
Sungyeol the Stupid Love Doctor

Couple or not, Myungsoo and Sungyeol’s dynamics did not change one bit. They still argued over the stupidest things (but they would kiss afterwards) and Myungsoo still made fun of Sungyeol to an endless extent. The only thing that changed was that… well, they were a couple. Now they hugged, they kissed, and went on dates and did all of those other things couples did without having to feel embarrassed at all. In fact, Sungyeol liked being Myungsoo’s boyfriend better than his best friend. And though some might argue that Myungsoo spoiled Sungyeol slightly, there was not doubt that he loved the other.

There were no boundaries between them – literally. Whether it was emotionally or physically, there wasn’t even enough space between them to slip in a piece of paper. They knew each other’s deepest, darkest secrets and they also knew every nook and cranny of the other’s body (Sungjong had gagged when they told him that). Sometimes, Sungyeol already knew what Myungsoo was going to order before he knew himself. They knew each other that well.

Though they came together to make an interesting couple, Sungyeol and Myungsoo both flourished on their own. That year, they graduated as a couple but went different ways to attend colleges and universities.

Sungyeol had achieved a scholarship into a good university in the area where he continued his studies into the medical field and childcare. He became a pediatrician and worked in an office with some other doctors. He was good at what he did, but he was still a rookie in the business, so he didn’t get as much publicity.

Myungsoo had originally majored in mathematics with visual arts as a minor, but after a year or so, he couldn’t take it anymore. He took a few months off and went around with his dad (who happened to be a photographer) and took a bunch of pictures with him. Soon enough, he found himself switching his major to visual arts with the goal of becoming a photographer as well. Work was hard to come across after he graduated, but he slowly developed his own wedding photography business.

He and Sungyeol stayed close and in touch during their college years, seeing each other after classes and constantly texting each other with cheesy texts that would make Nam Woohyun himself jealous.

Woohyun ended up being a kindergarten teacher with a degree in childcare. Sunggyu continued into music, and became a composer, writing music for the most well known artists.

Speaking of the two, they tied the knot of their relationship about a year and a half after graduating college. Actually, Sunggyu kind of proposed to him through a text and Woohyun got upset because it wasn’t romantic. So in the end, Sunggyu proposed to him again just to make him feel better (but it didn’t really matter because Woohyun had already accepted the idea of marriage.) The wedding was crazy, but it wasn’t anything inappropriate because a lot of the guests were the families of the kids that went to Woohyun’s kindergarten. There were so many kids at that wedding; it might as well have been a birthday party. The reception had ended early because of the children’s curfews so they all had a gigantic after party at the hotel they were staying at.

And soon after, Myungsoo and Sungyeol had tied the knot as well. Myungsoo (being the cheesy bastard he was when it came to Sungyeol) had dressed up as a brown teddy bear with a black bow around its neck and also proposed to him through video message. Sungyeol had become a hysterically crying mess, blubbering nonstop for the next ten minutes while Myungsoo laughed and comforted him at his side.

They got married the next year with an elegant wedding, inviting all of their friends and family. Sungyeol had cried so much that even Myungsoo started crying and they just cried with each other as they fed each other cake (which was chocolate with coffee frosting, of course). They even gave out small teddy bears as wedding favors.

However, there was such a huge fight over who was going to say the big speech at the wedding. Physically and mentally. There was also a fight over who was the best man. In the end, Sunggyu created the speech, and IU somehow managed to land herself as Myungsoo’s ‘best man’, or rather, woman.

After their honeymoon in Italy, they had gone back to Korea and bought an apartment. It was a nice place – wide and spacious and whatnot. Myungsoo had basically bought a penthouse just for them to live in. It might as well have been straight from one of those stupid Korean dramas where a popular boy-band unrealistically lived in a modern apartment. Their color scheme was white, so most of their furniture and decorations were a bright ivory while their wood floors were a contrasting ebony. Myungsoo was not a big fan of the lack of black. But he did it anyways, because the fool loved spoiling his husband.

But his favorite thing to do was always wake up earlier than Sungyeol and head to their kitchen to make him breakfast. Like this morning, for example, he was making blueberry pancakes just for his husband. He ladled on a pool of batter onto his grill, the sounds of frying sizzling into the quiet morning.

He flipped it over to its other side as his lovely husband came shuffling into the room rubbing his eyes.

Myungsoo smiled as he glanced over. “Good morning, beautiful,” he sang.

Sungyeol laughed and hit his arm slightly. “Oh, hush, you. You’re worse than Woohyun.”

Myungsoo rolled his eyes. “As if that were possible.” He flipped another pancake.

Sungyeol sat at the counter, across from his husband, and just watched him cook lovingly. You’d think that after being together for so long that the sparks would’ve died down a little – that wasn’t the case at all. In fact, their love only seemed to get stronger the more they spent time with each other.

“How was your sleep, honey?” Sungyeol asked softly.

Myungsoo served a pancake onto a plate and walked over to his husband. He set the plate down in front of him and kissed his cheek. “Wonderful,” he said, hugging the other. “And yours?”

Sungyeol stuck out his tongue childishly. “You know for a fact that I did not sleep as well as you.”

“I know – that’s why my sleep was wonderful while yours was not,” he teased.

Sungyeol rolled his eyes as he chewed on his breakfast. “At least your cooking makes up for it.”

Myungsoo kissed his cheek again. “That’s the whole point, baby.”

Sungyeol merely smiled as his face warmed up. They had been married for a while now – he didn’t blush anymore.

Sungyeol finished his breakfast as Myungsoo went to go make another stack of pancakes. Sungyeol walked over to their sink and asked, “Did you feed Coco yet?”

Myungsoo glanced down at the small dog bowl at the edge of the kitchen. “No, not yet,” he said. “Coco hasn’t woken up yet.”

Sungyeol placed the plate in the sink then went to his husband’s side. “Make sure to feed him, okay? I have to take Coco to the vet later today.”

“Is he sick?”

“No, just an annual check-up.”

Myungsoo nodded and flipped more pancakes. Sungyeol was about to speak when the sound of feet ran into the living room.

“Ah, is Coco up now?”

Sungyeol chuckled. “Well, if Coco’s up then you know who else is up…”

Coco~!” a small, high voice sang as she chased her dog into the living room.

Myungsoo ran over to his daughter and scooped her up into his arms. She squealed in delight as he spun her around. “Good morning, princess!”

She laughed and giggled loudly as her father set her down. Kim Yeojin was a four-year-old girl with long black hair and soft skin. Myungsoo and Sungyeol adopted her at a local hospital. Her mother didn’t want her as a baby, so the nurses and doctors took little Yeojin as soon as she was born. There, Myungsoo and Sungyeol had the chance to name her and treat her as their own.

“Good morning, appa!” she said cheerfully.

He bent down to her eye level, smiling at her lovingly. “Did my princess sleep well last night?”

She shook her head. “No! There were monsters under my bed, so I made umma tell me a million bed time stories.”

Myungsoo laughed. So that was why Sungyeol didn’t get a good rest the night before. “Yeojinnie – don’t keep umma up to late, okay? He needs sleep too.”

Yeojin nodded, her black hair shaking cutely. “Okay!”

“Aigoo, my princess is adorable!” Myungsoo laughed, flipping her onto the white, fluffy rug and tickling her sides. Yeojin shrieked in laughter as her appa kept tickling her.

Suddenly, Sungyeol walked out of the hallway, holding a four-year-old boy in his arms. The boy was still dozing on his father’s shoulder lazily and kept rubbing his eyes. He murmured something into Sungyeol’s ear.

“Myungsoo-yah! Yeojinnie-ah!” Sungyeol called. “Jaesoo says you’re being too loud in the morning.”

Yeojin giggled. “Sorry, Jaesoo~!”

Kim Jaesoo was the biological brother of Yeojin. Born of the same mother only twelve minutes later, Sungyeol and Myungsoo adopted and named him as well. He and his sister were fraternal twins.

Jaesoo only whined in Sungyeol’s arms and clung onto him like a baby koala. He closed his eyes again, hoping to go to sleep, but Yeojin wouldn’t allow that.

“Jaesoo-ah! Wake up!”

Jaesoo whined as he opened his eyes unwillingly. “Shh,” he whispered. “Noona is loud.”

Sungyeol set him down on the white couch in front of the rug. Jaesoo cuddled up to a throw pillow and his thumb. Yeojin kneeled at the edge of the couch.

“Don’t sleep, Jaesoo. Come play with me!”

Jaesoo groaned and sat up, dangling his feet off the edge of the couch.

 “Don’t your thumb, Jaesoo,” Myungsoo reminded gently.

He pulled his thumb out of his mouth as he hopped off the couch to play Legos with his sister. Sure, Jaesoo was quite grumpy in the mornings, but during the day he was just as loud and energetic as Yeojin. Myungsoo sat up onto the couch next to Sungyeol and wrapped a shoulder around him.

“What’s on the agenda today?” he asked.

“Well, I’m going to work soon,” Sungyeol teased. “So you’ll need to drop off Jaesoo and Yeojin at daycare today. You have that wedding you need to work for, so I’m taking Coco to the vet. You pick the kids from the daycare, and I’ll meet you at the restaurant, okay?”

“Restaurant…? Wait, why, again?”

Sungyeol laughed. “High school reunion is tonight, silly! Hoya and Dongwoo just got back from their honeymoon, so I’m excited to see them.”

Dongwoo had continued on to be a volleyball coach and a part time dance instructor. He had a lot of odd jobs since he didn’t enjoy being stuck to one job for too long. Hoya became a professional dancer and currently leads a dance crew with their own original choreography. He also owned his own studio, teaching people of all ages how to dance (that was where Dongwoo part-timed, after all.)

“Ah, that’s right,” Myungsoo agreed.

Yeojin laughed and hopped onto Sungyeol’s lap. “Umma!” she cried (it was Myungsoo’s idea for them to call Sungyeol that), “there are no more monsters in my room!”

“Oh, is that so?” Sungyeol cooed, tickling her cheek. “And what made those monsters go away?”

“Your bed time stories!” she said happily. “There were so many happy endings that they got scared and ran home to their mommies.”

From the rug, Jaesoo furrowed his eyebrows. “No! Monsters don’t have mommies.” He turned to fully face his parents. “If monsters had mommies, then they would all be nice to Yeojinnie-noona. People without mommies are bad people.”

“But Sangmin-oppa at daycare doesn’t have a mommy,” Yeojin responded.

“Then he’s a bad person!”

“No he’s not!” Yeojin tugged on Sungyeol’s sleeve. “Umma, if people don’t have mommies, are they bad people?”

“Of course not,” Sungyeol said. “He’s not bad because he doesn’t have a mommy. Some bad people have bad mommies – that’s all.”

“Are you my mommy, umma?” Yeojin asked, wrapping her small arms around Sungyeol’s neck. “Because Jinju-unnie at daycare told me that all mommies are girls. She told me that you weren’t my mommy.”

“Then Jinju is wrong, because I am most definitely your umma,” Sungyeol laughed.

“But you’re not a girl,” Jaesoo said, looking at Sungyeol inquisitively.

“Not all mommies are girls,” Myungsoo said, scooping Jaesoo into his lap.

“Then what makes a mommy a mommy?” Jaesoo asked, looking to his parents for an answer.

“Well…” Sungyeol began, “…all good mommies have to pass the Mommy Test,” he said. “Only then can they be a good mommy for kids.”

“What about the bad mommies?” Yeojin asked. “How did they become mommies if they’re not good enough?”

“They cheated,” Sungyeol improvised. “They’re not good enough yet, but they cheated and they passed the test.” He poked Yeojin’s nose. “Never, ever cheat.”

“But umma,” Jaesoo started, “what happens if you fail the Mommy Test?”

Sungyeol paused. What could he say that didn’t sound too far-fetched for his children?

“I know!” Yeojin piped up. “You become a daddy!”


“Are you serious?” Sungyeol gasped.

Sungjong grinned at him across the table. “One hundred percent serious! We’re so excited, Sungyeol-hyung!”

The day had passed and now Sungyeol was rejoining his high school class at a nearby restaurant. Some had grown to be very successful, and some barely made it on a daily basis. Some people didn’t even show up, but it was a very nostalgiac meeting with all of them.

Woohyun leaned over. “So, is the date set yet?” he asked Sungjong.

Sungjong nodded. “Can you guys believe it? I still barely can!”

“Wah, after all this time,” Sunggyu chuckled. “Can’t believe you waited this long. Namsoo, don’t play with your food.”

Kim Namsoo was Sunggyu and Woohyun’s son. They had adopted him through the same method as Sungyeol and Myungsoo. He was a year older that Yeojin and Jaesoo.

“Aigoo, Namsoo has grown so big!” Sungyeol commented, smiling warmly at him.

“Hasn’t he?” Woohyun replied, his eyes wide as well. “It seems like yesterday that I was just changing his diapers!”

“I was the one who changed the diapers,” Sunggyu said as he wiped Namsoo’s mouth and the collar of his shirt. “You did all the burping,” he reminded.

“Whatever, same difference,” Woohyun joked. He turned back to Sungyeol. “So, where are your babies? And Myungsoo for that matter.”

Sungyeol opened his mouth to speak, and as if on cue, a small voice screamed:



They turned around to see little Jaesoo sprinting towards the table. Myungsoo was calling after him, carrying Yeojin in his arms. Sungyeol stood up from his seat and embraced Jaesoo as he came running into his arms.

“Wah, how’s my baby?” Sungyeol asked as he lifted Jaesoo up.

“I missed you, umma!” he replied cheerily. Sungyeol smiled and kissed his cheek.

“I told you to slow down,” Myungsoo said as he reached them.

“Sorry, appa,” Jaesoo replied, smiling mischievously.

“It’s alright, Jaesoo,” Myungsoo said, smiling. “Now go sit next to Namsoo, okay?”


Jaesoo hopped down from Sungyeol’s arms and climbed up onto the seat next to Namsoo. Sunggyu smiled at him, and Jaesoo waved brightly.

“Aigoo, did I miss anything?” Myungsoo asked as he took the seat next to his husband. He gave him a brusque kiss.

Sungyeol smiled as he took Yeojin from his arms and rested her on his lap. “Go ahead and order first,” he said, his eyes gesturing to the menu. “I have some water that Yeojin can drink.”

Myungsoo nodded. Next to them, Woohyun cooed.

“Ah, is this my little Yeojinnie?”

Yeojin smiled tiredly up at Woohyun and nodded shyly. “Neh,” she whispered.

Woohyun smiled and tickled her cheeks. “Do you remember uncle Woohyun?” he asked.

She nodded.

“Quiet, isn’t she?” Woohyun asked Sungyeol.

Sungyeol laughed. “She’s more of a morning person. She’s excited in the mornings while Jaesoo gets excited at night. She’s just tired, right? My little princess is tired?” He chuckled and kissed the top of her head as she snuggled into his shoulders and fell asleep.

“So, what’s been happening so far?” Myungsoo asked.

“You just missed it,” Sungyeol said. “Sungjong just announced his engagement!”

Myungsoo’s face lit up and he said, “Wow, congratulations!” he said. “Who’s the lucky guy?”

Sungjong grinned. “Do you remember Choi Sungmin? From the Love Hospital back in high school?”

“Oh, really? You and Sungmin? Who would’ve seen that coming,” Myungsoo said.

“No one really did,” Sungyeol said, laughing.

The night continued on filled with laughter, stories and everyone catching up with one another. Dongwoo and Hoya had come later, since they were still a bit jet-lagged from their honeymoon. They all shared their stories of where they were in life and met some old friends. Taeyeon, Minah and Eunji had come to greet them (they had all become vocal trainers in the same company). IU had become a famous soloist in Korea. Though she was tired, she had recently revealed to the public that she was dating star athlete – Park Sanghyun, or, Thunder. They had caught up with so many of their old friends; the atmosphere was very light and happy.

But soon, they had to leave as the kids were getting cranky and restless. So they had taken their babies home and put them to bed.

Just as Yeojin was tucked in, Jaesoo called from the other room. Both Myungsoo and Sungyeol came to his bedside.

“Yes, Jaesoo?” Sungyeol asked.

He looked up shyly and gripped onto his toy monkey that he slept with. “Today at daycare, I got in trouble.”

Myungsoo raised his eyebrows. “Really? Ms. Hwang didn’t tell me anything when I came to pick you up.”

“That’s because I told her not to. Because I wanted to tell you myself.”

“What did you do?”

“I told… I told Seo Yongjin that he was stupid…”

Sungyeol’s eyes widened. “Stupid? Why? Where did you even learn that word to begin with?”

“I said it because he told Seohwa-noona that she was weird for not having a daddy! Seohwa started crying, so… I called him stupid,” he said, staring at his stuffed animal.

“Why didn’t you tell Ms. Hwang, Jaesoo?”

“Because she was busy drawing with Minki-hyung! And Yongjin was being mean, so…” he trailed off.

Myungsoo smiled and ruffled his hair. “Jaesoo, what you did was very brave, but don’t call people names, okay? It’s not nice. People aren’t happy when you call them stupid.”

“But… what about umma?” he asked.

Sungyeol furrowed his eyebrows. “What?”

“Last week I was going to wake you and appa up, but you two were talking. Then I heard him call you stupid, but you started smiling. And then you two started kissing and wrestling so I left to wake up Yeojin and watch cartoons.”

Sungyeol turned a furious shade of red and stammered, “T-That’s because–”

“–you’re only allowed to call your umma stupid,” Myungsoo said, smiling.

“Yah, Kim Myungsoo!” he cried, embarrassed. “Don’t teach our son that!”

“Okay, appa – I understand. Good night!” Jaesoo said as he dived under his covers.

“Night,” Myungsoo said. He tugged Sungyeol out of the room and turned off the lights.

“Yah, I can’t believe Jaesoo saw us!” Sungyeol cried, hiding his red face in his hands. “It’s a good thing he didn’t look under the blanket!”

“No need to be so shy, Yeollie~” Myungsoo laughed, pinching his cheek. “They’ll never catch us.”

“And if they do?!”

Myungsoo smiled cheekily. “Then let them. They won’t know what’s going on.”

Sungyeol groaned in frustration as he went to their room and flopped onto the bed. “You’re awful.”

Myungsoo only laughed again and crawled next to him, hugging him from behind. “Don’t worry so much – it’s stupid.”

“Pfft, you’re stupid.”

“No, you are.”

Sungyeol turned around and smiled lightly, warming up to his husband’s hug.

“Yeah… yeah, I am.”





guise... that's it. this marks the official end of Sungyeol the the Stupid Love Doctor.


this is not the end of ME.

In fact, I have a story waiting for youo all. It is going to be VERY different from this one in the sense that it is angst driven and and action-based. I know most of you are probably fluff-fans, but hey -- maybe you'll like it! ^ ^ It's your choice, but click here to join me on our next journey! I actually have a co-author helping me out ( since angst is not my best genre ) and I actually met her as a subscriber to this story! Hope to see you there :)


But before you click on that, I want to thank every single one of you. And I could type on and on, but I will not

it shall be drawn.

EDIT: 3.16.2014

hey guys! i'm actually back on this fic for a little while to tell you something! :3 I started a new fluff fic! I realize that many of you probably weren't angst fans and even if i was turning to the dark side I probably shouldn't have advertised my angst fic HERE. lol XD

however, here i am again to advertise my brand new fluff-romance for WooGyu! yeyeyeyey~! Woogyu!!! X3 The basis is that Woohyun is a whale trainer and Gyu is afraid of the ocean -- fluff, romance and less crack than this lol. I hope you look into it!


thank you for reading this! and once again I love you all! <3

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FanFicLover92 #1
I came back here.... again... gosh... I'm so old already....sobs.....
Chapter 32: Gosh...wht to say! I loved it and couldn't stop myself from reading it in 12 hours...and it's like 5:30am in here and I didn't sleep *sheepishly grins* Unnie thanks for writing such an amazing fic! The plot, characterisation, the fluff and the comedy was all just amazing! I loved reading every part of it and Sungyeol's confession at the end was so sweet! On top their fan club was so ad too! *fangirls*
Ps. You are just awesome Unnie!
Chapter 31: Love doctor Yeol really is stupid. But I love stupid Yeol and his stupid Myung.Ughh I love stupid MyungYeol lol.
This was so beautiful and fun. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it ❤
Chapter 1: Myung is being such an to Yeol lol.

I'm loving this already. Might finish the story in one go :p
Chapter 32: Congrats on your featureeee!!! You deserve it for writing this beautiful piece of a story with a dense Yeol and a snarky Myung! I loved loved loved your story! I literally finished reading it all in a day!
Chapter 32: Wow~ i took one day to finish all of the chapters!!! THIS IS SO GOOOOOOOOOD!!!!
Chapter 3: I've been meaning to read this story since who knows how long ago so now I finally started! Or more like restarted. OMG, Myungsoo is mean and insensitive! Poor Yeol. The pain he has to go through just because Sunggyu didn't take Myungsoo as his client. I'm also loving your A/N's at the end. The excitement meter is up! XD
Chapter 26: Wait i keep re reading this chapter i can't stop xD
myung-yeollipop #9
Chapter 6: worrywart Myungsoo is so cute! *squeal* his nagging thoo.. it may rivaled Grandpa Gyu's nags. XD
myung-yeollipop #10
this is like my fourth (?) time re-reading this story and i still love it! <3