Day Two

Limited Time

Day Two; His House


Kris's apartment was way bigger than Tao had expected. Tao concluded that Kris must be a very wealthy person.

Living room:  



"Are you like a millionaire or something?" Tao asks and furrows his eyebrows once he steps instead.

Kris chuckles. "Nothing of the sort. I just have a job." 

"Do you work for a billionaire, then?"

Kris laughed even harder. "No, no. It's a normal job." 

"How do you manage to live in a place like this with everything and pay for your bills?!" 

"To tell you the truth, my girlfriend is a trillionaire." 

Tao's next expression was priceless, which resulted in Kris rolling on the floor laughing, literally.

"Hahaha! I-I was just kidding! You should've seen your face!" He laughed, trying to catch his breath. 

"Heyyyy, that was not funny!" Tao crossed his arms. 

Kris regained himself and stood up. "Ahh, that was very entertaining. I had a good laugh." 

"I thought you were for real...." 

"What a cutie." Kris ruffled Tao's head with a smile. 

Tao felt himself unconsciously smiling. 

"Let's go to my room." 


Kris's bedroom:


"You live by yourself?" Tao asked.


"Isn't it lonely?" 

"Hmm, it could be at times. Why? You wanna offer to live with me?" 


Kris chuckled. "Just kidding." 

Tao wandered around Kris's room. "You're very tidy."

"Pfttt, I'm far from that."

Tao raised his eyebrows. 

"I hire a person to clean it every week." 

"Oh... Hey, you still didn't answer my question from earlier. How do you live in a place like this and pay for your bills?" 

"Let's just say my uncle has a big business."

"Uncle? What about your parents...?" Tao caught that quick but visible flash of pain on Kris's face, and immediately knew that he was talking about the wrong subject.

"O-oh, uh, nevermind about that...  What are your interests and hobbies?!" 

"My interests and hobbies... Reading books?" Kris touched a wall and it turned around and revealed a bookshelf of books.

Tao's eyes turned as wide as watermelons. "W-WHA- THIS ONLY HAPPENS IN MOVIES AND DRAMAS!" Tao pointed a finger at the books. 

"Amazing, huh? I built this myself." Kris smiled proudly at his masterpiece. 

"YOU? YOURSELF? ALONE? BUILT THAT?!" Tao found himself talking louder and louder. 

Kris nodded. 

"Woah, you're amazing! So I'm guessing your "normal job" must be building these sort of things for movies and dramas?"

Kris cracked up. "You're a funny one." He touched the bookshelf and it turned back into a wall. 

"Do you have any other hobbies other than reading?"

"Basketball." Kris introduced Tao to his basketball medals and trophiessitting on his desk.

Tao's mouth formed an 'O' shape as he looked over all the medals and trophies Kris had sitting on his desk. Even he didn't have that many.

"Tao Zi, come sit here." Kris patted his bed. (oh lala something dirty's going to happen. SIKE)

"Enough of me, let's talk about you." 

"Me? I'm a lame person to talk about compared to you.... I don't live in such a fancy house, I can't build such awesome things, and I'm just too plain in general."

"That can't be true. Everyone has something great about themselves."

"Um..... I do kungfu?"

"That's amazing! Do you think you can show me?" 

"Right here?!" 

"Yeah, why not?" Kris looked at him with anticipating eyes. 

"I guess so then....." Tao got off the bed and straightened himself. "Kungfu fighters always warm up before anything." Tao did some warm up excerises he would typically do, but with a pair of curious eyes following his every move.

"Could you please quit staring at me like that? I can't really concentrate." 

"O-oh sorry. I was just intruiged by your body. It moves very... naturally and nice."

Tao flushed. "I-I really don't think I can show you anything." 

"Why?! I'm sorry, I promise I won't stare as hard as before." 

Tao took a couple of deep breaths. "Okay, just a few short moves okay?" 

Kris nods quickly. 

Tao shows off some quick, but sharp kungfu moves. Kris gives him a big round of applause when he's done. 

Tao embarrasingly scratches the back of his head and retreats to his abandoned seat on Kris's beat. 

"That was really amazing! How young did you start learning?" 

"Ever since I was a kid."

"Wow, you've worked hard, Tao Zi." Kris pats his head again. The two end up conversing for more than five hours- about themselves, their dreams, everything. The wall clock on Kris's wall reads 10:52 P.M.

"Oh my god, it's this late already! I should get going!" Tao rolled off Kris's bed.

"Wait, I'll give you a ride home." 

"No no, don't bother. I can call a cab!" 

"Instead of wasting money for that, I'll give you a free ride." Kris got up as well. He raced Tao to the living room, grabbed his car keys, put on a light jacket, and wore his shoes. 

"I said, don't both--" 

"I insist on it." 

"Stubborn man." Tao muttered under his breath. 

Kris got the car started while Tao got his shoes on.

"You should give me your phone number, Tao Zi." 

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot." Kris handed Tao Zi his phone- the newest iPhone 5. 

"Darn you and your richness." Tao punched in his number and saved it as 'Plain Tao' and handed the phone back to Kris.

"What's with this contact name?!" Kris changed it "The one and only Tao Zi". 

"What's your address?" 

"Just drive me towards the Yang Hospital, I live around there. I'll tell you when to stop." Tao lied.


"Here's fine." Tao said.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I live on this block." Kris stopped the car and Tao got out. "Thanks for the ride! See you soon." Tao waved. 

"Go home first!" 

"No no, drive home already! I'm a grown man, I'm sure I can go home without anything happening to me." 

"Who knows... rapists target males these days too."

"Cut it out!" Tao whispered. 

Kris chuckled. "Alright, see you Tao Zi." 

Tao turned around and walked slowly up the block. When he heard Kris's driving away, he turned right back and walked the rest of the way to the Yang Hospital. 

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sorry i haven't been updating this. I have no time to write nowadays and I'm also finishing up another fanfic. I promise I'll update soon! D:


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Onepenny #1
Chapter 16: Oh gosh. I know it's labelled as angst and that of course it would be sad, but that was even sadder than I was expecting :(
pinku_panda #2
Chapter 16: i'm crying really
Chapter 16: waeeee????!! WTF?! You make me sob like crazy!! You meanie!!
Chapter 16: What the!!!!!!! I can't take this
Chapter 16: /sobbing/ i hate you i hate you omg omg omg omg omg i ship this to heaven