First Kiss

My First Kiss Went a Little Like This...

 "I hate how these kids are like three-years old and they are already having their first kiss," I said as I look at a boy and a girl kids' picture kissing each other. Some people even think it's cute. NOOO! IT'S NOT! IF I HAVE A CHILD HE/SHE WILL NEVER KISS ANYONE EXCEPT FROM ME AND HIS/HER DAD, UNTIL SHE/HE IS 18!

 "You’re just jealous," Krystal said, nudging me in the stomach. 
  I push her elbow away and ask in an annoyed voice, “Why would I be?"
because you never had your first kiss taken."
  "So?" I forgot the whole MBLAQ is in the same room as f(x) is and there's a camera. I received 'o's and 'a's and laugh all over the room. We are currently shooting this new show with MBLAQ. Although I'm a social butterfly, I'm a little awkward to MBLAQ. We never really are close and they like the girl like the other members, not me.
  I look around the place I'm sitting at and every people are laughing their heads off. Now, I felt embarrassed. My cheeks became red and I put my hand on my mouth, stopping me from saying anything. "Really Amber? You haven't had you first kiss yet?" Seungho-hyung said wiping his tears. I nodded shyly. I feel so small with the sunbae with us. LOOK! I'm actually younger that they are.
  "That's cute," G.O-hyung said and everybody laugh again. I don't like being laugh at, although I let them do it, sometimes.
, it's not like you all had it already," I shot back. Guess what? Everybody laugh again. I face palm myself mentally. It's obvious they had it already.       "What's funny?" I tried to clear.
  "First, you called us 'hyung' second, it's obvious we got it already," Cheondung-hyung said.
  "On the first thing, do you want be to say 'oppa'? And on the second thing, what do you want me to say?"
  "On the second thing, you shouldn't have said anything. On the first thing, you should have used 'oppa'," Lee Joon-hyung answered. After that MBLAQ was quiet. Huh?
  "Nah, I like calling people hyung, better," I said trying to kill the silence.

 PD-nim told us to go back to our "dorm" and rest. In this show MBALQ and f(x) are living in the same roof. And we are assigned to be sleeping in the same room with one MBLAQ member. NOT IN A WAY YOU THINK! We sleep in the same room, but different beds. One more lovey-dovey-like thing and I would think this show is actually a match making show. 

 The crew lead us to the "dorm" and drop us off. An odd thing though, no cameraman was following us. I guess there and cameras all over the place so, so need for cameraman. We got on the elevator to the 5th floor and to number 189th door. We open it and a clean ordinary dorm appeared. Sounds of disappointments are all over the place. "This is it?" Mir-hyung said.
  "Well, this is what our PD bought us, so it up buttercup," Lee Joon-hyung said and walk
ed to a room. 
  "What's wrong with him?" I ask pointing at a sad Lee Joon.
  "Broken hearted," Cheondung-hyung said. Everybody snorted and laugh. 
  "I heard that," Lee Joon-hyung shouted over the walls. I gave "why" face and put my stuff on the couch. I don't have a lot (unlike my members)-I only have a luggage and that's it. 
  "So who's sleeping with whom?" I ask in English. Not a lot of people understand it, so Krystal and Cheondung-hyung translated it.
  "I don't know," they all said. Krystal's face became brighter and she look
ed like she has an idea.
  "Spill it out," I say.
  "How about, like play push-the-person-to-a-room game?"
  "How does-," before I can finish my members are pushing me to the room Lee Joon-hyung went it. I got in without using my force. I WAS TIRED OK? They successfully pushed me to the room and lock the door. 
  I turn around and I can see a Lee Joon in a singlet. I breathe in and out and try not to freak out. I walk casually to the other bed and curled myself there. 
  "What are you doing?" he ask
  "My members randomly push me here, so I think
Imma sleep here."
  "Ok? Where's you things?"
  "Oh, yeah...
Imma go get it." I walk to the door and twist the knob dozens of times, but it won't open. I yelled over the door, but no use. No answer. I sigh and walk over my bed and flop there again. 
  "It's lock?" Lee Joon-hyung ask
ed. I nodded my head and tried to sleep. 






  Minutes pass and I still can't sleep. Not with my jeans and everything still in my body. I sit up and look around. I look at Lee Joon-hyung who is looking at me too. His eyes sparkled from the moonlight in the dark room. "Since when did you stare at me like that?" I ask in a sarcastic voice. He got up of his bed and sit next to me. 
  "So you haven't had your first kiss yet?" he ask again.
  "Again?" I groan. 
  "You’re so cute," he pinch
ed my cheeks. An expected thing happened next. A pair of lips landed on mine; a sweet pair of them. I was so shock to react to a sudden event like that. He let go of them and smile. His smile light up the whole room. It's as precious as diamond and as fragile as a baby. I had never seen this kind of Lee Joon, ever.

 "So, they should be happy now," he said. 
  "What?" I was confuse
  "That I confessed."
   "From now on call me 'oppa'. I don't care if you reject me, as long as you call me 'oppa'." He kissed my forehead before crawling back to his bed. "Goodnight young princess," he said in a prince-like way.
  I touch my lips and smile.

                                                                 I love him... I guess...? 
I feel a tingly sensation on my tummy. I think I like the feeling on my lips.











 IiiHI there!!! 
hope you like it 

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Chapter 1: Mind to make a ones hot from lee joon pov , can a flash back ant him telling the others that he loves her?
sleepylips #2
Chapter 1: JoonBer!!!! awesome! ^_^

mblaq are dorky u cant not love them lol ^_^
Chapter 1: oh! its so cute! like it :*
Chapter 1: This is so cute! And I didn't know that amber already had her first kiss..
Ambertastic_baby #5
Chapter 1: OMFGAJDOSMFKAJDINXKA!!! THAT WAS SO CUTE!!!! Short but SWEET. Oh geez now I'm spazzing xD


Lol now I wanna see a show with these two groups in it....xD
Ambertastic_baby #6
D'awwwwww you made it!! Youre so sweet! I LOVE YOU!!! (In a totally non creepy kinda way xD) bday's not til next week but IM EXCITED FOR THIS!!