✶ ( p a s t i c h e ) — aff layouts contest ; layout 04.

✶ ( p a s t i c h e ) — aff layouts contest


inmyownworld's entry










-{The Circus Angel

Beautifying mirrors since: 870329

Rightfully the visual of: Sunny hill

Head patted by people above: 163cm

Not heavier than: 43kg


The White horse    }-        

Straight | Biual | Lesbian | Single | Searching | Not interested | Married | Taken



Insert specials here. insert specials here Insert specials here. insert specials here

Insert specials here. insert specials here Insert specials here. insert specials here

Insert specials here. insert specials here Insert specials here. insert specials here



-{The     Sunny     Hill}-

Janghyun | SeungAh | Misung | Joobi | kota



-{I'm Lee SeungAh




remember to vote at here c:


rate : 4/10

the colors are just too much. it's too colorful. i had a problem reading some of the words. and also the strikeout of the highlighted words.

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that's sad. you sorta just held this contest then threw it away.
what was the point of creating it? .-.
antonym #2
are you taking any layouts? o - o
Chapter 8: why is it that the voting link takes a century to load ono
ohmygooosh, so many amazing layouts. I can't even decide which one i should vote for. ewe;;
omg omg am i late? ono;;
...okay this a last minute entry. hope you like it!
✶ layout; 「 http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/336454
✶ code; 「 http://pastebin.com/tP1rua07 」
...it's exactly 11:59 pm, 23/10 here. /sobs
tranquil #6
oh, wow. i`m so nervous. otl. ;u;
well, here`s my entry! hope you like it!

「 ✈ blog 」 ┊ http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/334270
「 ✈ code 」 ┊ http://pastebin.com/eGNa1RTA
Chapter 5: awww okay c': .
... asdfghjkl , i will be more careful in choosing zhe colorrrs from now on e u e;;b .
whoa, i gadda say i love these layouts.
do you mind answering my question?
and and and ; can you promote mine ?
i shall dedicate a chappie to this lovely contest <3