Lee Donghae

The Love of Lee Donghae

Love of a friend.


“Tell me, who is the mastermind?!” The teacher yelled. The group of friends all hung their heads down. Donghae looked at all his friends. He was the one who voiced out his plan and the others just agreed with him. He raised his hand and accepted the punishment.


Donghae loves his friends. He would be willing to do things for them, including accepting all the punishment mainly because he was the one who thought about it. He doesn’t want to be lonely. He can’t even go to the bathroom without dragging Hyukjae or Kyuhyun with him. He also hates eating alone. He would drag one of them to eat with him.


Friends are special to him. He remembers when his father died and his Jungsu hyung promised his father that he’ll stand as his second father. Donghae did his best to be a good friend to them. He would even apologize even if he wasn’t the one wrong.


He may have fought with his Heechul hyung and speaks informal to him, but it was


“You didn’t have to do it,” Kyuhyun said.


“But I really was the one who planned it. If I kept my mouth shut, then it wouldn’t have happened,” Donghae answered, like he didn’t hurt his knees from kneeling for about an hour outside their room or his arms felt numb because he had to raise his hands too.


“But you’re hurt…” Hyukjae pointed out.


“It doesn’t matter. Come, let’s eat noodles!” Donghae pulled them.


“Is it your treat?” Kyuhyun asks.


“Of course not! Hyukjae’s treat of course!”


“Yeah! Wait—what?!”


Love of a lover


“What happened?!”


She came home to see her kitchen smoking. Donghae coughed out and tried to sway the smoke away. He comes out from the smoke, wearing her yellow apron and blue mittens. She runs to him and tries to let the smoke out of her apartment. She takes her apron and mittens. Turning off the stove, she looks to find whatever was on the pan burnt and black. She looked at Donghae, waiting for an answer.


“I wanted to cook something for you that isn’t instant noodles,” he said and lowered his head down.


When Donghae loves, he puts all his heart on it. He always tries to make the one he loves happy. He puts a lot of effort because he always wants to make that person that he loves her with all his heart and that he can do a lot for her. As others would describe, Donghae is a person showered with love and he is someone filled with love to pour out.


Donghae remembers when he first met her. At that moment, he just knew that he would do anything to get her. It took awhile for her to shed his stalker image. But when it was gone, he did all that he could to get her heart.


“You know, I’m okay with having just take-out. Why do you have to put effort for tonight, anyway?”


“Because today is the anniversary of the day I first met you,” Donghae says. It earned him a big hug from her.


“OH! I also bought cake!” Donghae says, getting the cake out of the fridge and putting on the table.


“I like it,” she said.


“I was planning to surprise you with your favorite food,” he pouted and she just chuckled.


She was really grateful to have him.



Love of a brother


When Donghae was young, they had a puppy, which his hyung, Donghwa loved and took care of so much. One day, his hyung kept looking for the dog. Donghae also loves the dog, but he is more worried about the condition of his hyung. Thinking about helping, he made a search on his own. It was hard for him, but he tried his best.


“What are you doing?” Donghwa asked when he noticed Donghae coming home late and dirty for the past few days.


“I was trying to look for your puppy, hyung,” Donghae answered with a pout.


“It’s okay if we don’t find Meimei,” Donghwa says, trying not to cry because he just loves the puppy too much.


“Hyung, don’t cry! We’ll look for it!” Little Donghae says.


It didn’t take a long time before they were able to find it. By three days, they were able to find their puppy. Donghwa thanked Donghae because he was able to find the puppy.


Donghae had always been there for his hyung. When his hyung lost his puppy, when the puppy died, and when his hyung have girl problems even though he could not help, he was there. He would always follow his hyung and be the one beside him.


“Ready?” Donghae asked.


“I am. I hope she say yes,” Donghwa breathes out.


“And why in the world will she say yes? You’ve been together for a long time. I’m sure she’s been waiting,” Donghae says.


“You really do know what to say to make me feel good,” Donghwa says.


“Just doing what I can as your brother. Now go and propose to noona. She must be waiting,” Donghae says and pushes Donghwa out.



Love of a son


Despite how busy Donghae is, he makes sure that he has time for his family.


“I’m home!” Donghae yells and runs to his mother for a hug. Donghae immediately helped his mother in cooking, even though he can’t. He always tried his best to be the perfect son. His aim in life is to make his parents happy. He knows that it’s not easy to grow up a son like him, always creating chaos and trouble. As he grew up, he tried to lessen his mistakes and avoid troubles… or not let his mom knows all the troubles he does in school.


“Are you busy after this?” Donghae asked his mother.


“No, why?”


“Can we go somewhere later? He asks and his mother allowed him to take her somewhere.


To her mother’s surprise, Donghae took her to the cemetery.


“There are many things I’m scared to lose, that’s why I take of the people around me. I’m scared that they may be gone next to appa,” Donghae smiled softly. “Every day, I think, what if one day they leave me? I’m so scared so I make sure that they don’t. I love the people around me, my friends, my girlfriend, my family… If one of them leaves, it’s hard to continue living. It’s like a habit. Habits are hard to break. If one day, one of the people I love leaves me, I don’t think I can easily do things the way they do before.”


He kneeled and wiped the dust away on the gravestone of his father.


“Appa, it’s been years, but each day it’s still hard to live each day without you. It’s still my habit to always look for you in the morning, to have you hug me before we go to school and a hug by the time we go home. I miss you,appa. I miss you.”


Of all the titles he could be called, he would love it when he hears him being called son of his parents because he's proud of having them.




Belated Happy Birthday to Lee Donghae! \o/


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akxshi #2
Chapter 1: Sweet <3 Happy Belated Birthday fishae <3
babymichiie #3
Chapter 1: Happy Belated Birthday to Donghae oppa! :)
Chapter 1: belated Happy Birthday FishyHae <3