Chapter 1

Conveni(ence Store)

"Thank you, come again!" You hand the customer her bag and wave as she walks away from the check out counter and exits the store. You lean back on the counter and exhale, your shift still didn't end for another three hours. The store was empty except for a few other customers browsing the aisles. The automatic door swings open and rings, signaling the arrival of another customer. "Good evening." You greet the boy, like every other customer. He stares at you for a second, seemingly frozen in place. You smile at him, and he flashes a nervous smile back, an adorable dimple showing on his cheek. 

The boy quickly shuffles out of view into a nearby aisle and you shrug. You hadn't been working here long, only about a week or two, but luckily you'd gotten the basics down. "Oh are you ready to check out?" You snap out of your daydreaming to help another customer. You ring his items up, and do the usual farewell greeting when he exits. The checkout line empty once more, your attention begins to shift to the dimple boy who entered a few minutes ago, he darts in and out of the other aisles, stealing occasional glances at you from behind bottles of soju and boxes of kimchi. Heh, that's kinda funny...wait he does realize I can see him right? 

A few minutes later, the boy finally rests his items on the checkout counter, a small line of customers has formed behind him. "Will this be all?" You ask. He looks up from his items, startled by the sound of your voice. 

"Y-Yeah." he nods, looking up from his box of kimchi, banana milk, and bag of chips. 

You ring up his purchase, "That will be 8000 won." 

He rummages through his wallet and places whatever is left in it onto the counter, before realizing he's 500 won short. His eyes dart frantically around, as he sees the small line of people behind him. His hand slides the bag of chips away, "I just won't buy this then..." he says, sounding a little disappointed.

You look at the line, nobody really seems to be paying attention to you and the dimple boy. "Don't worry about it." you whisper, sliding the bag of chips back into the pile with a small smile.

His whole face turns red, you can't tell if he's nervous or embarrassed and he makes a small bow with his head, "Thank you very much." You bag the items, and hand the plastic bag over to him, your hand brushing onto his for a split second. A huge nervous grin develops on his face once more, and he snatches the bag away as he runs out of the convenience store faster then you can say 'Thank you, come again!' 

Well that was weird... You brush the weird boy's behavior away and ring up the next customer's purchase.


The store was filled with a good amount of customers, an average amount really. There were teenagers flipping through the magazine display, young business workers buying a cheap meal on their way home, the usual tan boy and wide eyed boy who you assumed must be trainees, since SM Entertainment was only a few blocks away, and just some people picking up a few things. You finished checking out the last customer in the check out line and noticed a boy standing outside the glass doors. He stepped inside and you smiled, it was dimple boy. "Welcome." 

His eyes went wide again, and he opened his mouth to speak before ducking behind a display of a new brand of snacks. What's up with him? 

You keep yourself busy by checking out the steady stream of customers, but still feeling the boy's occasional glances on you, just like the other day. He finally decided on the items he wanted to buy and waited in line, when it was finally his turn he timidly stepped up to the counter, placing his cup noodles, and bottle of water on the counter. "Would you like me to prepare the cup noodles?" You ask, suddenly noticing his attention is not on your face, but your chest. You blush and a pang of anger flies over you. Freaking ert!

"Excuse me, but can I help you?" You snap, before suddenly realizing his eyes are slightly shifted to the right, to your name tag. 

"Ah, yes. Sorry. But yes, I'd like the cup of noodles with hot water." 

"Alright, just a second, sir." You ring up his order and turn around to the back counter to put the water in. You're a bit preoccupied with the hot water dispenser, that seems to be running out of water, to notice his mini accomplishment party for talking to you. Finally, filling the cup with hot water you turn back around the check out the other customers while waiting for the noodles to be ready.

"Eh? Where did he go?!" You exclaim, noticing the boy has suddenly disappeared. Your eyes dart around the store, but he's nowhere to be seen, then you notice that even his bagged bottle of water has gone missing. He didn't just leave, right? That's stupid, how could he forget about the noodles? 

You sigh and leave the noodles there. They eventually get soggy and dry.

Very short chapter, but longer ones to come of course! >.<

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smtownjjang #1
Chapter 1: looking forward to the next chapter!!