Saw Him

My Hyung

I slowly walked towards the huge white dull building as I looked at my surroundings. There were a lot of students here, walking in pairs or groups while chatting away with each other happily. I pursed my lips together; I felt a little upset. I felt like I was the odd one out, having no one to talk to here. I couldn't blame anyone really, since that day was my first day of school. I boldly walked in, looking at my schedule I was holding.

I pushed back my spectacles, taking a closer look at the paper. I had History first. I scratched my head, where was I suppose to go for History? I looked around, wanting to ask my new schoolmates for directions. I changed my mind, I could just find the classroom myself. I didn't want to ask ,well, because I was a bit shy around strangers. Just a bit.

"You are new aren't you?" I turned,seeing a blond haired guy,smiling at me.

"Y-yea"He smiled wider.

"Oh! Want me to help you? You looked lost" I gave him a weak smile and showed him my schedule.

"W-Where is this class?"I asked.

"Ah, Class 1B? You are the same class as me! Hehe, come let's go there together!" We walked together to the class, he was really very friendly and I didn't have a hard time talking to him. We learned that we had the same interest, dancing.

"You like dancing?Cool, oh my name is Zelo by the way"

"Mine is Jongup" We reached class and it was time for the lesson to start. The teacher called me out, asking me to introduce myself in front of the class. I unwillingly went up and they were staring at me. I felt very nervous and tried to calm myself down.

"M-My name is M-Moon J-Jongup!"

Before I knew it, everyone was laughing at me even the teacher. Even though they kept saying "cute"or something positive about me as I sat down on my seat situated near the window, I felt that I messed up big time. I was always nervous when I stood on stage. But if it was for dancing, well, I just focused on dancing, dancing my nervousness away. It always worked that way, and I liked it that way.

The teacher started teaching and I sighed, I didn't really like to listen to the teacher now. I already know what he was going to say, I read the textbook already. I started to doodle on my textbook, drawing emperors and warriors at the empty space beside the text.  I sighed again, history was boring if he lectures us. He didn't joke around or made the class livelier, everyone was silently looking at him,doing who knows what.

I looked out of the window,smiling as I saw a class having some Physical Education lessons. They were running laps and I could see the teacher shouting,asking them to move faster. I watched as the girls chatted while the guys were mimicking the teacher for fun. But something caught my eye among them.

He was jogging at his own pace, with some guy beside him.He had this pretty face, to me the most handsome face I had ever seen. He had this expressionless face while jogging, beside his friend who was talking to him happily.But even without emotions, he still looked really handsome. To me.

I didn't know what that some guy say to him but I think it was something amusing because he smiled weakly,looking at his friend.I watched in awe as that smile turned into a bright one,showing off his white pearly teeth. His smile was pretty,especially when he had those dimples.

I blinked, was this guy real?He looked both adorable and handsome with that eye smile, that cute eye smile.And it seemed that his friend liked it when he smiled.I frowned as I noticed his friend's eyes were particularly glued onto him and I saw his friend grinning wider when he smiled. Somehow I was feeling a little upset, I didn't know why.

I was so engrossed into admiring that guy, wanting to know who he was. He looked beautiful when he was jogging, when he stopped jogging, when he was drinking water, when he was just standing looking at the teacher. Looking handsome doing anything.

I got the shock of my life when his eyes suddenly shot up, he was looking right at me. I felt a rush of adrenaline and my heart exploding looking into his pretty eyes. I felt my cheek was burning and I didn't know why, I suddenly had a burst of energy and stood up, eyes glued to the guy. He was tilting his head ,looking at me with a worried look. My heart skipped a beat,oh my gosh, he looked so handsome yet so cute with that look, his eyes were looking too pretty now. He was looking too pretty now.

"Jongup? Why are you standing?"My head turned to the teacher, I forgot that I was in class now.


"Are you okay? Your face is red..."I nodded quickly.

"I am fine! Okay! Alright!"

"Then, sit down, and pay attention, now let's..." I sighed, as I hung my head down in embarrassment. I dared to look outside again, and saw him walking with his friend to somewhere. I smiled, the guy was affecting me so much.




During lunch, I sat on the same table as Zelo's,eating and talking together.

"What happened to you during History? You suddenly stand up for no reason"

"Yeah, I do that a lot" I lied, of course I did lie.Who would do that? Standing for no reason?

"Ah, ohh I see..."

Then, he walked into the cafeteria. The guy I saw. I blinked as he walked through the crowd,going to buy his food. He still look so handsome, so cool.

"What are you looking at?"Zelo asked.

"Nothing" I lied, I didn't want him to know I was looking at this hot guy. But, Zelo must know who he was right?

"Zelo! Who is that guy, with the red-brown hair?"Zelo turned and looked at me.

"Him? Oh, the handsome guy queuing? That Yoo Youngjae hyung"

"How do you know him?"

"Oh hyung? He is popular, I heard of him being so smart and so fit.And sings well"

"Really?!"He sounded like he was a role-model. Handsome, intelligent and healthy. And could sing. It made me wonder how his voice sounded like, how his singing might be like. Chris Brown?

But my thoughts were interrupted when I saw his friend behind him,talking happily to him. I watched as they went to sit down, his friend looked like he was on cloud nine feeding Youngjae his food and Youngjae going the same.

"Jongup, why are you frowning?"

"No, I am not" I denied, I don't know, I felt that I dislike his friend a little." Who is with him?"

"Oh, with Youngjae hyung? Jung Daehyun hyung, his friend. Also could sing well..."I nodded, somehow I couldn't stand seeing him and his friend trying to feed him or laughing with him.

"Psh..."Did I just feel jealous.

I didn't know for how long did I stared at Youngjae before realizing he was leaving already.

"Yah Jongup, I know you were looking at hyung."

"N-no, eh, he is leaving"

"See!"I blinked as I watched Youngjae hyung left with his friend, I frowned, was he so close with his friend?

"Jongup, you like Youngjae hyung is it?"

"No, I don't! He just looked handsome that's all"

"Yeah, let's go to class now!"

I walked on, with thoughts of Youngjae hyung in my head. I didn't like him right? He just looked so attractively handsome to me that's why I kept looking at him.Yeah...

And Youngjae hyung is handsome.


Especially with his smile.


hello! Hope you like this update!

I try to update ASAP:D

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Chapter 3: awww Jongup and Junhong are going to get beat up.. I hope someone steps in and saves them...
Chapter 2: OoOoOO Daehyun doesn't like Jongup already.. they'll be both fighting over Youngjae's attention =]
Chapter 1: ahhhhh sooo cute.. Jongup is totally falling for Youngjae =]
Chapter 2: This was so cutee ^-^
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Chapter 2: my god damn youngup feels.
Chapter 1: Yongjae is handsom! aish...update soon pleaseee~!!!!
Chapter 1: youngjae is handsome. I even love him so much. HEHEHEHEEHEHEHHEHEe -spaz- update soon! :D