First Encounter

lovely doll

Tok ! Tok !

Donghae : Come in !

Secretary: Annyeong !

D : Annyeong ! what's that?

S : sir , here's all the documents that you need to sign for the meeting tomorrow morning ! (hold a little few documents on her hand )

D : Ok! i just need to sign all of that at my house later ! So ,put all of that in my car and im headed soon, And.... it's quite late ... so you might go and check our staff and tell them that you may all go home ! and remind again our staff for the meeting tomorrow ! it's a big cliant so we need their approvals !

S : ok , sir don't worry i tell them to work hard ! goodbye sir ! But sir we have one still problem !

D : what ? (raise voice) what problem ?

S : our clothing design is pretty good and high quality

D : then .? i know that !

S : we have a problem with our  supplier , they can't sent the mannequine tommorow morning here 

D : what ? (raise voice)

S : sir what if we just hired a model for tomorrow !

D : No ! it's just a meeting ! not a fashion show ! so why can we hired models? our client sure make fun of us ! and one more thing ! models cannot stand pretty for an hours . 

S : ok i'll find a way sir ! don't worry ! 



Donghae headed to his car at the parking lot , he distractted to a big box that cover with a white cloth ! so he put away the cloth and open the big box! he saw a beautiful mannequie that have no dress and full of dust !


D : i think it just left here and it's useless to the owner so they put it here ! Haixt! 

then he just remember what  his secretary said to him about the problem !!

D : i can use this for tomorrow ! it's quite good and suite in on a high quality dress

he picked up his phone and dialed his sec. number


"Hello Sir !"

"Oh ! Mrs. Kim don't worry about the mannequine .... i just find a way about it ! "

"really sir? that's good !" 

"ok i'll hung up this phone!"


after the conversation he put the mannequine beside her and drive home !


when he got home ! he put the mannequine at the sofa of his room and sleep well !



how was that reader ? i hope that it didn't get you bored ! please leave a comment so i know if someone appreciate my story ! KAMSAHAMNIDA!

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