okaay. Don’t be late.”

                “Ara. See you.”

                OMO, what I’m gonna wear today. I dig my closet and totally in mess. I chose to wear a stripped dress and a pair of leggings.

                Junhyung picked me exactly at 9. No, he came early today. About at 8.55 am. It was unusual for a tardy guy like him.

Then, he brought me to an amusement park. It’s been a long time since my last visit to amusement park. Firstly we tried up the sky diving. He always hesitate when it came to height but today he didn’t hesitate. He clearly tried to show his excitement of trying sky diving but I knew he never could overcome his fear of height. I couldn’t help but laughed when I saw his pale face after the end of skydiving.

Then, we tried the roller coaster ride. During the ride, he tried cupped his mouth to avoid screaming because he really hated roller coaster. He held my hands even tight like forever.

After getting rid of dizziness, he brought me to an ice cream parlor. Both of us ordered the same “Banana Boat” like we used to eat during our first date. There he’s again string at me.

“Waeyo? Is there any ice cream on my face?” I asked him.

“Ani. You face gotten prettier than our first date.” His answer really turned my face into a tomato. “Aigoo, you’re blushed already,” said Junhyung after noticing my face were redden.

He was weird today. He was being very sweet to me. I know that he always being sweet to me. But today was extremely sweet of him. And I always caught him staring me intently. I wonder what have gotten into him today.

Junhyung POV

                She was very happy today. This making me more difficult to tell her the truth. I couldn’t stop myself staring at her because today was my last day with her. She always caught me staring at her. She might thought me kinda weird today.

                After having a wonderful times at amusement park, we decided to go to Namsan Tower. After reaching the rooftop, I suggested both of us to wrote love note on the love locks. After complete writing the love note, I asked her what did her wrote on the love lock.


                Saranghae youngwonhi. I will always be on your side. (Oppa, you’re really freakin’ me out today)

                “What did you write then? Show me,” said Jiyeon as her tried to peek my love note.

                “I don’t want to show you. You only can read this when you come back to this place later,” I didn’t want to show her what my real feeling are.

                She pouted because she didn’t get to read my love note. Her cute side made me to love and miss her very much. After putting the love locks on the rightful place, both of us took selcas as remembrance. I secretly pecked her cheeks when we both taking the selca.

                After a long date, I walked her back home. When we reached at her home, I eventually kissed her on the lips. It was a long and deep kiss and might be my last kiss with her. I hugged her after the kiss ended and told her, “Remember that I will always love you when we are apart.”


Since i'm not an korean, i really dun know how to describe the date entirely especially the namsan tower.

hope everyone support me!!!!!! sarangee...........

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I like it~~~
mees123 #2
udate more stories
YippieM #3
Hehehe Junyoung :3
Minwoo is so hot to me kekeke
myungji_luv #4
Poor Ji Yeon, because of him, she suffered too much
I love JunYeon cp, update soon!
@YippieM thanks hope you will support this fanfics<br />
..<br />
i came back after the long hiatus
YippieM #6
Hello :)<br />
I'm so biased with Jiyeon :P<br />
Plus B2ST and ZE:A<br />
Congratulations to ZE:A's debut :P<br />
They did so well :)
kyuyoung20 #7
please update soon T^T
i like your poster
OH! I love this story!<br />
akuuuuu94 #10
kaban,,,, yoshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!