Chapter 2

Are you afraid of a little Lightning?

As we pulled into his glass wall framed garage, I couldn't help but think that this was a huge mistake that I was going to regret about roughly 5 minutes from now, or maybe even less...


I mean at the moment, I'm like a radioactive confused little person with unsettled emotions; recovering from a fiancée who I caught cheating on me, and in the middle of having these weird mutual feelings towards a guy who I've hated for the last four years of my life…


Yep it was bad.


"Yah, what about all my stuff?"  I asked as he parked the car and got out.


He gave me that look that meant, you really aren't asking me that right?


I swallowed and blew up my cheeks, my lips bending into a spoilt frown. He just laughed and began making his way upstairs.

I followed mindlessly behind him, there were just a few times I had been in his house, for obvious reasons.


"WuWu?" an annoying high pitched voice penetrated the deathly silenced we met as we entered the house.




"WuWu!" there was that voice again, this time with company.

A girl ran out from the kitchen into the guest room where we stood and embraced Kris in a tight hug.


When I said girl, I meant well yeah a girl, but more like a e…

Well that's harsh, but she was wearing lingerie, well and a bath robe…


But she was pretty, bright eyes, blond hair, pink lips; a real ullzang and very beautiful. Kris' typical.


Kris smiled but there was obviously a mild trace of irritation mingled in his eyes. "What's up baby?" he grinned. Leaning in and kissing her full on the lips.


Rather that being jealous in anyway, I was more annoyed that he just had the gall to do that in front of a guest.


"Ok, baby,"


Baby? Seriously… I never did get accustomed to that.


"Yes WuWu," she answered in that high pitched voice again. that i knew pretty well over time.


"You have to leave."


"Bwoh?" she asked pathetically, those innocent features bent into a frown.


"Well, I have a guest and she may be uncomfortable with you here." he added sweetly, showing me to her.


"Wu Fan-sshhii, it doesn't matter, don't let me being here become an inconvenience to you or any body else." I shrugged.


She caught a glimpse of me, as if she had only now become aware of my existence in the room; followed by a scan of a slightly irritated look of disgust as she watched me.


"Hi." I smiled politely, waving at her.

"Hi," she responded, trying her best to smile.


"WuWu, who is she?" the voice I felt like muting came up again.


Didn't she ever learn to talk with her eyes? I mean seriously…


Kris POV:


This felt kind of awkward…

Well in light of certain recent events….


"She's my secretary," I answered as convincingly as possible, trying to rid of this temporary irritation…


I mean her voice was always annoying, I don't know why I even- well I know why I kept her but still…


"Oh," she finally said, shutting up. I smiled with my eyelids, so she wouldn't see the look of obvious piss off dancing in my eyes. I mean normally when I said leave, there were no questions asked, why was this such an issue-



_________ah was here. Never did usually bring a girl, especially one like this at home, while I already had a girl at the moment…


I mean __________ was really-

I turned in her direction just to stare as I thought. She was beautiful. Those deadly eyes and soft honey blonde curls, small face and petite bone structure. And of course those pink lips, that tormented me everyday I saw them. This person ruled my life and kept it in check without even knowing it…


"Wu Fan sshii," the blunt low tone crept from her angelic beauty.


"Stop staring and answer Hyuna," her eyes were narrowed and intense.

And pissed off…


"Yeah, so you can leave like now," I looked down at the extra small framed individual who hovered around me like and insect. Yeah I'm a bad person, but I really didn't care.


She frowned and began walking away.




But I felt horrible, when I saw how _______ looked at her trail. She seemed embarrassed and guilty. Her eyes flew back up to me, annoyed.


Here we go.


Your POV.


"Wu Fan sshii, why did you have to make her leave? She didn’t do anything, she was your guest."


I was honestly annoyed, I mean didn’t I just say not to make my presence an inconvenience to anyone?


"Sorry, but I'll show you to your room," he said brushing off my scolding.

He glanced at me one last time, then began making his way up the staircase where I obediently followed after.


"Thanks Wu Fan Sshii," I smiled as we entered the grand room. At this point, I decided not to argue, because obviously nothing ever got through that thick skull of his, unless he wanted it to.


He looked around and back at me, "If there's any thing else you need, just call me, oh and your stuff will be here in about an hour".


I sighed as I looked away trying to avoid the gentleness of his eyes, that often left me in a daze.


I hated it.


Even as he left the room his fingers brushed against my palm, sending shivers down my spine.


I plummeted on the soft silky bed…


Now the hard part. Telling my brothers.


I slipped out my S3 from my bag and scrolled through shruggishly, as I thought about how I was going to break the news. At least I reached the name and dialed.


I swallowed as I listened at the lingering drones of the dialing tone ring in the background until finally someone picked up.



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multiliners #1
Chapter 3: HAHA i feel a fight coming on
Chapter 3: OMG THAT LISP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

multiliners #3
It's good, the vocabulary is good and fluent, I envy you! But the emoticons such as this one ":Q_____" was a big turn-off, so I suggest that you refrain from using them ^^ But, it's good!
multiliners #5
dfuihdsfisdudhgdiudhgidogdjdsdjsdoids FRIGGEN' OMFFFFFFFFFF