Finally... it comes...

Finnaly, it comes...

Here the sequel...


It’s been a long time, Jae.

At least it was what I feel.

I think I just have a really worse nightmare when I hold your cold hands.

I think I just saw you yesterday sat in my car after finished your therapy.

We drove home while held each other hands. It was felt really warm. I took glance over him repeatedly, and I know he still smile with his eyes open. He trailed his curved finger through my face, passed every inch of it that he said the most handsome man in the world. The words that never failed make me blushed.

“Yunnie…”Jae called me with his still angelic voice if it’s sounded a bit hoarse.

“Hmm… what is it, baby?”

“I want to ask you something… answer it honestly, ne?”

“Um! What is it?”

“What in me that make you loved me?”

I took glance again at him again. I think I should stop the car and pay all of my attention to him without shared it with the road, but I can’t. Jae must reach home soon, so he can take a rest.

“Let me think… umm, I think I just love one thing in you, boo…”

He stared at me and blinked his eyes. How cute!

“What’s that?”

“You.”I answer him as I rubbed his back hands.

“Yunnie…”Whined him.

“What? I do loved you because you are you, Jae. There is nothing else.”

Jae smile at me then cough and complain about his hurt head. I looked at him concern and worried, but he convinced me that he is ok.

“Just tell me one good thing about me.”

“Everything, boo.”

“Yunnie~, I said just one thing.”Jae pouted make me chuckle.

“I love your eyes, baby.”


“Because it’s always have my reflection in it.”

“Huh?!”Jae knitted his eyebrow not understand.

“Its make me know that you just look at me, Jae.”

“I do…”

I smile at him whom closed his eyes now.

“Jae, are you sleeping, baby?”I asked him.

Oh my, how I don’t want him close his eyes.

“Umh… I’m sleepy, Yunnie~ can I sleep?”He mumbled in his sleepy.

I chuckled then caress his cheek softly.

“Sleep, dear… I’ll wake you up when we reach home.”

Jae baby… you know that I love you, right? That I won’t do the same mistake that I’ve did. I’ll never leave you again, baby. But why it has to be turn like this? Are you taken revenge on me? Because baby, it’s hurt a lot when you leave me.

I parked my car in front of our house and smiled look at my beautiful angel still sleep in his seat. He looked so peace and… shining? He sure really tired after all of the therapy that he has done.

Unbuckled my seatbelt I turn to him. I caress his cheek and I feel a strange feeling. He’s cold. I know it was winter, the coldest winter in the year, but I don’t feel my cheek as cold as Jae.

Ok, I’m ing afraid now.

“Jae baby are you sleeping?”

No word comes out from his kissable mouth.

I shifted closer to him and hold tight his hands that felt cold as well.

“Baby~ you sleeping, aren’t you?”

Still no words.

I sigh and try to calm myself. ‘He just sleeping, Jung Yunho.’

“Jae honey, please…”

“Yunnie~ are we reach home already?”

I sigh in relief when he shifted in his sleep and answer me.

I hugged him tightly then kiss his eyes, nose, cheek, and full in his lips. Jae smile in my lips.

“Yunnie~, we still in the car…”

“You freaking me out, you know?”


We remain silent and I just make a move when I take over Jae’s seat and sat him in my laps. Jae snuggles into my chest.


“Yes sweetie…”

“You didn’t hate me right?”

“Of course not, baby. Why are you asking anyway?”

“I just want to go with a relief heart because I know you never hate me…”

“Baby… please don’t say those hurtful words… I can’t…”

“It’s come Yunnie~”

I knitted my eyebrows try not to spell tears down to my cheek and I know it’ll wet Jae’s forehead.

“Wh, what are you talking about, baby?”I asked with shaking voice because of afraid.

Jae, please don’t tell me you can’t hold it anymore. Don’t tell me you’ll leave me again and I know you will never come back this time.

“I’m sorry Yunnie~ I can’t keep strong… I’m too tired…”

“No baby please…”

“Yunnie~ remember that I always love you…”

“Boo, please don’t…”

I tighten my embrace and kiss his tip head. My tears trailed down my face and wet his hair.

“Here, kiss me…”

Jae lift his face up and closer his lips into mine. I closer to him because he seems cannot lift his face any further. I cupped his face and kiss him deeply and lovingly. I won’t let him go.

When our lips met, I feel my heart stop beating. I feel it hurt as if it ripped into million pieces.

Jae didn’t kiss me back. His eyes closed and I know he’s not sleeping this time.

I closed my eyes and cry my heart out.

Just half hour ago I think it’ll turn to be ok. I think it’s enough for me just to be with Jae like this. As we promised we will never think about the hurtful day that will come as long as we have time together. But now, it seems vanished all of suddenly.

My angel Jae didn’t breathe anymore…

Did I have a nightmare baby?

If so, then it is the worst nightmare ever.

Once again I look into your closed eyes and kiss it down to your lips. I want to taste you for last time baby, because you won’t come back to me again. You’ll fly to the high sky and far away from my reach.

I hear hard sob come from my behind. It’s Heechul hyung. He is crying hard and even he buried his face in Hankyung hyung’s chest, I still can hear his sob. He is crying harder.

I pull away from Jae’s lips and caress his cheek.

In the left side, Junsu who also crying hug Yoochun tightly as the latter pat his back with teary eyes too. Beside them there is your ‘baby’, Jae. He can’t stop his tears as well. Believe me, he cries not because he won’t taste your delicious food anymore but because he lost his caring ‘umma’.

Everyone crying here, Jae. Even your parents. They come today, baby.

I stared blankly when your body separated from me by ‘your last home’s door’. You know baby? I can’t feel my heart now. I can’t hear my heartbeat; I can’t turn my eyes from you.

“…don’t….”I whispered when they lift ‘your home’. My hand is trembling.

“Don’t!”I said more clear now when they put you into rectangular shaped hole. “Don’t do that…”

“Yunho-ah…”I can hear Hankyung hyung call me.

“Don’t do that to Jae.”

“Just do it.”

It’s your father. A man that is never put any attention to his son. the man that never know that his son was suffer because of the damn dangerous disease. Then how can he said that with a calm manner?

I don’t like your father, baby.

“Please don’t! I beg you… he…”

“Yunho-ah, let Jae go and rest in peace, ne? He won’t wake up.”Hankyung hyung told me something that I absolutely know.

“I can’t let him go…”

“Yunho-ah… I…”


Hankyung hyung hold me in his strong arms when I start run to you. They bury you down.

Oh no! You will cold down there.

“JAE, NO!  DON’T LEAVE ME BABY, PLEASE…”I shouted but you remain still. You didn’t wake up or destroy that case and run to me. You give up.

“…please don’t…”

I am weak in hyung’s arms. I fall on the ground.

I’m died, baby. I’m died with you…

My tears trail unstoppable from my eyes. Nothing more that I can do. I just can cry and screaming calls your name. Hope that you will hear me then wake up, even I know it’s impossible.

Rest baby…

Farwell love…

I’m here looking for our next meeting in the next world…

Wait for me…

I love you forever…


Huwwaaaaa…….. I’m sad because it’s such a worse sequel…. T_T

I really can’t focus in my story since my task is driving me crazy…

I’m so sorry…

I think I can make you all happy with this sequel after such a bad ending in the main story but guess I’m failed too in this…

I’m terribly sorry…

Anyway, please leave comment and don’t hesitate to tell that this sequel is ! But don’t bash me… just give me your opinion and suggestion for the nest story so that it will be better….

Thank you so much…. *bow*

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Chapter 1: Sooo sad!!! I liked the ending at the main story because he didnt die and they were still alive together and happy but now it shows jaejoong dying!!!:'(((( too sad!
Kim_Haeri #2
Chapter 1: and one more thing.......
How i wish i can close my eyes on half of my soul like umma and appa......
Kim_Haeri #3
Chapter 1: i just find this sequel......
God.,..u know what? I read this during my class and i cry hard....
Seriously i cry between my such a cry baby.

I really hope i can have some one who love me with their whole life.
Thats really a beautiful love that they share....

Thanks for your beautiful story....^~^
Skypeia126 #4
crying a river T______T
Sad but good
no...............why Joonggie have to suffer leaving Yunnie behind..<br /> was really amazing story..keep on writting..
I am just about to go to work and I'm over here teary eyed, it's all your fault! But that was such a good story, good job :)
kazuikazami #8
Xiah ini the best menurutku,,, Qm umur berpa sih?? Bagu nih!! Duh +collapse+<br />
Sedih banget niihh. Image Yunho oppa di otakku gimana gitu.. oh my God, Yunnie aq bersedia replace Jae for you. LOL
did you know?<br />
you are the master in making other people crying!!!<br />
T_T<br />
it's your fault... i can't stop crying!!! T_T
Im crying! Beautifuk!