
We Can Call It Fate

He opened the car door and let me in as the crowd congratulate us and waving at us. I managed to smiled even though there were a lot of things running in my head.

Once he drive away, I anticipating that he will changed back to the cold Kris. But he didn't.

"It's fun, isnt' it?" he said while smiling to me.

I looked at him puzzled. "Could you tell me what happened?"

He tilted his head. "What do you mean?"

"You suddenly changed from the cold Kris to you right now. What happened? Are you some kind of... bipolar or something?"

He laugh at my statement, and he stopped the car on the sideway.

"Didn't you remember who I am?" he asked.

"Of course you're Kris. Why did you ask?"

He chuckles.  "Remember leaving this behind?" he pull out a ring.. My lost ring, the one I attached to my phone as ornament.

"Where did you find this?" I take the ring and sighed in relief.

"It accidentally broke and fell in my house earlier.."

"Thank you for returning this to me.. You don't know how precious this is for me.." I smiled.

He pull his necklace and show me a promise ring as the pendant. The same ring as the ring on my phone ornament. "Now, you know who I am?"

I stunned. "Wu... Fan?"

He smiled. "I finally found you, Mei Li."


"Wu Fan, why did you call me Mei Li?" I asked Wu Fan.
"Yīnwèi nǐ shì "měilì" (because you're "beautiful")"
"What does that mean, Wu Fan? You know I don't understand Chinese." I frowned "You didn't
badmouthing about me, right?"
He laugh. "You'll have to find it out by yourself.."



It's our elementary school graduation.
"Mei Li, I have to tell you something.." Wu Fan said after he pulled me to our favorite place, under a big tree behind our school.
"What is it?"
"I'm moving to America next week.. My dad want me to study there.." he hang his head low.
I freeze. "You're not... coming back?"
"I don't know.."
"You're leaving?"



Wu Fan's departure day.
"Mei Li.." I hear him called me from outside my window.
I opened my window and see him waving from below the balcony.
"Catch!" he said while throwing something up to me. I catch it and something something small in my palm. It's a ring.
"It's my promise, Mei Li! I will come back! Just wait, I will be back to you and I will never leave again!"
"Wu Fan, we should go now.." I heard his parents call him.
"I'm going, Mei Li.. I promise I'll find you!  I will take care of you for the rest of my life!" he said one last time before he head to his parents.



"Why did you tell me just now? That you know who I am?" I asked him.


"Well, I just know when I find that ring. And when I was about to chase you, the butlers are taking me away for wedding preparation. So I decided to tell you later." he explained. "I can't believe that I actually fulfill my promise to you unknowingly. I think we can call it fate.."

I laugh. "Well, I think we should call it that way.."

He kissed my forehead and hug my shoulder. "From now, I will never leave again."

"Promise?" I asked him.

"Promise.. Then, shall we off to our honeymoon?" he smirked.

"Hey!" I playfully hit his shoulder as he laugh and drive away.




I'm sorryyyyyy it's kinda crappy. LOL.. Since English was not my first language, it's kinda awkward to write in English. Plus, I was kinda rushed to write this since mid-term exam is coming tomorrow, but now I was slacking off.. LOL.. Please comment so I can improved my story on the next fic :D thank you :DD

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yawennie #1
Chapter 4: I have a midterm tomorrow, but here I am reading this! I enjoyed it very much, haha. ^__^
Chapter 7: Sequel pleaseeee
Chapter 2: such a nice story!!
are you thinking of making it longer or a sequel would be awesome?! :D
chocolatefreak #4
nicely written!!
can you make a sequel?
Chapter 4: it's so nice