
❄Hearts in Motion❄

You were on your best friend's car blind folded as you two make your way to gosh who knows where? Several times you’ve asked him where you two headed and several times he ignored your question. You stopped asking eventually and now that car was quiet, you only heard the silent roar of the car as it climbed up a hill and Luhan’s silent yet comforting breathing.

Suddenly you felt his touch on the back of your hands and he held it gently then you heard him chuckle, “We’re almost there... So stop worrying okay? Im right here” he reassured you. Though it was his fifth reassurance you were still anxious about the place, why wouldn’t you anyway? It’s like 5.45 am in the morning and the next thing you know... You're in your best friend's car blindfolded as if you were kidnapped. 
You could tell that the car was on a rocky road for you heard the tiny pebbles being crushed by the car's wheels. You hoped you’d fall to sleep though, but when that thought crossed your mind, Luhan had already pulled over. 
“Are we here Luhan?” You asked, slightly turning your head towards where he sat, your mouth agape. Your friend didn’t answer you. He just got out of the car and locked the door. 
“Luhan!? Aish..” You loudly groaned while you slumped on your seat with your arms crossed. He was creeping you out by his sudden action change, normally he would treat you differently for example: trolling you 24/7.
The doors unlocked and cold air invaded the cabin of the car as Luhan gently pulled you out from your seat. The cold breeze brushed throughout your skin which made you shiver. Luhan held your hand while his other looped around your back and his hand found you upper waist as he escorted you.
“Where are we?” You grinned at the situation. The way he was holding you made your heart flutter as well as making you blush; lucky it was still dark or he’ll be able to see your pink cheeks. *Luhan, you better have a good reason for doing this* You grunted in your mind.
Luhan clicked his tongue, “Are you that impatient?” He sighed and pulled you blindfold off. You slowly opened your eyes to see the vast lake, the trees looking dark as if you were looking in a painting. Your mouth was shaped like an 'o' which became wider when you looked up in the starry sky and being totally captivated by the sight, “Oh what are we doing here again?” You mumbled and raised an eyebrow. 
Luhan his lips in nervousness. He feels like his heart was going to explode by the way you look at him. He knew he had to let you know what he feels about you now, no more dilly dally-ing. Many girls had made him felt this ways, yes, But there when it wasn't you, he still felt emptiness and now he realizes that it was you who completes him, the missing part in his puzzle.
You awkwardly bit your bottom lip as you found Luhan only staring at you like you didn’t say a word. You just want to punch him right now, for making you feel uneasy inside (in a good way). “Luhan–”
“I Love You” He blurted out and looked away. He felt like his heart was hammering itself out of his chest right now. *Dont chicken out now Luhan...You’ve got to confess* He self encouraged himself inside. 
“W-What?” You stuttered, unsure weather you heard it right.
“I-I said I love y— the view” He mumbled and scratched ; looking at the horizon. Your face fell in disappointment but you tried so hard to hide it so that he wont notice, “ too. We should get going Luhan, thanks for bringing me here” You let out a small smile. You turned by using your heel to head to the car until Luhan spun you around by the arm and you ended up close to him, your hand on his chest and his eyes looking into yours.
“Im Sorry, I chickened out. I should’ve told you this a long time ago, I Love You... I was too scared to tell you because I was scared that you won’t feel the same and that this might ruin our friendship. And now, Im in front of you... Telling you how I feel and now I gotta ask you if you feel the same..Do you? Do I make your heart hammer away when you see me? Just like what you do to me?” He took a short breath as he leaned his forehead on yours and putting your palm where his heart rests.
You were taken aback by his words, not to mention the closeness. You gulped. You opened your mouth to say something but closed it. It was hard to find the right words, especially when the guy of your dream just confessed his feelings for you. Instead, you tip toed a bit and gently crashed you lips with his. 
Both of you were frozen like a picture. Well like people say, actions speak louder than words. You pulled yourself away from him and covered your now crimson red face, “Im sorry...oh gawd” You groaned. 
A grin crept on Luhan’s lips. Suddenly finding a reason to tease you about, “No... I like that. Do that again.” He demanded. You slowly removed your hands from your face and let out a tiny huff, “Wha-”
Your baby faced Prince pulled your chin by using his fingers and crashing his lips on yours but this time you it wasn’t that kiddie type kiss, it was a real kiss you longed for. Butterflies bloomed in your stomach, the same time the sun was rising. *Never thought you had this in You Luhan.*
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I request for d.o oneshot~ ^^ It's up to you for the scenario~
I want xiuminnnn T u T and how about the story, is up to you author-ssi! Thank youuuu<3 /bbuingbbuing /bow