Right Door

The Lady, or the Tiger? (My Own Ending)

I lifted my right hand, indicating that he should go to the right door. I saw a slight nod from him, one that only I can see, giving me a sign that he understood. He walked toward the door to the right, hesitation evident in his slow steps as well as his face. "I choose this door," his voice wavered. He stood in front of the massive door fifty times the size of him.

"Open the door!" My father's stentorian voice bellowed throughout the arena, and not two seconds later the door creaked open, revealing a growling tiger, ready to pounce. My father's face was filled with joy as my love ran from the tiger . Unfortunately, tiger was faster than he was, ripping him limb from limb, all in a matter of seconds. The arena was mixed with sounds of cheers, gasps, and faint crying.

As the tiger devoured him hungrily, everyone saw his red velvet blood. Some of it was pooled around what was left of his body, and some were splattered around the arena. Of course, the rest were in the tiger's stomach. As I saw this happening, my split second of horror immediately turned into interest as my barbaric half completely took over completely. I looked to my side, hearing my father laughing, then looked back at the scene in front of me. He was almost all gone, just a little bit of flesh and bones left. I leaned back in my seat, thinking about my future without my love. It would be lonely and horrible for the meantime, but I'll eventually find someone to love and be happy with again. I said a part of my thought aloud.

"If I can't have you, no one can," and just like that, my love for him faded with my whisper.



It's so short OTL XD This was two pages long (written), and I had to write big just to fill the two pages. (LOL Anyone else do that? 8D) But yeah, that's my short ending. I hope you all liked it 8'D

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Chapter 2: We just read this in class a couple weeks ago. Our teacher made us write a different ending, but I chose the lady~ I love your version, though!