Cotton Socks


     It wasn't the first time that Daniel watched Minsoo leave in the rain without an umbrella. He wondered if he even owned one. He would arrive in the rain and leave in it, regardless of his wellbeing. Daniel always got worried when his colleague walked off in the rain as if it was nothing. As if it wasn't cold, as if he wouldn't catch a cold. Which is why Daniel brought two umbrellas with him to work today. In the foyer, he changed his shoes for slippers, being deliberately slow. A watchful eye over his shoulder, he waited for Minsoo who looked like he'd be late again. Just as Daniel was going to give up, in came Minsoo, trotting through the door soaking wet. The man relished in the warmth and dry of the building and strode over to his locker, opposite Daniel's. Daniel heard every movement Minsoo made. Every breath he took, he could even feel the heat radiating off of him. Time stood still and his breath hitched. Suddenly, Minsoo was gone and the ping of the elevator was the only trace left of him. Would it be like this everyday? Daniel couldn't cope with this, stood in a trance in the foyer, head spinning at the thought of being so close to the man. Minsoo didn't even know he existed.

    Daniel made sure all of his work was finished early so he could leave early. So he could hang around in the foyer and give Minsoo an umbrella. Yes - actually exchange words with him. Daniel wasn't sure if he could do this. It was too much. Minsoo would probably just ignore him and ran off in the rain and catch his death. He fiddled with his fringe as he waited at his locker, no doubt looking a bit silly -Finishing early and not going anywhere. Finally people started to leave. Some in large lively groups, others on their own. Daniel envied those with friends, he hadn't made any friends at work. All had was his job and his obsession with Minsoo. It wasn't healthy but he didn't know how to stop. He died to know what Minsoo was like out of work, when he was comfortable and relaxed. But he never would. No matter how many umbrellas he gave him, he knew it wasn't going to happen.

    Time ticked away and the late-workers started to file out. Daniel was about to go home, figuring he must've missed Minsoo somehow, when finally he heard that deep, honey-like voice. He was saying goodbye to fellow colleagues as he walked to his locker, slipping on his outdoor shoes. It was time to act. It was now or never. And if he couldn't do it for himself, he'd do it for Minsoo's health. Fear and apprehension be damned. Locking his locker, Minsoo headed for the door, glaring at the downpour of rain. He would have to hurry up or he'd miss him!

     "Mr. Bang! Here! Please take this!" Daniel held out the umbrella in front of him, looking anywhere but at the man in front of him. His soft chocolate tresses hiding his blush.

     Minsoo was taken aback and stared at the navy umbrella in bewilderment. A smile of amusement then spread across his face. A very warm smile, Daniel noticed as he glanced up for a spilt second, his blush darkening.

     "Thanks..." Minsoo took the umbrella gently before he waved it around, gesturing Daniel to fill in the gaps.

     "Oh! A-Ahn Daniel!" He kept glancing at Minsoo like he had some sort of nervous twitch he was half true because he was incredibly nervous. The blood pounded in his ears like African drums, and his breath was short which made wonder if he was asthmatic at all. He didn't know how to think - Minsoo had taken the umbrella!

     "Thanks, Daniel." Minsoo grinned widely, before he stepped out of the building and opening out the umbrella. He looked back at Daniel, flashing another dazzling smile before he ran out in the rain and out of sight.

     Daniel stood in the doorway staring at the outside world with a blank expression. He couldn't believe that had just happened. He actually spoke to Bang Minsoo! The boy then glanced at his watch and gasped. He too ran off in the rain, umbrella in hand.









I don't know if Korea take off their shoes for work... I think a few companies do in Japan... oh well. Well... Um... I hope you like it ^^ I'm sorry for the double NAP spam... Thanks for reading, commenting and subscribing :3 <3~~ (Also, I'm sorry for changing syles and such throughout these chapters... I try to be consistant T_T If it bothers anyone I'll go through all the chapters and make sure they're all the same)

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[cotton socks] WILL BE BACK! i'm writing a new chapter now :) who feels like some NAP?


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Chapter 17: I'm sobbing like a walrus<\3
Chapter 16: Crying T.T
Chapter 15: This chapter really called out to me especially with what's going on ;;-;;
Chapter 4: Wow. This was incredibly good!
choi_syra #5
Chapter 4: re-reading "Chain" and "Save" because it's been haunting me for days.

Guess it will haunt me even more...hopefully I'll dream about it (eeepp...what's this >_<)

I love that it's so dark and yet so beautifully written at the same time. :)
choi_syra #6
Chapter 27: Had a really bad craving for ChunJoe,NAP and ChangRick and found yours

Oh my Lord, these are golden ! I just love how you write those descriptions and the way you put those words into sentences.

My fave are (sorry I don't remember the title) when Byunghun confess to CHunji in the court yard, when Changhyun reunited with Jonghyun and when Niel gives umbrella to Cap.

Thank you for writing and please keep writing. I hope you have one super special muse that keeps that talent of yours exploding XD XD XD
Chapter 18: naaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
i wanted to see more chunjoe actually !!!!

but any ways this was really cute and funny hahahah , i can really imagine how frustrated daniel and minsoo looked xD

the whole this is social suicide hahaha
and the monologue starting from ( if u love him you would endure ridicule for him ..etc ) was really cool ^^
Chapter 19: *o*

omg wow
this too need to be a chaptered one !
I really really liked it !!!

the cycle word now reminds me of the fic cycle (chunjoe too )