
I'm Lovin' It!


“Yeah but it’s so unhealthy and-“
“No, Yixing. Shut up.”
“Look, let’s just get some food okay?”
“What do you want to order?”

It was a question that Joonmyun never should have asked; as soon as the fateful words left his lips, he was hit by a torrent of yelled requests that left him wondering just how he coped working with these children.
Somehow the twelve boys of Exo had found themselves coerced into a spontaneous trip to McDonalds by three of their staff members. Of course, they’d gone right to the edge of the city where people were less likely to recognise them - a rare treat like this was rather private, even if its appeal was purely pedestrian.

The restaurant was practically abandoned anyway, so they didn't have to worry.

In the ensuing mayhem, orders were barked at Joonmyun (Wufan too - he decided to help out, though the orders reached his ears as muted requests) and booths, chairs and stools were filled with jittering bodies.  Soon enough, however, the fifteen orders were taken and the cramped tables were filling up with trays of salt-sprinkled wonder. It wasn’t every day the boys got to eat like this.

Behind the counter, the cashier blinked because she couldn’t figure out if it’s the fatigue of a seven hour shift, or if it’s actually Exo clambering and fighting over seats. All she’s certain of was that there was suddenly a large amount of customers filling the otherwise stagnant, greasy air with lively chitter chatter....
That, and the fact that the world's worst shift just got one hell of a lot more interesting.



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kyubuttt #1
Chapter 2: Oh my lord ____ baldnfidhsidnfofjekdn
cxxarpexxd #2
Chapter 1: Aww, this is so cute! I cannot wait for more.
HelloSquishyDayz #3