
By Chance

????? POV

Here I am, sitting in the car, waiting for  your  reply, hoping that we can still go back together but I know we can’t because you’re with someone else now. It hurts, but if that’s what makes you happy, then I need to accept it and move on. 

My phone vibrated and when I checked it, it was you who texted me.

“How are you? :)”

“I’m good, you?”  I replied but I lied about that, but you wouldn’t know anyways. I feel horrible right now because you’re not with me.

I the radio and the DJ was playing By Chance by JRA. Damn.. That song brings back a lot of memories..



Girl you just caught my eye
thought I should give it try
and get your name & your number
go grab some lunch & eat cucumbers
I don’t know why.
But you’re smilin’ & it’s something’ i like
on your face, yeah it suits you
girl we connect like we have bluetooth

i don’t know why
I’m drawn to you
Could you be the other one so we’d equal two?
and this is all based on a lucky chance
that you would rather add then subtract

You & I
could be like sonny & cher
honey & bears
You & I
could be like aladdin & jasmine
lets make it happen

It was the first time we went on a date when I sang that to   her   while playing the guitar. I spent most of my time after school practicing the guitar at our music room but it was all worth it because  she  kissed me on the cheek after I sang it to her.  



Sigh.. my phone vibrated again.

“Could’ve been better but it’s okay. I’m on a date with Jonghyun.” She replied

Why did you have to say that? Don’t you know I’m hurt knowing that you’re with another person instead of being with me?

“Oh.. I might be disturbing then.” I replied

“No, It’s okay. He’s buying tickets anyways.”

“So you’re watching a movie?”

“Yup, We’re watching Hotel Transylvania.”

I remember when we Zinged.. Or that’s what I thought. But I guess, I was the only one who felt it.

My phone vibrated again and when I looked at it, it was Key.

“Want to watch Taken 2 with me?”

“Sure :)” I replied back to him

“Pick you up in 15 minutes.”

When I read that, I didn’t bother to reply to him anymore. So, I changed my clothes and fixed my hair. After a few minutes, he arrived at my apartment and we left.

Key’s my best friend if you guys didn’t know. He comforted me when she broke up with me. I was a living wreck and Key was just there to make me feel better. I know what you’re thinking, readers. But you guys are wrong. He doesn’t like me. In fact, He’s gay. That’s why I let him hug me, hold my hand and kiss me on the cheek in public cause I know he’s gay. A lot of girls are actually jeaous of me when they see us together but what they don’t see is the mask he’s wearing. He’s straight as a circle.

When we arrived at the theatre we went straight to the ticket booth.



When we arrived at the theatre, I saw a guy with  her .

I held her hand as we went to the ticket booth. When I was going to pay the ticket, I saw her handing me money for her ticket.

“Nah, It’s on me” I said while giver the money back to her.

“No, no. It’s my ticket, so I’ll pay.” She said while smiling at me and handing me the money

“Seriously. I’m going to pay.”

She still insisted so I did what I had to do. I kissed her cheek to make her stop talking. It worked haha

“I’ll be paying.” I said while giving her money back

“Fine then, thank you oppa” She said and kissed my cheek.

I felt someone staring at me so I looked back and saw  her  looking at us from a distance. She was clenching her fist while looking at us. I smirked as  I looked back at the booth, grabbed the tickets and held her waist. She just looked at me weirdly before saying “What are you doing?”

“Just go with it, You’ll find out later.”


“You’ll thank me later, trust me.”

Just when we were supposed to enter the cinema, she suddenly stopped walking. I saw that she was looking at someone, so I followed her gaze and saw that she was looking at her.

“I know, I know. I’ll explain later.”



???? POV

I stiffened when I saw her again. It’s been a long time since I saw  her.. When I looked at Key he  said “I know, I know. I’ll explain later.” I just nodded and walked with him to the cinema.

When we were inside, I told Key to explain everything.

“Spill it Key.” I said while giving him the long face

“Fine. The reason why I was asking all sweet to you awhile ago is because I saw them when we entered the theatre.”

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?!”

“Because I wanted to make     her     jealous and    she    saw me kissing you on the cheeks.    She    looks so pissed.” He said while laughing after.

“Oh, okay. Thank you then.”    she    never saw Key because he became my friend after   she   broke up with me but I showed Key her pictures so he knows what  she  looks like. 

When we got out of the cinema, I saw   her   again. Sigh.. I hope  she  doesn’t see me so I can just leave peacefully. But that’s never going to happen because I heard Jonghyun calling me.

“Hey! How are you?” He said while shaking my hand. I looked at  her and she was just smiling at me. 

“I’m good, You?” I shook his hand back and smiled at her.

Then Key came and put his hand around my shoulder. GREAT! Someone will help me get out of this situation.

“I’m good, I see you have a friend here.” JongHyun said while eyeing him

“Yup, his name is Key.” I said while smiling

“Hi guys.” He said while smiling at the both of them

“Well, I’m JongHyun and this girl right here is my girlfriend.” He said while putting his arms around  her shoulder. 

Key and Jonghyun started to talk while I was just looking down at the floor.

“It’s been a long time.”   She   started speaking to me

“Yes, it has been a long time.” I said while giving her a weak smile.

I wanted to say I miss you so much and hug her, but I can’t.

“So, how’s life?”    She   asked

But when I was about to reply, I heard someone’s phone ringing and the person’s ring tone is By Chance. Damn it! Wrong timing.. I looked at her and I saw her frown. I know she heard the song too, that’s why she’s looking at me like that.  She  mouthed “I'm sorry” to me and then that’s when the memories came rushing back to my mind.



It’s been a month since I last   saw    her ,   she   went to America for a vacation and I  miss   her   like crazy.  She’ s coming   back tomorrow and we have a  date the next day.

 I couldn’t wait for it so I decided to choose my clothes for our date.  I just picked out a white beanie, purple v-neck, skinny jeans and white sandals. I know it’s simple but  she  likes it when I dress like that. Just simple. She doesn’t like seeing me wear fancy clothing. I don’t know why.  

Our date came and I sang and played the guitar for her again.

How’ve you been?
I know that it’s been awhile.
Are you tired cause you’ve been on my mind
runnin’ thousand & thousands of miles
Sorry, I know that line’s outta style
but you
you look so beautiful on this starry night
loving the way the moonlight catches your eyes & your smile
i’m captivated
your beauty is timeless never outdated

i don’t know why
I’m drawn to you
Could you be the other one so we’d equal two?
and this is all based on a lucky chance
that you would rather add then subtract

you and i could be like Aladdin and Jasmine
lets make it happen like

La la la la la la la la

La la la la la la la la

La la la la la la la la

La la la la la la la

After I sang,     she     gave me a passionate kiss and hugged me tightly.



Oh how I miss those kisses and hugs you gave me.

I was in the verge of crying when I remembered our past.

“I’m sorry but we have to go.” I said while grabbing Key in the arm and leaving them.

When we got into Key’s car I started crying my eyes out. I know I’m still not over her and still love her. Key my back and said “I know, I heard the song too. I’m sorry you have to remember your past again. It’s alright if you cry cause I know it hurts but always keep in mind that I’m always be here for you okay?” I just nodded and kept crying.

Key drove me back to my apartment and sung a song for me so I can go to sleep. He’s such a nice friend. I don’t know what I’ll be doing right now if he’s not with me.



I couldn’t believe she heard that song again. That song has too many memories for her. I knew that she would cry again so I said goodbye to Jonghyun but when I faced her she dragged me away.  When we got into the car, I just comforted her and let her cry while I was driving her back to her apartment.

When we got to her apartment, I gave her water and sung a song so she could sleep. It hurts me seeing her eyes puffy. She needs to let go but I know she can’t cause what she did to her will never be forgotten. If I was her, I would punch the daylights out of    her   . But knowing her, she couldn’t do that to   her  . Sigh.. She still loves  her..    



???? POV

When I woke up, I went to the bathroom to wash my face and when I looked at the mirror, my eyes were red and puffy. I can’t believe you did this to me again. It wasn’t the first time she made me look like this, especially when she left me. I didn’t even eat for 2 days but Key forced me when he saw how pale and thin I was.

If you guys want to know what She did to me that was so unforgettable, then here it is. I’m going to tell you.



We were in a relationship for 5 years and I knew it was time.

I sang and played guitar to her By Chance again

its been 5 years since that special day
when I asked you on our first date
i guess it’s safe to say

You & I
are better than sonny & cher
honey & bears
You & I
are better than aladdin & jasmine
we made it happen like

La la la la la la la la

La la la la la la la la

La la la la la la la la

La la la la la la la



I proposed to her after I sang the song  she  kissed me and said yes. We had our wedding after 6 months. We were so happy and I couldn’t believe I was going to marry her.

When THE DAY came, I was so nervous because it will be the last time I’ll have my freedom. Or atleast that’s what my friends told me. But I didn’t believe them because I know  she  wouldn’t do that to me. She’s not the controlling type. 

























But I was wrong,  because she never showed up at OUR wedding. I cried my eyes out that day and that’s when I met Key. He was the son of my mom’s friend. He comforted me, told me that I’ll be alright and find another person better than  her.



I didn’t get to sing the last part of the song.. It was supposed to be –

Let me say
You look so beautiful on our wedding day

But I didn’t get to see  her  so how would I say that she looks beautiful? or handsome at least. Because she never showed up.

Well, if you still don’t know who I am, I’m Krystal Jung and the girl who left me is Amber Liu.


What do you guys think? I'm sorry if i got you guys confused with the 'she' and 'her' thing. I didn't want to reveal them yet. And yes, Krystal was the one acting like the 'guy' in the relationship now. It was actually weird writing this because i'm not used to Krystal doing all the work for Amber. Haha! I switched their roles because me and my cousin JulietJung thought that it's always Amber who gets left behind and decided that we should make a twist.

Me and Jean won't be able to update 'The Waiter' this week because it will be our quarterly exam next week, So We need to study :)

Comment and tell me what you guys think about the story.

By the way i named the chapter 'Hi' because that's the first line in By Chance :) Here's the link if you guys don't know the song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8h9r3vwsDM



-Kayan out :D


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Chapter 1: HOLY COW!! I had to re-read it lmao! I really thought Krys was the one who left Amber but then read it was the other way around and my eyes went from ._. to O_O lol!! Will read the sequel now xD! Jjongber? < xD
Aigoo, I was in verge of tears but suddenly chuckled when I read the last few sentences. xD
this is something new, I want something like this moar~ :3
Sequel, please? ;)

Oh, and BTW, I love this fic! You did a great job author~ daebak! ^^
@axel0048 i will make a sequel so you guys can know why Amber left Krys on the altar :)
@hot-d_STILLed goodluck with your test too! Thank you :)
@iya_007 that was the main reason with the 'she' and 'her' :)
Chapter 1: Wow this is something new....yeah i have to admit i never thought it was Amber who left Krys....congratulation for such a great one shot :)
Chapter 1: yes! i'm not the only one who's going to have exams next week! LOL... anyway, I know that song.. and I also just watched Hotel Transylvania... zing! goodluck with out testsssssss
axel0048 #6
Chapter 1: i thought it was amber.....
good story anyways
is there a sequel of this....??? like really please.. :D
TheHero #7
Make a Sequel please!! :bd Go CAQuestie!!!