I Got Your Back Girl..

When My Heart Takes Over [HIATUS]

Guysss!! Please welcome our eonnie Go Eun Ah. I'm pairing her with G.O ^^




“Your hand writing, babo” She closed her office. “That’s right” Seungho chuckled while walked beside her. They just reach the front door when Silver BMW X5 stopped in front of the restaurant.

“Oh..that’s Joon” Sung Rin smiled while walked towards him. “Yah!” Seungho grabbed her hand. “Ne?” She asked innocently.

“Your boyfriend is here, how come you walk to another man so easily?”

“Aaa..relax oppa..he’s my best friend..he”

“I’m your boyfriend”

“Relax, ok?” Sung Rin pulled her hand than patted his cheek before run to Joon. “Tsk! That girl!”

“Joon-ah” Sung Rin smiled while waved at him. “Oh..so I’m worry for nothing?” Joon chuckled. “Hey..you know me” She winked.

“What she’s doing there?” G.O surprised Seungho who was watching them. “Talking to her BEST. FRIEND”

“Aahh..that’s right..you owed him apologize” “Mwo?! Hell no!”

“Hey..think about it.. if you apologize to him.. I’m sure Sung Rin will impress” G.O wriggled his eyebrows. Seungho thinking for seconds before finally approach his girlfriend and his girl best friend.

“Hey Joon.. sorry for what happened this afternoon” Seungho offer his hand. “It’s ok chef” Joon smiled while shakes his hand. Sung Rin raised her eyebrows before smiled at Seungho acted while he secretly winked at her.

“So, you want to go home now?” Joon back to Sung Rin. “Oh sure”

“Well come on then”

“Oh..she will go home with me” Seungho stepped in. “Oh..really?”

“Yes we want..”

“We have something to talk about Joon..about the dinner” Sung Rin cut Seungho. Seungho frowned.

“Oh..really? Ok then.. don’t work too hard girl” Joon ruffled her hair. Seungho automatically widened his eyes.

“Hehe..okay” Sung Rin smiled awkwardly while fixed her hair. “Okay then.. see you” Joon waved to her then nodded his head to Seungho. Seungho only raised his hand and smile a bit to him.

Soon after Joon disappear, “Don’t work too hard girl” Seungho impersonate Joon while pouting his lips and walked away.

“Haha..oppa” Sung Rin chased him then held his hand. Seungho scrunched his nose at her while fixed his grip then they walked to the parked zone hand in hand.

“Yah! Ppali!” G.O shouted from his opened car window. Seungho rolled his eyes while opened his car and Sung Rin only grinned before get into Seungho car.

Soon they drove to G.O club. In the car Sung Rin say nothing. She just look outside. “Rin-Rin”


“Why you were cut me off?”

“Cut you off?” She turned her body to him. “Yes, when I want to tell Joon about our plan” Seungho turned his head to him for seconds then back to the street again. Sung Rin stiffed for seconds before exhale softly.

“Nothing.. I..well, I just don’t want him to come along with us”

“Uh? I thought he’s your best friend”

“He is oppa.. but I just.. I just want to make it private” Sung Rin grinned. Seungho only chuckled. Sung Rin smiled before looking back outside the window when memory about Joon crossed her mind.



“I love you Park Sung Rin”

“Uh? Well.. I love you too Joon”

“Sung Rin-ah.. you know what kinda love I’m talking about”

“Joon.. I..”

“I know.. you don’t love me that way, do you?”

“I’m sorry Joon.. I”

“I get it..but please give me time to re-arrange my feeling towards you”

“Joon.. I”

“Please stay single until I can forget my feeling towards you”

“Stay single?”



“Really? Promised?”


End of flashback


Sung Rin sighed softly then turned her head to Seungho. “Sorry Joon..but he’s too precious for me”  She thought then smile creep on her face and without she realize they already arrived.

“Come on” Seungho voice bring her back to reality. “Oh..we already here?” She said while get out from the car.

“Do you really love me that much?” Seungho chuckled while stretched his hand towards her. “Uhm?” She took his hand but frowned. “You were staring at me until we arrived” Sung Rin puffed her blushed cheeks and looked down.

“Haha..it’s ok.. I like that” Seungho pulled her closer as they enter the club with G.O walked ahead them. They took seat on the same table when G.O and Seungho there.

“Where’s she?” G.O said while looked around before take a seat. “She?” Sung Rin looked at G.O from her couch then to Seungho who snuggled beside her while encircling her waist from the side.

“I think he’s waiting for Eun Ah” Sung Rin nodded while mouthed O after she heard her boyfriend answer. “Oppa” A girl voice came from behind them. “Hey” G.O smiled to her.

“Eonnie..long time no see” Sung Rin get up then hugged her. “Ne Sung Rin-ah..you look beautiful” “Thank you eonnie..you too”

“You girls looked beautiful..come on sit” G.O hold Eun Ah upper arm then lightly pulled her to sit. Seungho chuckled while shook his head as put his hand around his girl shoulder when she back on her seat.

“Congratulation you two..finally” Eun Ah chuckled while Sung Rin only smile shyly. “Thanks” Seungho grinned. “Come on, let’s order something.. I’m hungry” G.O raised his hand and calling a waiter.

“Yes..sajang-nim.. what can I do for you?”

“Yah.. I’m not your sajang-nim..that’s my parent not me”

“Haha..let it be oppa” Eun Ah tapped his back. The waiter bowed to him as his apology.

“What do you want to eat Eun Ah?” “Hmm…I want Vongole”

“Ok..one Vongole” The waiter nodded while write down the order. “What about you Sung Rin?” G.O moved from his girl to Sung Rin.

“Hmm..I want..oh..Baked Lobster” Sung Rin smiled to the waiter. He smiled back then wrote down her order. “I want Tenderloin steak”

“Give me Prawn Salad” Seungho is the last. “And one usual wine..ok, that’s all” G.O dismissed the waiter. He bowed then disappeared from their sight.

15 minutes later their order came. Sung Rin smiled widely when she looked at her lobster while Seungho sighed when he saw all of their foods. In seconds they start to eat.

“G.O..where’s your chef came from?” Seungho said while examine his untouched salad. “Italy..wae?” G.O munched his steak. Sung Rin and Eun Ah munched their food and looked at Seungho at the same time.

“Italy? Really?! Look what he’s doing.. He flipped your meat too early that’s why you a bit difficult to slice it” G.O rolled his eyes at Seungho statement then back to eat again.

“And look at Eun Ah Vongole..he tortured the pasta..too much heat” Seungho continued. Eun Ah looked at her Vongole then at Seungho with fork still inside .

“Ignored him..back to eat Eun Ah” G.O said without looking at her while Sung Rin stopped from eating and gritted her teeth at Seungho. “Look at your lobster Rin-Rin” He take the fork from her and make a small slice then taste it.

“How could they put spices on the lobster too not just the sauce? The lobster supposed to be plain..so it will taste fresh and look at this prawn..they” Seungho stopped by a whole cherry tomato shoved to his mouth.

He turned to his head to his left side and saw Sung Rin glared at him. “Stop talking and eat!” She make a face at him then back to her lobster again. G.O and Eun Ah couldn’t’ help but laughed at Seungho who glared at them still with whole tomato on his mouth.


“Ok..this is order from table 20 kids!” “Yes chef!”

“Two Tenderloin Steak..ten percent cooked” Seungho voice getting smaller at the end. “Ten percent cooked?!” The entire kitchen gasped. Seungho put his hands on his counter then leaned forward.

“Tsk! Tomorrow is German embassy gala dinner and they choose to come today?” Seungho mumbled with head down. “Thunder”

“Yes chef?”

“Take Sung Rin here”

“Sung Rin..hmm..do you mean sajang-nim chef?”

“Yeah..yeah..sajang-nim..quick..oh, G.O too” Thunder nodded and start to walked but Seungho stopped him before he out from the kitchen. “Don’t say anything to her” “Yes chef”

In minutes Thunder back to the kitchen with Sung Rin and G.O behind him. “What happened Seungho-ah?”

“Ten percent cooked” Seungho replied without looking at G.O. “Mwo?! Where?!”

“Table 20” “Tsk! They choose to sit in the corner?!” G.O hissed. “Hmm..boys.. did I miss something?” Sung Rin looked at Seungho and G.O. Seungho sighed then standing straight and look at her.

“Sung Rin.. G.O will explain it to you..sorry but I have to make the order” Seungho a bit smile then moved to his stoves beside his counter. Sung Rin frowned.

“Ok..do your best” G.O take her wrist then pulled her out from the kitchen. Sung Rin followed him but her head turned back and locked to Seungho who focus on his steak.

“Oppa..what happened?” Sung Rin stopped her track when they arrived in the dining room. “Critic” G.O sighed. “Ne?”

“Do you see two women on table 20?” G.O pointed at one table in the corner. “Ne..who are they?”

“DINE magazine” “Mwo?! They are from DINE magazine?!”

“Yes.. I guess I don’t need to explain to you”

“Hmm..Their judgment really affected our restaurant image?”

“You think why your mother changed our chef with Seungho?” Sung Rin only blinked her eyes at G.O words.

“Our chef before Seungho..he almost ruined everything..that’s why your mother asked Seungho to worked here, besides all DINE reviewers know about him”

“Mwo? He really that good?” Sung Rin raised her eyebrows. G.O chuckled before answer her.

“Midas of Pasta.. it’s DINE CEO who gave him that name when he accidentally visit Seungho restaurant in France when he was a Sous chef and after that, news spread”

“Wow” That all Sung Rin said. “Why? Proud with your boyfriend?” G.O teased. Sung Rin scrunched her nose with smile at him then back to table 20 again.

Few minutes later Seungho finish with the steak and join G.O and Sung Rin watching two food critics from a distance. “What do you think Seungho?”

“They came here not for me” Seungho said while intertwined his hand with Sung Rin who was standing in between G.O and him. Sung Rin looked at Seungho then at their hands and back to Seungho again.

“What do you mean?” G.O turned to him then he grimaced when he saw they were holding hands. “Seriously..they supposed to talk about foods! Tsk!”

Sung Rin open , ready to ask them but a waitress stopped her. “Excuse me but customer in table 20 want to meet all of you” “All of us? Not just the chef?” Sung Rin surprised.

“Come on” Seungho released her hand then put his hand on her back while they walked towards the food critics. They bowed to the food critics when they reach their table.

“Long time no see chef” One of the food critics looked up to Seungho “Long time no see” Seungho nodded his head once.

“You too Mr.Jung” “Yes..long time no see”

“And..you must be the new sajang-nim” “Annyeonghaseo..Park Sung Rin imida”

The other one looked at Sung Rin from top to toe before talked “Park Sung Rin..so you are Mrs.Park daughter..no wonder you are the new sajang-nim”

Sung Rin taken aback with her statement. “I never thought you pay attention to that. I thought you only put your attention to the food”

“Relax Mr.Jung.. I just want to greet her”

“Yes.. I’m her daughter and it’s not a surprised if I take over this restaurant but my mother has a professional judgment so she won’t let me takes over this restaurant if she think that I’m not capable enough”

“Hmm…fair enough, so do you know why I order ten percent cooked steak?” Sung Rin surprised with her question but before she answer, Seungho suddenly chuckled.

“Something is funny chef?” One of the food critics raised an eyebrows at Seungho while G.O and Sung Rin looked at him confused.

“Does she look like a 15 years restaurant owner? Do you really think she takes over this restaurant just because she’s the single heir of this restaurant? She could takes over her oil refinery family or her family property business but she choose this restaurant because she capable to handle this restaurant”

“Alright then.. will see”

“Enjoy the food but excuse us..we have to go” Seungho bowed then walked away follow by Sung Rin and G.O. Sung Rin went straight to her office to calm herself down.

She folded her arms on chest while looking outside her glass wall. Her mind was fly away when someone sneak into her office and encircling her waist from behind.

“Omo!” She immediately tipped back her head and she earned a peck on her cheek. “Oppa! You surprised me” She looked back to the outside while leaned her head on his shoulder.

“Don’t over think about it..they just jealous” Seungho peck her cheek again. “Jealous?” She chuckled.

“Yes..because you are awesome” He tightening his hug. Sung Rin chuckled then tipped back her head to peck his lips.

“Come on” Seungho broke his hug then pulled her to the couch beside her desk. They were sat down side by side. Sung Rin encircling his waist from the side and rested her cheek on his chest while Seungho put his arm around her shoulder.

“What if I ruined this restaurant image?”

“No..honey..you won’t” Seungho kissed her top.

“You think so?”

“Hey.. I got your back.. I will always there for you, just like my promised when were kids”

“Thank you” Sung Rin looked up while smile to him.

“Anytime” Seungho kissed her forehead then her nose tip and stopped on her lips. He her chin while give more pressure to her lips. He tipped his body towards her while deepened his kiss. He her lower lip a bit longer before break the kiss.

“No need to worry..you are awesome.. I believe you” Seungho give a peck on her lips. “Thank you” She chuckled. “You’re welcome” He pecked her lips again.

He pecked her lips again and over again until Sung Rin pulled back her face. “Oppa..you make my lips numb” She chuckled. “I don’t care” He pecked her lips again but then

Knock! Knock!


hey hoooo!!

I hope you like this chapter and I hope I'm not too slow

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Tabi0411 #1
Chapter 13: Ok2..new story pls keke
Chapter 12: OMO JOONIE OPPA!! ;~;
Chapter 12: jooon...... hua........ thats joon roght????? omo..... please update soon sist ^^
r0ckst34dy #4
Chapter 12: Poor Joon XDXD just come to me Joon~~ *3*
Tabi0411 #5
Chapter 12: It was joon right!!!keke...i like2 uodate soon
Tabi0411 #6
Chapter 11: Who knock the door keke..i dont care my lips numb if seungho who was kiss me hahaha..update soon
Dalily #7
Chapter 11: ohh,,daebak..i guess its the food critics who knocked the door..OMG..!!..n it will effect their reputation as the chef n restaurant owner..keep update please..!!
Chapter 11: Daebak! Update soon
Tabi0411 #9
Chapter 10: Yay they together now...aww poor joon hoho..new character??update soon
r0ckst34dy #10
Chapter 10: Pls give Joon to me TT3TT