First day of school

First Day of School ( oneshot )

Eunhyuk POV

Today is my first day of school. My mother accompanied me to school. We waited with the other children ouside of the office. All of the crying sounds are making me frustrated. I didn't cry because I knew I would make friends. At then, a particular boy caught my eye. He was cute and umm... hot? He didn't cry.

After some time, a lady whom I assume is one of the teachers, came and separate us into four classes. I was surprised as I was in the same class as the boy I saw just now. A teacher walked in. The class was still as noisy as before because of all the crying sounds. She first took attendance. Donghae...So that's his name...Sounds nice.

The teacher who just introduced herself as Mrs. Choi gave us some time to do the ice-breaking ourself as she filled in our particulars. I walked towards his place. He was all by himself. Maybe he is a loner? I thought. I chit-chatted with him and found him quite fun and amusing.

"Hey, what's your name?"

"D-Donghae...." Donghae replied quietly.

"Can you be my friend?My name is Eunhyuk." Eunhyuk asked while offering his hand.

"Sure! I loved to!" Donghae's face lit up as he shaked Eunhyuk's hand furiously.

"U-Um.....Can you let go of my hand? It hurts....What should we talk about?"

"What's your favourite animal?" Donghae asked. I looked into his eyes and found him very pretty, big puppy dog eyes, and also his plump lips....*smacksself* Why am I thinking so ertly?I'm just a primary 1 kid! *smacksselfagain*

"My favourite animal is a monkey. Many people said that I look like a monkey and also act like one.What's yours?" Eunhyuk replied as he showed his not-so-famous gummy smile.

"My favourite animal is a fish. Many people also said that I look like one." Finishing his sentence, Donghae made a fish face with both of his hands.

"Looks like we have many similarities!" Eunhyuk said excitedly.

"Yeah! Can a monkey and a fish be friends?"

"I-I think so....Even if they can't we will be the first pair of monkey and fish best friends!"

"Tsch... This two boys are so imaginative...Of course a monkey and a fish can't be friends! One lives on land, another one lives under water....How can they become friends?" Kyuhyun, who is sitting beside them said sarcastically.( yet softly )

Soon recess came. Some of our classmates headed to the tuck-shop while the rest of them made a bee-line towards their parents. Me and Donghae just hanged-out at the canteen. I bought myself and Donghae a bottle of drinks each with the pocket money my mom just gave me. All of this chit-chatting with Donghae had made me run out of saliva. Time to refill!

After recess, all of us went back to class reluctantly. Soon , me and Donghae cooperate and managed to coax a boy named Sungmin. When his tears subsided, we talked like there were no tomorrow.  We called ourselves "The Lee Brothers" as all three of us' last name is Lee. Some of the time, the teacher had to tell us to keep quiet as we were making too much noise and was disturbing other children. Every time, we just poked out our tongue at her and continued talking and playing around. Soon, we got to understand each other more.

"Ringggg......." There goes the school bell. Some of our classmates were relieved to go back home and meet their parents. On the other hand, we three were reluctant to just call it a day. Anyways, we all got home and I was surprised to see that the Evil Brat Kyuhyun got along pretty well with Sungmin when their personalities were like sky and ground. We promised each other to bring our favourite plushie to school tomorrow, Donghae a Nemo plushie, me a monkey plushie and Sungmin a bunny plushie. Turned out Sungmin loved pink. Weird. Nevertheless , I still like to be friends with him.

Maybe it was destiny. I wish the friendship bond between us will grow stronger by time and we will also make new friends. It really was a spectacular first day of school. I would love to come to school tomorrow.


A/N: AT LAST! I finally finished this fiction. My wrist hurts so much because of typing too many fan fiction... I'm going to sleep now~~

Did you guys enjoy the innocent friendship between them? I always wanted a friendship like that.... Nevertheless, comment! ^^

BTW, do you guys have any pictures of Eunhyuk's monkey plushie+Donhae's Nemo plushie? If you have please PM me~ kamsahamnida~~~

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Chapter 1: Ahh.. This is so innocent^^ maybe you should write this story as a chapter one xp
That'll be greaaaat~
Chapter 1: I thought the origin of Lee Brothers is ME!! XDD
btw what essay is it? who wrote it?