Her and Me

Rose Beauty


Rose beauty chaerin was a girl who mirrored her name. The meaning of it, of why she was called that was obvious from the first moment a person laid eyes on her. Her long chestnut hair falling in flawless locks, the movement of it echoing as it shoulders. Each gesture she made was an elegant patter. Her laugh ringing in the surrounding, dispersing happiness to each whom heard it. Her smile, prettier than any I’ve ever imagined. And here I was lucky enough to be with her.

“I’m going to be late to school so I have to go now! Bye” she yelled kissing me on the cheek as she rushed outside the house; she never was good at waking up early. I laughed still not believing my fortune to have her in my life.

Coughing I tossed around the bed, sweat drenched across my forehead, my heart pounding in my chest threating to break free. It was that dream again, the one that keeps haunting me, even though I say I’m not afraid, even though-

“Jiyong? Jiyong are you awake?” murmured a soft voice its owners head peeking through the doorway. I smiled, yes that voice was the cure to my situation, it always has been “yes dear I’m fine” I replied happily, shifting my weight so that I balanced on one hand.

“Oh wait don’t move! I’ll help you!” she said nervously running towards me, the gentle Swish of the hem of her gowns swaying gracefully in the surrounding. Her smell, seductive warm and passionate.

“I loved her, I loved that soothing voice, I loved that smell, I would never be able to express to her just how much I loved her”

I hummed silently inhaling as much of her as I could as she put her hand on my shoulder another on my waist.

“Come on” she prodded “try to get up”

“Uh huh” I rejected pulling her towards me as I rolled her over, “it’s been so long since I’ve touched you hasn’t it?” I murmured, seizing her lips as I gently prodded further. She hummed returned the kiss then pushing me away.

“It’s because your weak honey! Don’t tire yourself! “And with an anxious voice she rolled away and helped me up again. I smiled.

“I wished I could touch her more, be with her more, laugh with her more, make her feel as happy with me as I did with her”

After finishing dinner we headed for the amusement park, my arms locked in hers, daring any guy to say otherwise, she was my woman today and always.

“You don’t have to hold me that hard, it’s not like anyone’s going to challenge you” she laughed pinching my cheeks.

“Of course they would, hell if I didn’t have you id challenge any guy that’s with you just after a glance” I retorted buffing my chest as I coyly looked strong. She laughed squeezing my arm.

 “And I’d challenge any girl for you to honey “she murmured her voice purring as she seized my lips. My heart skipped a beat; it always did when she kissed me, every time.

“Just remember not to have too much fun! We have to go to the doctors tomorrow!” she exclaimed as I dragged her behind me, heading towards every ride.

“Sure sure” I replied pulling my tongue out and ushering her into a ride.

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courageAnd she’s given me more courage than I could have ever asked for . my weak body  becomes strong at the mere thought of her”

The birds were chirping again, happy excited, loud like any other day. Never reading into the emotions of the people gazing at them. Oblivious naïve creatures, happy merely at the essence of life. And yet I’ve longed to be like them.

“Mr. Jiyong” exclaimed the doctor, his loud voice piercing through the silent atmosphere demanding all attention.

“Yes doctor? “I murmured smiling.

“Oh the girl’s not here?” he stated staring at my expressionless face he continued “your results came in today and the news”

“Mmmm” I hummed waving my feet around.

The doctor sighed, grabbed a chair and placed it near me. He sat down abruptly as he shifted through his papers. The silent repetitive sound of the dripping water from my cup intensifing it's rhythm, matching up with the soft movement of papers.

“I’ll just say it outright, I’m afraid it’s impossible, in your case we cannot experiment and I believe you know what that means?” he sighed rubbing his forehead as he continued

“Mr. Jiyong…………I’m afraid your eyesight cannot be recovered, since you were born with the mutated gene, no nerve cells are connected to your sockets and likewise to the brain, so unfortunately it seems like you’ll have to live like you’ve always done throughout your life”

I smiled, I always knew it would never work, yet my heart clenched, trapped in my own body it shrank. I’ll never be able to see her, my life, my love my chaerin.

A knock echoed through the room as a girl rushed in grabbing my arm “how did go? What is the news?” panicked chaerin her voice high.

I smiled at the sound of her, I always liked to imagine how she looked, the feel of her soft features, her curves, her hair, I imagined the greatest beauty to mankind one exclusively owned by me , yet I’ve never been able to see her and when I finally think I’d be able to indulged at her sight , I’m prevented. I feel so unworthy of her right now, so unworthy.

“Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye. “
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.  


(its not really a sad story but i wanted to write it :) thanks for reading)

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Chapter 1: Omfg this is so goood!
Chapter 1: omg! this is so good and sad :'(

my man gd! he's blind.. and never will be able to see chae. T.T
merna8 #3
Chapter 1: I loved loved it! And I liked the quote you used for story :D great job
Chapter 1: Nasjdskosidffjejss IT HAS BEEN TOO LONG since ive read a skydragon fic though i often write one. And this is awesome. I love your tone~ reminded me perfectly of the fairy tales i used to read as a child

Ah, beautiful Chae Rin and jiyong <3 these two amaze me despite the odds set against them /sobs/
