At Hara's place

The Perfect Mis-Match
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"I wish falling in love has traffic lights too, so I would know if I should go for it, slow down or just stop"



"We have to order pizza from PPT pizzas, they have the best pizzas in town," Luna pointed out.


After school the next day, we were all hanging out at Hara's house to plan her birthday. Almost every girl from the clique was here. We were in Hara's room and drinking coke and having chips. We had lots of advertisement posters of shops here in Hara's room. Hara's room is like, blue in colour, dark blue and has a poster of Baekhyun stuck inside her closet.

It's pretty messy if you ask me.

Why would anyone in their right mind stick a poster of her boyfriend in her closet?


"Where do we hold it?" Nicole asked.

"Ummm.....the party should be at some nice party hall," Hara said.


Meanwhile, I didn't know why I was invited, maybe they didn't want to disinclude me so I was just watching TV.

"Hey Jiyeon! Come here," Juniel said and asked me to join her on the sofa in the front of her room from where the TV was closer.


I mean, Hara's room is less like a bedroom and more like a living room. And messy too.

Juniel is one of the girls who are new in the clique. She was sitting on the sofa with Krystal.

And the only place which was left was the middle.

So I had to sit in between both of them.


"So, you're a new student?" Juniel asked me. Her voice is really sweet.

"Yeah, I joined about...3 months ago," I said.


"That's not such a long time," Juniel smiled at me.

She's pretty nice. 


But on the other side was Krystal totally staring at us.

So I smile at her.


But she didn't smile back. Instead, she came closer to us and said: "Where's Myungsoo?"


God, why does she care about Myungsoo so much? 

I mean, he's my boyfriend.

Why does she wanna know?


"He's at home," I said, guessing.


"How did you know Myungsoo was the one who sent the notes?" Krystal asked, being her normal straight-forward self and looking at me right in the eye.


Of course it's Myungsoo!

Why woul

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Chapter 68: I really really love this story ^^ I love the characters I love the quotes I love the way baekhyun love jiyeon I love it all ehehehe good job authornim :D
LyanTalib #2
Chapter 68: OMG I swear to god if she ended up with Myungsoo I would've cried for ever and I wish there is someone like Bakhyun in my life JIYEONNIE I LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT
exo-hun #3
Chapter 68: Yaasss! OMG I was so scared Jiyeon was going to choose Myungsoo lol, I'm glad she chose Baekhyun!! I love you authornim!
Chapter 68: yes. yes. you made a perfect choice ; u ; ♡

continue chuseyongggggggㅡ
niiyeon #5
Chapter 68: can i cry for baek?? ;A; jiyeon, youre so lucky and pick the right choice *^*
Bleak_night #6
Chapter 68: WOAH FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY she make it now i love this couple... Baekhyun isn't really into my first three bias but i liked him so much here haha but is this the end... I loved this fanfic from my heart ^^
cericeria #7
Chapter 68: yeaah finally they're together now!! cant wait for their sweet moments kkk ;)
JiYeon_Lover #8
Chapter 68: agghhhhhh finally T^T
She choose Baekhyun *-*
But, this is the end or not? o.O
i wish you could make hara and myungsoo suffering because it's still not enough for me lol
Barbar #9
Chapter 68: This is beautiful... Thanks for write this story, i love this T_T one of my favorite fanfict that end up perfectly <3