Chapter !

Love Me Not: My Mischievous VIP

"She's a VIP. A Very Important Patient. While I'm away, you take good care of her, you hear?"

I didn't really pay much mind about what Dad was saying as I arrived home from school. All I care about was my homeworks to get done so I could rest afterwards. But as what this man had told me, I should keep an eye to this very-important-whatsoever leading me to do my schoolworks in the room she was staying in instead of my room. She was asleep as I got in which was something I have to be glad about.

After putting my books on the study table in the corner, I then began answering my Advanced Chemistry assignment. The room was quiet which helped a lot my concentration. And just when I was about halfway with my homework, unfortunately, the silence was then distracted.

"Hey. Psst."

I sharply glanced sidewards from my place only to see the said VIP looking straight at me. And because what I hate most is being disturbed, I just ignored her and continued with what I was doing.

"Hey, pst!" she called again.

But I didn't take any single glance this time. I just hushed her up by a "Shh!". I don't want to lose my focus on a particular number. And main reason is that, I don't feel like talking to somebody I don't even know.

"Hey!" she finally yelled this time, causing me to heave an irritated sigh before shotting an annoyed look at her.

"What?" I snapped annoyingly.

"Who are you?" she asked softly but suspiciously, staring carefully at me.

"The doctor's son," I replied grumpily as I turned back with my book.

"Oh. I didn't know Uncle Joe has a son," I heard her mumble. "What are you doing here?"

Her latest question made me stop. Is she a mentally deficient retard? The whole reason why Dad wants me to nurse her while he's not around?

Swinging my head to her direction yet again, I told her matter-of-factly, but huffily that, "I live her."

"Oh." Her lips instantly formed a small 'O', before saying, "I know. But, really. In this room?" she asked innocently, scanning the place with her eyes.

"No. Dad told me to nurse you is all. But I could go to my room this instant if you want to. Besides, I don't really have any plan in nursing you," I told her bitterly.

"No. Just stay. You see, I need to pee."

I just shrugged coolly, saying, "Okay," then went back balancing the chemical equation.

After a little while, she began talking again which was really starting to annoy me for real. "Pardon?"

"Pee. No one's stopping you. The restroom's just right there," I told her without looking away from the book.

"But I need help."

I stopped. And took a piercing look at her who was glancing longingly to the wheelchair across her bed.

Understanding what she meant, I lazily stood up and strolled across the room dragging the wheelchair on her side. I waited for her to get up. But what she did was just stare at me innocently.

"What is wrong with you?" I demanded impatiently.

"I...uh, I can't get up," she stammered nervously.

I stared at her annoyingly contemplating whether or not to do the thing she obviously wanted me to do.

However, upon her annoyance, I decided to just do it anyway.

Ugh. I can't believe I have to do this.

I removed the blanket off her and abruptly carried her with my arms.

"Hey, aw! My arm! Be gentle!" she protested, throwing her right arm to her left arm which was in a shoulder sling.

Uncomfortable, I suddenly felt her warm breath run down my neck making me to turn to her as a quick reaction.

But to my surprise, our nose accidentally touched! I immediately jerked my head backwards, while she just grinned, saying, "You smell good."

Annoyance instantly flickered to my features again once I saw that irritating grin and hearing that little comment making me drop her to the wheelchair and pushed her in front of the restroom's door. Why did Dad ever bring such a crazy chic so pain in the ? She completely disturbed my homework-doing session. But the next thing she did couldn't have annoyed me even more.

"Thanks for bringing me up here, handsome," she said, standing up and opening the door. Before she closed it, she gave me a wink.

I just ignored her and strolled back to the study table.

Wait. Did I just see her stand?

I stopped at my tracks halfway from the restroom, taking a backward glance...


She just fooled me.

I wasted 3 minutes of my life to do the things she wanted me to do just for her own pleasure and mischief. What's up with her? Why did she have to bother me when she could walk by herself? And what's the use of the wheelchair?

Argh. Girls...

When she could act earlier, it was as if she's some sort of goody-goody and innocent young lady. Well she's totally not. And I can't believe she had fooled me.

I went to my room with my things with me and continued my assignments there which were supposed to be finished by now. There's no need to keep an eye on her. Yeah, I know her arm's injured, but she's wickedly fine. Or at least I know she could WALK by HERSELF.

After a couple of minutes, I finally finished everything. I lied on my bed and just when I was about to close my eyes, a loud, unfamiliar, strange alarm filled my room.


I sat up wondering what was happening.

I'm sure it's not a fire alarm. I glanced over trying to trace where that stupid alarm came from. And I think it must be from the small, round, red light flashing on the wall near the door.

I squinted hard at it. Since when do I have something like that in my room?

But before anything else. I need to stop the annoying sound.


I grabbed my shoe and walked towards the red light, then hit it, breaking it into pieces. And gladly, the alarm stopped. I noticed that there was a label beside it: VIP Emergency Call

And just what the hell does it mean?

It wasn't long enough when things started to sink in.

The retard!

She's in an emergency!

I know she had fooled me, but if something happens to her, Dad won't forgive me knowing that he was the one who tasked me to take charge the responsibility.

So I dashed off my room and shut her door open, panting for air. And I was right!

She was, indeed, in danger!

Have any idea what's the emergency?

Well, she was just sitting up on the bed smiling like a total idiot once I got in.

What makes her in danger?

She is just, without doubt, a creepy mentally ill weirdo. Does she ever realize that?

"Hey. I was just trying if this Emergency button works," she said festively, referring to the red button on the wall above her bed. "Did you hear the alarm?"

I stared at her incredulously angry. "Yes. And I instantly break it."

She looked surprised and worried. "Why did you do that?"

"The fact that it's annoying?" I replied in a bored tone.


I didn't give her the chance to continued what she was saying because I banged the door close and sauntered back to my room sulkily.

The guts of that brat!

But little did I know that me breaking the Emergency alarm would only worsen things up...

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